49,755 Topics

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Member Avatar for agodislife

Hi, could someone please help me with this error message, I 've included my program along with the error message. Thank you. Compiling... C:\Documents and Settings\\Lab7\Lab7.cpp(33) : fatal error C1004: unexpected end of file found Error executing cl.exe. Lab7.obj - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s) [code=cpp] #include <iostream> using namespace std; …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for nurulshidanoni

Dear all, I have this code and this data...but i want to sort the sum1 in descending order..but my problem is..i want to sort many array....like this.. after sort 3: ............. 46 1: .............. 25 2:..................20 how to sort in descending order together with the row? 1: 5 6 7 …

Member Avatar for nurulshidanoni
Member Avatar for hewara

hi everyone, i am struggling with a code and i need help! if u help me i appriciate... the result that i want to get is "value of myarray[0]=0.577 or 0.5" and the others value of myarray[1] and value of my array[2] is zero. i am using devc++ compiler. i …

Member Avatar for hewara
Member Avatar for cbattagler

I am attempting to read in a comma delimited file and only take in the first three values. At the moment the code I have obviously does not work. The text file is laid out like this: [code]1249968.646,16761001.880,1206.990,1,2,104,3,218210.549527[/code] At the moment this is what my read in code looks like: …

Member Avatar for cbattagler
Member Avatar for Jennifer84

I have about 20 vectors like the example below inside a buttoncontrol that will push_back data. This buttoncontrol and all the vectors will read a .txtfile that takes up 1.5 MB. So together the 20 vectors will fill data with a total of about 20 MB when I press the …

Member Avatar for Jennifer84
Member Avatar for efp1225

I am trying to include the posix library in my Visual Studio 2005 projects, and I am unsure how to include it. I have the posix.lib file and I added it to the additional dependencies of Configuration Properties->Linker->Input. When I build, I get the message that it can't find the …

Member Avatar for Zabbat
Member Avatar for anbuninja

Write a function called calc() that receives two real numbers and a character and returns the sum, difference, product or quotient of the two numbers passed to it depending on whether the character is equal to a '+', '-', '*' or '/', respectively. Write another function that displays the following: …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for Gagless

I am working on a recursive function that does multiplication so I don't have to use the * operator or loops. What I'm stuck on right now is how to get it to produce negative products. I thought the code for positive products subtracted from 0 would work, but I …

Member Avatar for Gagless
Member Avatar for Bitto11

Hello ppl I am new to c++ and especially a noob in graphics. All the functions I have learnt are from Help File in Turbo c++ 3.0. Since this part of c++ is not in my course, I am having difficulties learning it. Now, in the following code the[B] outtext …

Member Avatar for Bitto11
Member Avatar for pa3k80

How make in MFC C++: i need a function, the function has read a txt file and put a message box with text which is in txt file.

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for CoolGamer48

Hey, I'm having a problem with my RPG. I'm trying to get a player to move from one room to another. All the coordinates (and other properties) of all the objects inside a given room are contained inside a text file, and this includes the properties of an exit to …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for L31chH4rdT

Hey guys, I'm at the losing end of a problem involving strings and char input. Basically, I have a tree full of morse code and alphabet equivalents in struct morsetree that i will decode against. so when i decode **** * *-** *-** --- *-- *** *-* *-** -**, i …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for petzoldt01

A some point in my program, it is necessary for me to start a child process (Im on linux, btw, ubuntu gutsy). The process streams DV to stdout, but can be controlled in an "interactive mode" through commands to stdin. How does one establish streams going both ways? If you …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for Nemoticchigga

[CODE] private: delegate System::Void delegate_function(void); if(this->InvokeRequired) { AsyncCallback ^ac = gcnew AsyncCallback(&WCS::MainForm::delegate_function_callback); delegate_function ^df = gcnew delegate_function(this, &WCS::MainForm::function_to_invoke); System::IAsyncResult ^asyncresult; //Begin invoke command here. try { asyncresult = df->BeginInvoke(ac, df); //asyncresult = this->statusLight->BeginInvoke(ac, df); //this->commsStatusLight->EndInvoke(asyncresult); //df->Invoke(); df->EndInvoke(asyncresult); //df->DynamicInvoke(ac, df); } catch (...) { std::cerr << "caught"; } } public: System::Void …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for chrissyln13

I am trying to write this "program" for my distance ed course and I almost have it done I just can't figure out how to get the values from the function BoxDimensions into the function DisplayData so that it can print out the dimensions. Help???? Thanks. [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace …

