49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for daggath

Hi, I recently was trying to learn how to write DLLs and was doing ok until I ran across this interesting problem. It seems that the function is not receiving the last argument. Here is my code for the dll [code]#include "stdafx.h" BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HANDLE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID …

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Member Avatar for nizbit

I have an input file that has call to function and arguments that are passed to that function. There might be one argument or two. A simple while loop for input will not work ex-while(inputf >> function >> arg1 >> arg2) because if a function has only one argument then …

Member Avatar for nizbit
Member Avatar for KraMer

Hello everyone! I've started a project on SF.net to create a small yet modern IRC client (µIRChat or simply µIRC). However, there one thing that I really can't decide before I start, and that is the language to use. My idea came from µTorrent, which is, as far as I …

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Member Avatar for vidit_X

[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/post303743-1.html"]Q.Write a program which will print all the pairs of prime numbers whose sum equals the number entered by the user. ( suggested by Aniseed ) (Intermediate) [/URL] [code=C++] #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> int prime(int); void main() { int i,j,c1,c2,num,f1,f2; clrscr(); cout<<"Enter the number-"; cin>>num; for(i=2,j=num-2;i<=num/2;i++,j--) { f1=prime(i); if(f1) { f2=prime(j); …

Member Avatar for vidit_X
Member Avatar for deepak@

I will explain... I downloaded `mysql-5.0.45-win-src.tar.gz` from Mysql download area.I tried to built Mysql.sln inside that,but i am getting errors(about 58) like Error 149 fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file '..\zlib\release\zlib.lib' mysql_upgrade Error 319 error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Performing Custom Build Step" mysqld Error …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for urbancalli

guys, what do you think is the best compiler for beginners in C++? actually we are asked to make a game in C++. we are now using Dev C++, but we can't find a graphics library in it. thanks.

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for AndrejM.

Hi all. I've done some bit of programming in the past, mostly in python and some C aswell. (I can still remember that "C for dummies book" hehe). I'm trying to get started with some anticheat software, of course I'll start with some easy methods first before trying anything more …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for gregorynoob

okay, so i gotta make a good enough hash function that should be able to make me a key for out of two integers ( -1000000 <= x, y <= 1000000 ), and should work...well atleast 80% of the time so i could store these in an one-dimensional array... i've …

Member Avatar for gregorynoob
Member Avatar for balena

I'm just writing a reading for the time a binary file where I stored records of my objects. It seems woorks very well. Now I'm working for random access at position "X": [code] ifstream myFile(fileName,ios::in); myFile.seekg( (X*sizeof( object )) , ios::beg); [/code] Should be ok. Before I start to write …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for BradenMurphy

Hey again. just want to know how to create a query such as an insert query with MS access and C++. this is the code im using to connect to the database and im using Dev C++ [CODE=syntax]#include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <odbcinst.h> #include <sql.h> #include <sqlext.h> #include …

Member Avatar for Bigboy06

my program is suppose to count d number of occurrences of a chars in a file. i just dont know how to store d occurences. this is wat i have done up to now. [code=csharp] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; ifstream fin; void charactercount(int& w, char& s ); …

Member Avatar for dougy83
Member Avatar for nizbit

The recursive function is only reversing the first and last characters of a string. I've been trying for hours but cant find the error. Any help would be awesome. The code: [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; void str_reverse(char str[], int length) { char temp, temp1; int starti=0; …

Member Avatar for nizbit
Member Avatar for JonathanHXC

Hi, I am a new programmer - I'm taking a course of C++ programming in College. I have a quick question - well, I hope it's quick. After I create a program and try to run the program, the .exe file will pop up and in less than a second …

Member Avatar for vidit_X
Member Avatar for zaaweel

Hello, i just started with on my new school and we are going to make an application that ask how old you are. If you're 13 to 19year old it should say ''Teenager'' But if you write for example 8, it should say '' little kid ". I started to …

