49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for twek

Hello, im not necessarily new to c++ but i cant seem to find a good way to get input from other devices other then the keyboard. To get keyboard input i have been using [ICODE]GetAsyncKeyState();[/ICODE] i was wondering if there was a similar function to get input from other input …

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Member Avatar for aksshe10

Hey i am making an exe which is made for handiling vulnerable data so i wanted to know wheather i could save some data (like name, passwords,etc) inside an exe because ini files and registry is not very secure. please help!!!

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for niketan

Hi, I am working on medium scale application around 14K lines of code. So can't post the code. I am using queue to throttle the speed from one end to other end. The problem i am facing is "queue is giving some garbage value on queue.front() function call after say …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for TeCNoYoTTa

Hello all i want to ask about the best books and sites that i can read from it about problem solving Dynamic programming - Backtracking - Graphs - etc..... thanks in advance

Member Avatar for abrou

Hello, I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure out how to fix this. I don't have a lot of experience with OOP, so I'm at a bit of a dead end. I am getting an error: [QUOTE]error: expected class-name before '{' token[/QUOTE] The header file is this: [CODE]#ifndef …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for DevC++

Hey, my program is having trouble in the Solve() and Check() functions... basicaly, the Check() function is returning 1 or 0 based on different condtions, however after the 3rd or 4th time the value returned from function Check() is 1 and the if statement in function Solve() is interpreting it …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for jakethesnake86

I'm still working on the same project as in my previous post, [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/post723480.html[/url]. Its a program that should serve as an assembly code debugger. For simplicity I only use one instruction, ADDI, here. The program should read the instructions from a text file, load the desired information onto the registers, …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for grisha83

Hello, I am working on small program that reads in a string consisting of minimum two words and a space between them. My dilemma is that i keep getting an error message. Can anyone twlm me what it is that i a ding wrong? here is my code: [CODE] #include …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for DLightman

First I'll explain what I'm trying to do. I am programming an airline check-in line. I am using a queue ADT to represent a the line. The data type of the a queue is a pointer to my Customer class. In my Customer class, whenever a customer leaves the line, …

Member Avatar for Insomniac119
Member Avatar for bf2loser

This is my current coding, in my header file [code=c++] #ifndef _ADDRESSBOOK #define _ADDRESSBOOK const int MAXADDRESS = 25; struct PERSON { char fName[25]; char lname[25]; char Address[100]; }; class addressBook { private: PERSON people[10]; public: addressBook(); addressBook(char *fName, char*lname, char *add); addressBook(PERSON a); addressBook(PERSON init[], int count); bool addPerson(const …

Member Avatar for mrboolf
Member Avatar for MJFiggs

I'm trying to make this program work like a game of BlackJack. However, the program will not listen to me when I try to end the loop. does anyone have any sugestions on how to fix this program? [code] #include <iostream> #include <ctime> using namespace std; double card = 0; …

Member Avatar for MJFiggs
Member Avatar for Niner710

Hi , I am trying to use a Boost shared ptr with a map template. I have a bunch of subclasses that will be derived from class TestSuperClass. I will then used a shared_ptr to point to the class and will use a map template so that depending on the …

Member Avatar for jbrock31

Hi again. I wrote 4 instances of a structure to a .dat file. I called them north, south, east, and west. I created a new program to read that file and display the data. I am using the below loop. I am trying to JUST read the north data. I …

Member Avatar for skatamatic
Member Avatar for cajuninms

Howdy guys. I have a program that encompasses creating a Fraction class. In the Fraction class should encompass addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and printing out the fraction. For some reason, UNIX hates my cout that I am using in my print. Here are the header and implication files for …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for SQ89

Here is the Quesion :: I want to write a program that estimates the value of the mathematical constant e by using the formula: `e = 1 + 1/1! + 2/2! + 3/3! + 4/4! + ………+ n/n!` Here is my Answer: #include <iostream.h> int main () { double x …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Kcube989

would a connect 4 game really be hard to make with like a 5x5 board if you make it from scratch and without the help of some premade libraries? need an answer asap cause i need to decide whether i would continue with my connect 4 game or change it

Member Avatar for ff4930
Member Avatar for sjhentges

Hi all, I'm trying to write the code for a program that will convert MPH to KPH and vice versa. Here is what I have so far.... [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { const double kph_to_mph = 0.6214; int kph; double mph = kph * …

Member Avatar for skatamatic
Member Avatar for shopnobhumi

I have 3 instructions- 1- Use rand() to generate a number less then 100 and greater than 1 2- Call the prime() function to test the result 3- Print out the result So far i have found how to get a prime number but don't know how to fill up …

Member Avatar for skatamatic
Member Avatar for riya1234

i have made this program for creating and traversing binary search tree. for inorder, it is working well but for post and pre order it showing wrong results .i could not be able to get the problem .could some one please tell me problem regarding this program .it is written …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for xenocide001

hi there i'm new here i hope you can help me through this homework i've read like 14 pages of topics about seekg and fstream.. and well.. they didn't solve my problem. my homework it's about creating a text file from "b to z" without the vocals, then reopen the …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for BRICEK

how can i get this convert an array to MPH if data represents KPH equation:multiply by 5/8

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth
Member Avatar for number87

ok so what im trying to do is to read some text from a file. Put them into an array. And count the number of characters in the text file using pointers to access the array. However, when i compile i get an error for this line [B]check = isalpha('*text');[/B] …

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Member Avatar for daviddoria

I've spend a lot of time working on a bunch of classes (point, vector, ray, triangle, plane) etc to work with these objects and their intersections in c++. However, now that I am ready to do a full scale project with them, I am finding they are terribly slow! I've …

Member Avatar for newbie5150

hi everyone, im having problems with my loop in my assignment im working on. im not tryin to get the code from you guys. but would like some pointers on what im doing wrong. im tryin to figure out why my "else" code wont work? i've tried to look for …

Member Avatar for mrboolf
Member Avatar for vladdy191

So explicit parametric polymorphism need not be restricted to a single type parameter. In other words I can write this in C++ [CODE]template <typename First, typename Second> struct Pair { First f; Second s; };[/CODE] Can someone help me write a funciton "makePair" that takes two paramters of different types …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for empathy

hi i am trying to count the occurrences of different words in a string array. while(end of array) { while(end of array) { compare ith element with all other elements inc counter } increment the element number } but i guess something is terribly wrong here as i am not …

Member Avatar for kux
Member Avatar for afg_91320

im brushing over some of my notes for a midterm tommorow. questions i have when i was reading: what exactly does a parameter do? i know it passes a value to a function-but how is it always like that? or is it more complicated than that? is it kind of …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Richy321

What are the benefits of using the Conditional operator (?) over a traditional if/else statement or similar? Using ? seems to lower readability in some cases but anything else?

Member Avatar for Richy321
Member Avatar for Kanvas

How do i make an array class that contains pointers to objects? (in this case, object of type travel.) right now all i got is array of object, not pointer...... [code] class Array { public: Array(); Array(int size); Array(const Array & anArray); ~Array(); friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const Array …

Member Avatar for dougy83
Member Avatar for foggy_coder

Hello, I'm pretty new to C++ and I've been trying to this program to open a file and check if it exists for the last two hours. It seems like it should be so simple but it keeps eluding me. Here is the code in main that starts to run. …

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The End.