49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for mannubhai

Please help me to make a sequencing program for my Operations Research subject. By this program, i basically need to sequence n jobs in an order. There are three column: jobs, A, B as shown below: Job A B 1 4 5 2 3 6 3 5 2 4 1 …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for Jennifer84

I have a problem with a redefinition when open a form. From Form15 I open Form13 wich works great: [code] #include "Form13.h" Form13 ^form13 = gcnew Form13; form13->Show(); [/code] Now when I add the same code on Form21 I will have the compilererror below: Why does this happen ? The …

Member Avatar for Jennifer84
Member Avatar for noxee

I'm trying to read from a text file multiple times but I only seem to be able to read the data once. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. [code] string input; while (!ifile.eof()) { getline(ifile,input); cout << input << endl; } while (!ifile.eof()) { ifile.get(ch); cout << ch; } [/code]

Member Avatar for Ayu1004
Member Avatar for mammoth

hello, im trying to make something using quotes in a string which is then used by system(d.c_string) heres the code: [code] #include <iostream.h> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { string a,b,c,d; a="del C:\\users\\robocop\\desktop\\\""; cin >> b; c="\""; d=a+b+c; system(d.c_str()); } [/code] Lets say when running i type 'a …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for ehsan_op

Hi, how can i get windows font handles in my program ? thank you all , in advance.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Arne Kristoffer

Hey! :) I found the functions in the chilkat-library usefull, so i downloaded it. If you havn't figured it out yet, I use the programming language C++ and i use the visual studio express IDE. What I do, is: 1: Save the chilkat-folders at the HDD. 2: Open Project/solutions-settings and …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for monkey_king

Hi I have a some general questions, some are c others are c++ related. So I'll just post them here in the c++ forum. These question only relates to speed not so much design issues. So far most of my programming has just been about making it work. That is …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for xyzt

Hello I need an editor or IDE to edit source files over FTP. Sources and the development environment is on a Unix server and I need to edit these files. There's an editor or an IDE plugin to do this? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for jencas
Member Avatar for dmanw100

I was wondering if anyone was familiar with reading data from a file into your program. I tried using the file stream the same way cout is used but it doesnt seem to work properly. Would the getline(); function work? If so, how would that be implemented? [CODE]#include <iostream> #include …

Member Avatar for dmanw100
Member Avatar for platinum8

I'm interested to lean C++, but I don't have any idea about which book is good for beginners any suggestion will be appreciated. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth
Member Avatar for Flawless
Member Avatar for brain
Member Avatar for vijaysoft1

in my program [ICODE] class list /// list class { private: int *Data; int Size; num; public: list() // constructor { size = 1; num = 0; } void add(); // member function }; void list::add() /// { char choice; do { Data = new int[size]; cout<<" \n Enter item …

Member Avatar for raul15791
Member Avatar for PuQimX

i want to write a program that determine a student’s grade. It reads three test scores (between 0-100) and calls a function the calculate and return a student’s grade based on following rules: (a) If the average score is 90% and more, the grade is ‘A’ (b) If the average …

Member Avatar for raul15791
Member Avatar for PuQimX

"I want to write a program that determine a student’s grade. It reads three test scores (between 0-100) and calls a function the calculate and return a student’s grade based on following rules: (a) If the average score is 90% and more, the grade is ‘A’ (b) If the average …

Member Avatar for AceofSpades19
Member Avatar for JoseCarlos

Hey..i'm new here and i'm actually taking a course related to C++ Programming. My assignment is to create a simulation on an agenda.. the agenda is a daily agenda, it only works for one day (so you will not see what day it is, it's general) it stores info in …

Member Avatar for JoseCarlos
Member Avatar for monkey_king

Hi, given a char(8bit's), I want to get the value of every 2bits, so that a char will contain 4 values. This is easily done with a shift left command (<<2). As far as I understand, char arrays are simply the different chars in consecutive order in the memory. so …

Member Avatar for monkey_king
Member Avatar for sciwizeh

I am using Visual Studio 2008, and i am working with a single document application, it is CView Based, and i want to know how i can in addition to the view, that i will be drawing on, how i can add controls, like CButton and CListBox. do i have …

Member Avatar for sciwizeh
Member Avatar for freelancelote

Hi, I'm learning c++ at the moment and the problem I have is probably very simple. I wrote some code to calculate prime factors of a given number. If I define variables as unsigned long, the code compiles and the program runs. If I define variables as double then compiler …

Member Avatar for freelancelote
Member Avatar for PuQimX

What's wrong with this program?? [code=cplusplus] #include <stdio.h> int main void { int a,b,c,d; float avg; printf("Please insert score test 1: "); scanf("%d",&a); printf("Please insert score test 2: "); scanf("%d",&b); printf("Please insert score test 3: "); scanf("%d",&c); avg=(a+b+c)/3; } { if (avg>=90); printf("Your Grade is A"); else if (avg<90); if …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for gispe

hi ppl, im having a problem with this program. The thing is that i need to enter the license, age and level of education of an amount of ppl, but dont know how many. then i have to get the percentaje of runners and sellers, the average age, amount of …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for onemanclapping

hi, when I try string.size on accentuated words, the result is bigger than it was "supposed" to be, as accentuated characters count as 2 size units instead of one. how can I count them as one? cheers

Member Avatar for onemanclapping
Member Avatar for Clockowl

Hey guys, How would one create a vector of pointers to functions? I know from C to create an array of functions, but I'd like to learn how to do it with vectors as well. Here are my efforts so far: [code=cpp]#include <iostream> #include <valarray> #include <vector> #include <ctime> #include …

Member Avatar for Clockowl
Member Avatar for yana2

Hi, I study C++ myself and can't solve a little problem. I created class konto (account) and it works fine. Now I want to create a class bank which contains several accounts and it should be possible to add a new account and to find a necessary account by number. …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for scratchnloved

hi again :) i was wondering how i would make a file automatically open with a program, eg: like after you install dev c++, .cpp files automatically open in the editor. how does the editor get the file's location? and how does it process it?

Member Avatar for scratchnloved
Member Avatar for hapiscrap

In any payroll program, how does the program values (e.g employee id, hours worked,hourly rate) work with an .in file. Does the .in file have to be in a specific folder....I am using Bloodshed Dev C++.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for HecB

just one problem my program is about high school dance cost report its project 07 1 of 2 projects left in the class and im almost done with im only having one problem i been trying to fix this problem for a few hours with function, and anything that could …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for ferret_90

I want to be able to activate an easter egg in this program, but passing and reading these arguments is making me pull my hair out. Any ideas? [CODE]#include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using namespace std; //(cc) 2008 Nathan Barndt //Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License void easteregg() { //easteregg code …

Member Avatar for ferret_90
Member Avatar for c#loser

does any one can recomend me resource to learn mfc , cause all the web site i been through is too hard for me,plz(>w<)

Member Avatar for fsemilla

good day! can anyone teach me how to access images and display these images using c++?because i have a project regarding accessing and viewing images in mobile phones...kindly help me...:sad:

Member Avatar for fsemilla
Member Avatar for daviddoria

I would like to have a global way to do something like this [code] #ifdef GRAPHICS //do some stuff that relies on graphics libraries that may or may not be installed #endif [/code] The problem with defines is that they have to be defined in every file, or at least …

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The End.