49,755 Topics

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Member Avatar for yap

Hello I have older c functions which I want invoke in new cpp program: [code=cpp] // Example of old c function void c_function(int** x, int r, int c) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < r; i++) { for (j=0; j<c;i++) printf("%i ", *(*(x+i)+j)); printf("\n"); } } …

Member Avatar for yap
Member Avatar for Math.C

Can you help me with this question 1. Having the following function headings: void GetValues(int &length, int &width, int &depth); void CalcCubic(int length, int width, int depth, int &cubic); void PrintCubic(int cubic); Write a C++ program that asks the user to enter the length, width, and depth of a swimming …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for FTProtocol

[CODE] /* Super Simple Login - Version 1.0 Created By - FTProtocol */ #include <iostream> #include "connect.h" using namespace std; char* cookies; int exec_gunz() { char* buffer = (char*)malloc(120000); char *path = (char*)malloc(256); initialize_winsock(); memset(path,0,256); strcpy(path,"/common/prelaunch.nhn?gameId=u_gunz&subId="); connection conn = connect_to_server("gunz.ijji.com",80); http_get(conn,"gunz.ijji.com",path,NULL,NULL); memset(buffer,0,120000); rrecv(conn,buffer,120000); cookies = http_getcookies(buffer); endconnection(conn); free(buffer); return 0; …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for abbasi89

Parking Software Parking software is to be installed on parking areas P1 and P2 at Centurion Plaza. Parking P1: Only for VIPs. Free of Charge Available Area for: 10 cars Parking P2: For Public use VIPs can Park if P1 is FULL Charging Rs. 05 / hour VIPs will park …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for lahom

hi i have dialog based application... i want to know when i minimize the dialog ...and right click the minimized dialog ...a menu (taskbar menue ) with "restor" and "close" and "about" options will appear..for me its not how can i do that.... any kind of help will be appriciated …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for FTProtocol

[CODE] printf("\n Enter your username: "); gets(username); printf("\n Enter your password: "); gets(password); sprintf(buffer,"http://site.com/blah.php?Username=%s&Password=%s",username,password); ShellExecute(NULL, "open", buffer, NULL, NULL, SW_HIDE); [/CODE] why does it open that url in a browser? i need it to be hidden Is there a better replacement for ShellExecute

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for ranjithsnair
Member Avatar for vs49688

I am writing a launcher program for some software. How can I get the value from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Argonaut Software\Croc2\1.00\InstallPath and store it as a string? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for vs49688
Member Avatar for handytxg

Hi, I need to convert english to morse code, atm Im using iterator and store the morsecode in vector. and store the result on new vector the problems is it'doesn't do the line properly. when I try to change the itr instead of store to new vector i't give me …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Flixter

I have some problem with putting object in vector her's the code [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; class Pair { public: Pair(int a, int b) {x=a; y=b;}; int get_x() {return x;}; int get_y() {return y;}; private: int x; int y;}; int main() {vector<Pair> set(); Pair* a1 = …

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Member Avatar for n00b3

Hello, I am trying to get the properties of a Microsoft's Notepad.exe window. I have an instance of this application running when I execute the code below. [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; BOOL CALLBACK PropEnumProcEx(HWND hwnd, LPTSTR lpszString, HANDLE hData, ULONG_PTR dwData) { cout << "Property Label: …

Member Avatar for n00b3
Member Avatar for mistercow.pnoy

so i have a simple trivia game as my final project in my c++ class. as it is, i would get an A+ already, but i want to be able to have top 5 high scores. I know how to read from a .dat file, and write, and i know …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for Egypt9

I'm really stuck on this Assignment and I need to find a solution ASAP before I get too far behind. Basicly, we're fuddling with inheritence and I've created 3 child classes from a parent 'Employee'. Each is a different type of employee. Right now, what I have is [code=cpp] Manager …

Member Avatar for Egypt9
Member Avatar for brk235

Hi friends how to generate random numbers in between 0 to 1. I need to generate around 100 random numbers in between 0 to 1..please help me.. Thanks,

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth
Member Avatar for handytxg

Hi, I'm new here and need help with if problems. [code] int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { list<char> charList; vector<vectordata> myvector; if (argc != 4) { printf("Syntax : euro file\n"); return 0; } cout << argv[1]; if ( argv[1] == "e" ) { loadList2(charList, argv[2]); //printList(charList); loadList(myvector); encode(charList, myvector); printvectordata(vectorresult, …

