49,762 Topics
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Hi guys.. I'm facing a problem in my project. Basically its a small project for a retail store inbound section. The goods come in cartons and the user enters the carton ID in the UI to accept the carton. In the backend the carton details get updated in the table … | |
hi i'm new to c++ and i really would appreaciate it if someone could help me plz! i have to create aprogram to identify palindromes using character arrays and pointers. it shd continue requesting the user for phrases until quit is entered. i have t o use the following: -type … | |
I am developing a peer-to-peer RAT tool. The mechanism i use is as follows : client-side : connect to the server. server-side : listen and accept the incoming connection. The related code is as follows : [code] // client - side : void ClientDialog::connectToServer() { if (connectingSocket_.Connect (_T("bhoot"), PORT) == … | |
I am writing a RAT in which i have also included a keylogger as a DLL file. here is my code in the keylogger.dll : [CODE] //function.h -- the file which will be referenced by my RAT project file.///////////////////////// extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void setHook(); //keylogger.h////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if !defined(AFX_KEYLOGGER_H__5979CE3A_20A6_4172_BBF1_9F7C091CC182__INCLUDED_) #define AFX_KEYLOGGER_H__5979CE3A_20A6_4172_BBF1_9F7C091CC182__INCLUDED_ #if … | |
I'm on Dev-C++ default options, WinXP SP3, P4 w/ HT. When I c-shift a value, and then back I get back distorted values. Using the standard _rotr() and _rotl. [code] /*somewhere in main()*/ str = "I'm a fairy! abc xyz ABC XYZ"; printf("\n%s\n", str.c_str()); for(i = 0; i < … | |
When i compile my code i keep getting an error. *** glibc detected *** ./main: free(): invalid pointer: 0xbfb82c34 *** . I can not figure out for the life of me what the issue is. I think it may have something to do with my constructor. Any suggestions would be … | |
Threads are scheduled to run based on their scheduling priority. Each thread is assigned a scheduling priority. The priority levels range from zero (lowest priority) to 31 (highest priority). ***Only the zero-page thread can have a priority of zero. (The zero-page thread is a system thread responsible for zeroing any … | |
hi guys am a total noob with C++ and im trying to write a program that will take a user inputted integer and displays its divisors and then tell the user whether it is a perfect number or not. So far I have [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream> using namespace std; int … | |
I'm writing a function parser, which (hopefully) will be able to handle much more complex problems than basic operations. I've just completed the handling of the addition, subtraction, and brackets, but am at a loss of how to implement proper order of operations for multiplication and division. In order to … | |
Hey all.. i am working on a assignment for class currently, and am having a few difficulties. Right now i have a file that i am reading in, for each value read, i call my insert() function. This insert function push_bakc(item) into a vector, and then i call a function, … | |
[code=cpp]#include<iostream> using namespace std; int computeDifference(int hours_par, int minutes_par, char isAM_par, int hours2_par, int minutes2_par, char isAM2_par); //Precondition: Hours and minutes are input from the keyboard, hours must be in a 12- hour notation, // between 1 and 12. Minutes should be between 0 and 59. isAM must be either … | |
Hello everyone, I am having some difficulty with a class assignment, partially because the professor has assigned it before we have covered the material. I have created a general case for the classes, but I really don't know what the assignment is asking me to do. Any help is appreciated, … | |
ok i have everything done for my program but it says i didnt declare myQ i dont understand some help would be nice here is the main #include <iostream> #include "queue.h" using namespace std; int main() { Queue myQ; int i; for(i=0;i<SIZE;i++) { myQ.enqueue(i*2); } myQ.dequeue(); myQ.dequeue(); cout<<myQ.front()<<myQ.back()<<endl; while(!myQ.empty()) { … | |
hi, i'm workin on a lab for an intro to computer science class which deals with c++... one of the ten parts of it says the following Read about the getline command for fetching an entire line from a input stream. Then make a text file of mixed words and … | |
