49,762 Topics
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I almost completed the system but i'm having problem with reading/writing to text file Bcoz i can't login nor add details as its not reading from the the txt file Pls do help me Thanks In Advance | |
Hello Fnd I want to be Know How to Interact Ms-Access Using c/c++ Pls kindly send ur Answer To my email <email snipped> | |
when handling huge volume of data in TXT file, it is very complicate to truncate the unwanted ascii character. If there any function in C++ or C to resolve the problem. Kindly help me to resolve the problem. | |
Hi, Suppose I have a char*, which holds a string value. Now I want to print the address of that char*, not the string value. Pls help me in this problem. Amit | |
Hi, Here's my situation.I'm reading a file that consists of characters including white space.Once I read them I'm counting the occurrences of each character.This means I need to count occurrences of white space as well.If I use ifstream I skip the white spaces and I dunno the filesize so I … | |
Hi everybody :) here is my problem: I have a Linux cluster I have to run tests on it by using scheduler PBS and I have installed the MPI libraries. What I have done so far is writing down with the help of vi editor a simple C programs using … | |
Hello friends, Is there any problem with "Zero-Length-String" in C/C++. Pls mention if there is any type of problem in standard string library-functions like strcpy, strcat, memcpy, etc. Thanx, Amit | |
Hi all :) , I am working on video plug-in in C++.NET. I have a video file. Its size is not fixed. It can be in MBs or GBs. I have calculated sample size and sample count of video file and now I want to prepend (insert in the beginning … | |
Hi all - hope someone can help me with this because I've been trawling the web looking for an answer to no avail :-( I'm trying to compile a big project (300+ files) and I seem to have no syntax errors in the code, but I get the following when … | |
Hello all. I am working on a programming 2 lab and am unsure how to code the input and output for this assignment. Here is what the lab sheet says: "Your program will be expected to read input from the first file specified on the command line and to write … | |
Hi, I'm doing a low-mem implementation of a matrix, than can contain values from 0-4, this is fine for my program. I input 4 values (each 2bit) into 1 char(8bit). I'm using bitpatterns and shifting to extract values. But this is of cause hidden from the user. I've done everything … | |
I am overloadin the = Operator so I can assign an Obj to another Obj. he Errors are: Error 1 error C2556: 'void BSTree::operator =(const BSTree &)' : overloaded function differs only by return type from 'BSTree &BSTree::operator =(const BSTree &)' c:\users\phil\desktop\c++\cs230\lab5\lab5\lab5\bstree.cpp 157 Error 2 error C2040: 'BSTree::operator =' : … | |
i have an assignment I've completed except for copying a queue into another queue. According to the book the code for copying is almost the same for a stack, but when I tell my program that copy = original, it's blank. Here is the code I have so far. BTW … | |
Hi, I develop the VPN accelerater card by using the C++ program. According to the explain of MSND, The function of 'CryptDestroyKey' can destroy the public key hanle and free the memory at the same time. But I got the false result when I use the function. So I wanna … | |
Hello, dear all. i have another assignment such as follows: n = 1 print 1 n = 2 print 12 n = 3 print 123 n = 4 print 1234 1243 1423 how to create it by c++? | |
I need to design a function to find within a string a match to what is being searched and then replace that string with another. For example I need to search the string "baseball" with the string "base" and replace it with "basket". The code I have so far does … | |
This doesn't work: [ICODE] if (m == 1,2,3) { cout<< "Sorry you cannot go any farther north.\n"; }[/ICODE] How can I make this work? Ink | |
Hello all, I am creating a program, and I am currently stuck. I need someone to guide me on track on what I am doing wrong. My main goal is to get the program to run. I can't even do that. My C++ code is provided below. Thanks for all … | |
I'm doing a assignment for a class at my school and have written this code that follows with little help from DaniWeb users but I have one final touch problem. The problem is that if I run my strcpy function it always fills out the pzsDestination array to fill out … | |
its supposed to search string a for string b and once string a matches the requirments it should be printed alongside string b. anyway it does that but the output isnt c c c c c c what it should be but it shows double that for whatever reasons: [code=cplusplus] … | |
This is my resource file for a program: [CODE=cplusplus] #include "resource.h" // IDR_MYMENU MENU BEGIN POPUP "&File" //<=error is here BEGIN MENUITEM "&Refresh", ID_PROG_REFRESH MENUITEM "E&xit", ID_FILE_EXIT END POPUP "&Edit" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Options", ID_PROG_OPTIONS END POPUP "&About" BEGIN MENUITEM "A&bout AC", ID_PROG_ABOUT END END [/CODE] I've Checked the above over … | |
Here's a funny program that simulates the matrix...waaay off topic... [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <ctime> using namespace std; const int NotUsed=system("color 02"); int main() { clock(); int n; double time; char matrixwords[]=" aijk FGHIJKlmnopqrs ABCDtuvELMNO PQRS bcde fghTUVWXYwxyzZ"; char matrix[]="01001100100101011110"; clock(); for(int o=1; o<=70; o++) { cout << "/"; } … | |
![]() | I'm planning to connect a MIDI-keyboard(piano) to the external sound card (in the MIDI-port, duh), and program a program that will get the status from it. So my question is: How would I get the input signal from the keyboard(piano)? Which function/library would I use? (I only need ON/OFF signal, … |
Hi again. I'm having two issues with this code, first of then strlen only counts the characters in the first word of the line I put into console. Then the second one is that the console takes the second word put into the console in to next "cin" and does … | |
Hi, I'm pretty new to C++ and basically pretty new to all programming at all, have done something in java in school but never been programming something else than some scripts in work until now. My problem now is when I try to compile this code I have here then … | |
Hi all I am new to this forum and I am having problem using the sort algortihm. My code is suppose to allow the user to enter in fractions and then sort what is entered into the array. The fraction class is only contains the public field numerator and denominator. … | |
i am currently learning VC++ with MFC. But i am quite confused now. My dilemma is whether to use structures (which i guess are used extensively at Win32 API level) or their equivalent MFC objects. let me elaborate it. For example i want an array of points to use it … | |
I wrote a function that compares the characters of two strings recursively. If the characters of the strings are all equal the function returns 0. If the character from string1 is smaller ie-"a" to "l" it returns the negative difference of their ASCII vaules. If the character from string2 is … | |
i am a beginner in MFC programming and using MS VC++ 6.0. I am trying to create my own window using AfxRegisterWndClass(). My code is as follows : [CODE]Frame::Frame() { LPCTSTR className; HBRUSH brush; brush = (HBRUSH) ::GetStockObject (BLACK_BRUSH); className = ::AfxRegisterWndClass (WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor (IDC_CROSS), brush, AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardIcon (IDI_ERROR)); Create (className, … | |
hi; i need to count d number of occurrences of all the chars in a file. i can't figure out how to count how many of each char there are. this wat i have up to now. i need the to print only the ASCII code from 0-127 [code=cplusplus] #include … |
The End.