Member Avatar for handytxg
Member Avatar for zzmgd6

Having problems with the following... [code] // this is contained within "UF_styler.h" and can not be alternate ... [B]typedef int (*UF_STYLER_cb_f_t)(int dialog_id, void *client_data, UF_STYLER_item_value_type_p_t call_data);[/B] struct UF_STYLER_callback_info_s { char *object_id; int cb_type; int is_dialog_launching_cb; [B]UF_STYLER_cb_f_t callback_proc;[/B] }; typedef struct UF_STYLER_callback_info_s UF_STYLER_callback_info_t, *UF_STYLER_callback_info_p_t; .... [/code] [code] // my dialog.hxx file …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for zoner7

So I'm trying to create a fairly simple program that allows a user to modify a list of games. The user can add, remove or simply call an enumeration of the games currently inside the list. The compiler keeps telling me that there is a problem with my use of …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for ChickenFox

Hi I'm currently taking an introductory programming course and my final project is to write the infamous N-Queens program (find & display all possible solutions for N queens on an NxN board such that they cannot attack one another) using recursion I feel like I at least have a slight …

Member Avatar for ChickenFox
Member Avatar for n00b3

Hello, I am trying to read text from a third party's application, of which I do not have the source code. I am using c++ and I am trying to stick to the windows API. I am relatively new to windows programming, though I have looked through MSDN and google …

Member Avatar for phalaris_trip

I'm finishinh up my game for submission. Right now I'm doing the menus, and it's highly procedural, nasty long-winded chunks of code, as you can imagine.. And I'm trying to implement the following logic as part of a huge compound switch block: If MENU_FLAG is STATUS, then display the status …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for darren_lewis

I am looking for a free, light weight c++ library that can create stacked bar graphs / histograms and output them as an image file (PNG would be preferrable). Any help would be greatly appreciated. --dhouse

Member Avatar for Angler

GIVE ME YOUR CODE Not really. Anyways, I'm looking to create a program that simulates dialog. Why? For my own personal amusement of course. *pets evil cat* I've been jumping around languages until I find one that works. All I've learned is that I suck at every one of them. …

Member Avatar for Angler
Member Avatar for Lordstr

I am trying to get to work tried a couple different ways but i am still very new and don't know how to yet index.cpp [code] #include "outline.h" #include "TFP.h" int main() { toonOutline playerToon; toonFillPrint::fill(playerToon); return 0; }[/code] outline.h [code] #include <string> struct toonOutline { <toon info> };[/code] TFP.h …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for serry99

Hello, I am beginning in C++ and i need Help. I would like to write DLL as that which is on the address [url]http://www.programmers-corner.com/tutorial/4(Creating[/url] a C++ DLL for use with VB6 – Step by Step) but with two parameters alphanumeric in entry and my dll returm me this parameters for …

Member Avatar for brk235

From the given code below everytime i need to print the name as rama+value of the integer variable. if i=10; then the output:rama10 should be printed... i have probelm to add string to the integer variable..please help anyone...thanks in advacne... class abc { private: int a,i; string name; public: void …

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Member Avatar for Black Magic

Hey, I was reading my book about C++ and read the default input piece of equipment was the keyboard, I was just wondering if there was a "simple" (ish) way to change it, example if i pressed a button on the monitor it would "cout << "monitor = pressed";" or …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for barnes138

Please help, I can't get more than 5 decimal places in my answers and I don't know how to tweak the code to allow for this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. DB #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { system("title You can Convert Miles to Kilometers or Convert …

Member Avatar for barnes138
Member Avatar for Hockeyfreak889

How would you open a file with c++ , for example when you run the program it opens a game of minesweeper. Also how would you save a copy of the minesweeper to the desktop?

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for savinki

why cant we use strcat without initialing first parameter? e.g. char *b = "a"; char *a; strcat(a,b);

Member Avatar for Radical Edward
Member Avatar for sieghart0123

I’m a beginner in C++ programming, so please forgive me if this question is somewhat absurd. I am just wondering which approach is better: [INDENT]1. Upon program start-up, create an array of objects based on data stored in a text file. When the program terminates, the array of objects (and …

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The End.