49,762 Topics

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Hi, This program is supposed to ask the user how many numbers they want to sum up and then take all the numbers one by one to give the final result. Its working but perhaps you all professional programmers will point out some flaws in it. [CODE] #include <iostream> using …

Member Avatar for Agni
Member Avatar for rok92

Hi Guys, So I am trying to use C++ and openGL to create a simple robot arm that will follow a traget on the screen. I am to use Inverse Kinematics and more specifically the Cyclic Coordinate Descent Algorithm. I have found a few different ways to implement this although …

Member Avatar for toolbox03

Hi, I have this txt file containing data in this format: John HH HHH GGGGKK I want to extract John as 1 field and HH HHH GGGGKK as another field. How do I ignore the whitespace and read it as a single field?

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Member Avatar for Numinel

WM_CTLCOLORBTN is only sent for a checkbox if the BS_OWNERDRAW style is set. Is there another way of controlling the background color for checkboxes that are NOT ownerdrawn?

Member Avatar for Numinel

With the DrawFrameControl API you can draw an old style checkbox. Is there a way to draw a checkbox that actually looks like the one used by XP and Vista (i.e. common controls version 6.0 look)?

Member Avatar for veronicak5678

I am trying to write two programs to work in conjunction. The first is a bibliography program that writes book info to a file; That's ok. Here's what I did: [CODE]#include <string> #include <fstream> #include <vector> #include <iomanip> #include <sstream> #include <iostream> #include <iterator> #include <vector> // vector class-template definition#include …

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Member Avatar for mnv29brt

//To check if there is a win #include <iostream> #include "tictactoe.h" using namespace std; int win(char board[3][3]) { for(int i=0;i<3;i=i+1) { if ((board[0] == 'x' && board[1] == 'x' && board[2] == 'x')|| (board[0] == 'o' && board[1] == 'o'&& board [2]== 'o')) return 1; else if((board[0] == 'x' && …

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Member Avatar for cobberas

Hi all I'm trying to create a dynamic array of structures and have come across the following code but I can't figure out how some of it works: (incidentally this is from Prata's book C++ Primer Plus, Ch4, Ex.9) [code=syntax] #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { //structure declaration …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for Suraine

:confused: Arrgh!!! Cant understand these sentence from this website of brickos programming: [URL="http://legos.sourceforge.net/HOWTO/x600.html"]http://legos.sourceforge.net/HOWTO/x600.html[/URL] [code]random() and srandom(int x) are now available in legOS. To use them, just call srandom(int x) at some point during your program startup. x is a "seed", which allows you to get the same sequence of numbers …

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Member Avatar for Suraine

:idea: :-/ Dear c++ gurus, I have an intention to run two loop together at a time. I dun know whether it is possible or not. My architecture is: [code]run: 1. loop1 2. loop2[/code] [code]loop1 running together with loop2.[/code] [code]loop2 will stop running once loop1 give a signal, say if …

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Member Avatar for WilliamBaxter

can any1 here please write a code for me please???? these are the questions Write a C++ program with a case structure. The program reads in a character from the user, then display its translation according to the following rules: i. characters A, E, I, O, U will be translated …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Hax01

If anybody would like to help i need someone who is good with assembly and has knowledge of con files for help with running a homebrew.It would also help if you understand how an xbox 360 works.Also help with programming.If someone can help it would be greatly appriciated.

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Member Avatar for coolbreeze
Member Avatar for sisi

Hi ,i am so happy that you guys help me out for my previous problem concerning about coding programming.Right now i am stuck with my Candidate programme where i need to Cout the total result for the winning candidate. The question is : There is 5 candiate runing for little …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for Nemoticchigga
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Member Avatar for CE Student

University of Bahrain College of Information Technology Department of Computer Science ITCS102: C++ Programming Assignment #5 Create a class called BloodDonor that maintains information about blood donors in a blood bank having the following data members: 1. IdNumber, // long int 2. name, //Name of donor 3. bloodGroup//String 4. home_Phone//String …

Member Avatar for hacker9801
Member Avatar for Black Magic

Hello, I was wondering if you could change the program icon (it's usually a picture of c:\), and without making a gui progra, just a normal one if you get me? Like you can change the title by; system("title This Is Your Title"); Help a.s.a.p please :). ~ Black Magic

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Member Avatar for Lensva

I'm trying to make so it would check if letter i and i+1 are alike. If so it'd drop "denied" else "accepted". i dont understand what I did wrong though: [code=c++] #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char pass[5]; bool correct=false; cout<< "pass: "; cin>> pass; for (int …

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Member Avatar for CodeBoy101

Hey wassup? I need to know how to detect arrow keysand the escape key, and any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

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Member Avatar for n3XusSLO

hello! i'm doing some memory altering but i've come to an standstill. here is my problem: (ill try to write it as an example somwhow..) i have an int (lets say int x). this int has an value of an memory address but in decimal not in hex value. now …

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Member Avatar for noraantonia

hello I implemented a rotating cube in opengl which rotates when the user moves the mouse. I am a beginner with opengl, so i wanted to ask you a question on rotating. here is my code for the rotation : [code] void CDiplomaView::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // TODO: Add …

Member Avatar for spuddy1515

These is my code and i need to change it so that the second out put replaces the first and so on. [code]#include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a = 0; int h; int m; int s; mistake: cout << "What is the current hour?\n"; …

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Member Avatar for bis student

how can I check the donor if valid by using switch function Is_BloodBroup_Valid // takes a string as parameter and return true if it is a valid group and false if not. The only possible blood groups are A+, A-, B+, B-, 0+, 0-, AB+, AB-. also if I have …

Member Avatar for Luckychap
Member Avatar for sjcomp

Hello, I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 8.1 (2005) to compile and link a library and my application that uses this library. Linking complains that a symbol can not be found. I looked at the lib file and this is what happens: [code] dumpReadable@OGRGeometry@@UBEXPAU_iobuf@@PBD@Z - Lib has this dumpReadable@OGRGeometry@@UAEXPAU_iobuf@@PBD@Z - My …

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Member Avatar for Adrian99420

Hi, I am using VS C++ 2005 express edition. I developed a simple GUI with a single tabControl (contain tabpages with some combobox). I wish to add a button which able to add another tabpage which contain the same item as previous tabpages. For example. my previous tabpage contain 2 …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Vic842

Well guys and gals, I am the beginner at this that is talked about when signing up in these forums. Looking for a good direction to get a grasp on C++. Always been very interested in programming and learning the different languages and would mind being fluent in the other …

Member Avatar for Vic842
Member Avatar for Lance_Wassing

Well I have a question which could stem some confusion. I'm using C++ to develop some software which i will release as freeware on my website. I'm not new to database programming, however i have only ever worked with xbase and dbase... I would like to start making software with …

Member Avatar for Lance_Wassing
Member Avatar for c_plus_plus_for
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for lostandconfuzed

Hi folks! Was wondering if you could help with a problem. I'm supposed to write a function that writes n, n-1, n-2, …, 3, 2, 1. I'm pretty sure I've got it but for some reason I keep getting 0 whenever I run it. It doesn't have to be a …

Member Avatar for Agni
Member Avatar for rikkie

Hi guys, Could someone point me in the right direction, please? I'm trying to expand my system to accommodate the reservation of consecutive seat numbers. The user is prompted for a row number, seat number and then the amount of consecutive seats he would like to book. For example: The …

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The End.