Member Avatar for chrissyln13
Member Avatar for Xokzin

Hi There, I'm a begginer in C++. In the program below the value must be returned to display the appropriate message. I expiriencing problems trying to compile the program. The erro message: [Warning] In function `bool passOrNot(char)': non-lvalue in assignment Can you help. Thanks #include <iostream> using namespace std; int …

Member Avatar for Xokzin
Member Avatar for yap

Hi all in here, It is said that system("PAUSE"), automatically generated by dev-c++ for console application, to prevent console window of disappearing instantly would be not standard c++, furthermore it would be consume much of a computers resources. What is a good replacement for it? I have been experimenting with …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for vieestchien

Hello, I am trying to generate a very large uniformly distributed pseudo-random number (around 15 digits, similar to Random.nextLong() in Java), the problem is that both rand() and random() only return int/long type (10 digits max). Is there any way to generate pseudo-random number in long long int type? Thank …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for Mantu89

For example I have string that contains hexadecimal numbers: std::string hexStr = "E110A3" and I want to convert it to char. So that char hex[3] = {0xE1, 0x10, 0xA3} How I can accomplish this? I tried to search but I didn't find answer to this.

Member Avatar for Mantu89
Member Avatar for Sky Diploma

Help Me with this code. i JUST installed code::Blocks and am not familiar with the errors , I wanted to know what is going wrong with this? [CODE=CPLUSPLUS] #include <iostream> using namespace std; int f(); class Date{ int d,m,y; static Date default_date; public: void set_default(int dd,int mm,int yy); Date(int,int,int); Date& …

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for banban2008

i want to do program that calculat percentage of error percentage of error ={ X ( calculated) * X ( measuered) } * 100 / { X ( measuered)} and if the result more than or equal 50 it is bad if it is less than 50 til 20 it …

Member Avatar for e_pech
Member Avatar for joshmo

Am trying to edit and also delete data in my text file but am finding a little problem...i want to read the specific text and the program stops when it reaches an end of line and not eof..i tried using '\n' but maybe I used it wrong cuz it cant …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for JoE Guana

Hey guys, i'm new here and i'm also new to C++. I have a task where I have the user input a file name and then the program loads it into an array of type struct then finds the top 3 values and outputs them. I am so stuck right …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for lahom

hi i have anew class which my dialogs should be based on it instead of being based on CDialog. two weeks ago ...when i inserted a new dialog and create a new class for it ..i was able to choose my new class from the drop down list. but now …

Member Avatar for e_pech

Hello!! I have a FormView and I added a Tab Control... I'm able to add pages (tabs) to it but I want to be able to have a different Dialog View on each tab??? Or how can I have different controls on every tab?? I'd really appreciate all the information!! …

Member Avatar for Jennifer84

I have a general question about Diagram in VC++ 2008. If I want to draw a diagram out of a serie of numbers for the coordinates X and Y in a Diagram. Is there any classes/ built in methods for this. - Is this very difficult things to do in …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for Kob0724

I keep getting this error: [QUOTE] debug/moc_funccntrlparams.o: In function `qt_noop()': /home/f07/xxx/QT/include/QtCore/qglobal.h:1425: multiple definition of `FuncCntrlParams::type_pairPotList' debug/interpotcntrlparams.o:/net/home/f07/xxx/workspace/tramontoGUI/interpotcntrlparams.cpp:95: first defined here [/QUOTE] But I'm not defining type_pairPotList any where in the interpotcntrlparams.cpp file. This is what my code looks like at line 95 in interpotcntrlparams.cpp. [CODE] #include "funccntrlparams.h" . . //line 91 …

Member Avatar for Kob0724
Member Avatar for shakilaf

Hi All, I am using RWZoneSimple object and RWTime object to check whether a given Date is falling under DST (Daylight Saving Time) or not when my server (HP-UX system) is in Non DST time (by having TZ=US/Arizona). I have created RWZoneSimple with the date that falls in DST ("05302008"// …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for wellibedamned

okay, i know i might be boring with my questions but could someone tell me how can i read an array of floats mixed with ints and then print them out same as they were on input...? typecasting thing again? anyone knows a good book i could use to stop …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for Cybulski

I want recursively fill members of one structure, it looks like this: [code=cplusplsus] struct OPTIONS{ string sDirectoryName; vector<string> vExtensions; int uOperationId; } structCurrentDir; [/code] after filling all members I need to push this structure to another vector: [icode]vDirectories.push_back(structCurrentDir); [/icode] But then I need reset all members and I have problem. …

Member Avatar for Duoas

The End.