Member Avatar for dmanw100
Member Avatar for BradenMurphy

Hi i've got a problem. I keep getting this awesome error "[Build Error] [Project1.exe] Error 1" I copied this source code from [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread56924.html[/url] I just can't seem to get it to work. can someone pls help [CODE]#include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <odbcinst.h> #include <sql.h> #include <sqlext.h> #include <sqltypes.h> …

Member Avatar for BradenMurphy
Member Avatar for freelancelote

Hi, I'm learning C++ at the moment using one of Jesse Liberty's books and got to the pointers day. They ask to code a stray pointer as an exercise and give as a solution the following code: [CODE=syntax] int main() { int *pVar; *pVar = 9; return 0; }[/CODE] Could …

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth
Member Avatar for YaelGD

Hi all, I'm trying to figure out why TH I get these error unhandled exception at <address No.> in <my project neme>.exe: <address No.>: Privileged instruction and another : unhandled exception at <address No.> in <my project neme>.exe: <address No.> : Access violation writing location <address No.> when I try …

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Member Avatar for Ayu1004

I've spent entire night and day searching on the internet how to solve my problem, and i couldn't find anything... so please help me, if you know :( this is piece of my code: [code] int main () { string line; cout<<"Welcome!"<<endl; getline(cin, line); while (line!="0") { hello (line); getline(cin, …

Member Avatar for Ayu1004
Member Avatar for ulrik04

hey all :) I'm making a console program, and I want to do that when you run it from the terminal, you can give arguments like -debug (./program -debug). How do i get whether an argument is set or not in the code? i've tried #ifdef debug, but it didn't …

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Member Avatar for Ayu1004

well i didn't have to include anything except string with working with strings and getline, and getline works... but there's another problem. i always have to press enter twice for another line of code to read ;_;

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Member Avatar for Mehwish Shaikh

Hello and hii fellows.... I want your help right now in making a BST in which we can perform treeSearch....treeMINIMUM....treeMAXIMUM....treeINSERT....treeSUCCESSOR....treePREDECESSOR....treeDELETE....alongwith INORDER....POSTORDER....PREORDER traversal methods.... I have made a program consistiting of all methods excluding treeDELETE.... I'm ordered to make a tree-class....and a structure for node of a tree.... but im confused …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for olsoul_41

Hi there I have a problem creating a slot machine game in turbo c++ because I cant get the value of the randomize number....

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for MylesDBaker

Hello everyone. I am new to coding, taking an introductory C++ class at Baylor University. I am trying to get this standard deviation problem worked out, but I just pulled an all-nighter on it thinking it would be simple, but it is not. I have attached the prompt for the …

Member Avatar for MylesDBaker
Member Avatar for ambarisha.kn

I have the following function. in this function i am not able to push back in vector. I will explain how it works. if same f_pin will comes in the second iteration compared to first iteration of EventNum loop it will get into if Loop and have to push into …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for ricardonho

I want to develop some plugins for Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. I download de Gecko SDK from mozilla.org, but all mozilla SDK development is by default focused on Visual Studio. And i don´t have Visual Studio. So then i adapted my own version of Gecko for Dev C++ ( …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for bamabambhole01

Hii, I have output from computation code called cdof and it is double. i want to creat a file either cdof.log or cdof.dat where i can store values of cdof after each iteration or time step. Please suggest me how to create files using iostream. Thanks

Member Avatar for dmanw100
Member Avatar for Tishiablo

Hello, Usually I can find solutions to problems that seem to arise when I'm coding for this game, but I'm stumped on why this is happening.. So I found out how to get the text from the last line of the text box on this game, and I want to …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for tyserman5674

Hi All, I am having problems with reading input from a sequetail file and I can't figure out what is wrong. Can someone please help me out, I don't know if I am even doing it right, very new at this. The code below is how I generated my .txt …

Member Avatar for raul15791
Member Avatar for Eilya

Hi friends, I want (a C++ code) to hide a process in kernel 2.6, I don't want monitoring even in /proc. please help me. Regards, Eilya

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Member Avatar for syuk

Can somebody tell me whats wrong with this codes? I’d try to write this program but have error. I don’t how to make it correctly. Please help me! -da question- Write a program to process weekly employee time cards for all employees of an organization. Each employee will have three …

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The End.