My name's makhtar new member. i was looking at the website and really like it. talking about that i have a huge problem and i need help. Can somebody help me urgently. You are to develop a program for an auto dealership. This program will keep track of the auto … | |
Hi All, I want to set the version number of my application and show it in my form. Going through some forums, I read that I had to implement 'Version' in my resource file, so that's what I did. But... after setting the version in the resourcefile to and … | |
Hi everyone, as the heading already says i want to check whether a folder is a network share or not. So far i tried to achieve this by reading the file attributes but that did not lead to the right solution. If anyone here knows how to do this please … | |
I don't usually ask for help on these but I missed a day of class and I'm a bit out of the loop. We're going over structures and for HW my instructer likes to do code fixes where theres code with errors that we need to correct. Anyways, I'm reading … | |
I have a bunch of sort methods in a class: [CODE=cplusplus] typedef int DataType; void bubbleSort(DataType theArray[], int n); void insertionSort(DataType theArray[], int n); void mergesort(DataType theArray[], int first, int last); void quicksort(DataType theArray[], int first, int last, char * pivot_type); void selectionSort(DataType theArray[], int n); [/CODE] In my main … | |
This is QT btw. I get the following error when i write "make" in the terminal window: [code]QObject::setParent: New parent must be in the same thread as the previous parent[/code] here's my headerfile: [code]#ifndef MAINWINDOW_H #define MAINWINDOW_H #include <QDate> #include <QMainWindow> #include <QTableWidget> class QAction; class QLabel; class MainWindow : … | |
I can use ShellExecute to easily open a URL in a new default browser window. I'd like subsequent URLs to be opened in the same window, but ShellExecute always opens a new window/tab. I've been looking on google and msdn, but there doesn't appear to be a simple solution. Do … | |
Hi all, I was developing my app under Linux, using the Loki library. No I am trying to work on it using visual c++ under windows XP. I can compile without errors both my project and the loki library, which created a loki_D.lib. I include this .lib through the makefile. … | |
[code] //checks for leap year bool checkLeapYr(int year) { bool isLeap; if ((year%4=0) && (year %100!=0) || (year%400=0)) //error here. Non-Ivalue assignment { isLeap=true; return isLeap; } else { isLeap=false; return isLeap; } }//end function check leap year [/code] i have the above function to check if a year is … | |
Hello, I'm am really new to C++; I've only been doing it for a couple of months. However, in my class, I have no idea what I've been doing wrong...I'm posting my program and the assignment because I desperately need the insight. I'm not sure if I am in the … | |
I would like to know once and for all how to convert a double to a const char* I've tried it a few times, but have never succeeded, I know it can be done, but I haven't figured out how to yet. I've tried some different things. Sometimes it won't … | |
You are the owner of a sportswear store that sells tennis shoes of three different brands. The shoes have different prices, as follows: 1. Nike: $100.95 2. Sketchers: $125.5 3. Adidas: $92.45 Write a program that does the following: • Ask the user to enter a product number (1 3: … | |
I am having a major problem with a really simple File I/O operation. I have a pretty simple datafile filled with a list of names and courses. [CODE=text] Happy Singing Dopey Dancing Sneezy Etiquette Slimey Math Grumpy Mining Slinky Karate Happy Mining Dopey Mining Doc Singing Doc Math Doc Medicine … | |
Hi, I'm a newbie to this site, but I will soon be an active member. Currently I'm writing a program where one of my methods has to read data from a text file and set it to an array. I then need to display that data in the console, but … | |
Hello DaniWeb members, I need some help with a program I made that I couldn't figure out the logic to complete the program should make 5 random numbers between "1 and 55" and those five numbers should: *Have two or three even numbers (%66 even or %66 odd) *Have two … | |
hi i have an image which i can get RGB values, i have to quantitize it , a new to this i think i know the principle but need a few pointers as to how to go about "mapping" the image to a range of colours. basically i am doing … |
The End.