49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for noraantonia

hello i am building an application in Visual c++ 6 and i want to save some variable values. i tried in all ways, until i try just to save a value that i declared right in the "Serialize" function of my CDocument class : [code=cplusplus] void CDiplomaDoc::Serialize(CArchive& ar) { r=3; …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for daviddoria

is there a package for c++ that will allow me to make a matlab/gnuplot style plot from within c++? I would like to skip the step of writing data to a file and then using something else to read in the data and then plot it. Let me know what …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for theausum
Member Avatar for Laiq Ahmed
Member Avatar for Black Magic

Hello, This thread is not about you solving my homework, infact i only go to secondry school so don't get it, this sounds weird but can you give me some homework examples brcause i want to learn C++ and i think it may help, please reply a.s.a.p :). ~ Black …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for harkw002_UniSA

1. How do i convert an object (students) which is of type string into a string. 2. How do i remove all characters from a string after a space character. ie. i want to read an Object eg. "WILSON","MBCP" convert it to a string and then remove "MBCP". Then i …

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Member Avatar for pash11

Write a program to add or subtract two big integer numbers. “Big” refers to a number which is more than 30 digits. You can assume that the number may have MAXIMUM 100 digits. Your program should have the data structures to hold such a big number. Also it should have …

Member Avatar for TSharma
Member Avatar for harkw002_UniSA

I have a header file called StudentRecord.cpp which declares the function: vector<Student>::iterator find (const string& studentName); In my Student Record.cpp file i have written the folloing code: vector<Student>::iterator StudentRecord::find(const string& studentName){ vector<Student>::iterator find; for(find = students.begin(); find != students.end(); find++) { if (students[find].getName() == studentName) { return students[find]; } else …

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Member Avatar for bhoot_jb

right now i am working with Turbo Borland C++ compiler...however now i want to have a try on GCC compiler too... so where would i get it?? can anybody provide a reliable link to a GCC compiler??? :)

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Member Avatar for vileoxidation

Hello, and thanks in advance for your time! I am very new to C++, and am attempting the classic squares program. I have the meat of it all done, but am having issues with a few certain parts. First, I can't figure out how to do the sentinel value. I …

Member Avatar for vileoxidation
Member Avatar for Suraine

Dear c++ gurus, I'm new in creating a header file. never try before. ERm... i have write a header file with a program: [code] Header file: MySensor.H extern short int DetectSensor(int sensorvalue[10]) { ....; } [/code] [code] Program file: MyFile.C #include <MySensor.H> short int i; int p, sensorvalue[10]; int getsensorvalue() …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for kemo0o

hey : i am working on simple engineering application but i have some problem i want to draw X-Y axis Then put any point on it . Then i want to translate this point ∆x=5 , ∆y=12 After that i want to rotate it by angle (∂) degree then i …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for lolodede

until now u didnt solve my problem use c++ to input three words and then put them from largest to smallest using if statement

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for hjong.mahjong

just practicing for fun on some problem i saw posted on yahoo answers,mathematics section problem: xyz times pqr = some number x,y,z,p,q,r should be 2, 3, 5, or 7. and some number's digits should also be made up entirely of 2, 3, 5, or 7. solution: 335 x 753 = …

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Member Avatar for Jennifer84

I wonder something about what is happening when I sort this vector. I put some number into the vector like below. After the sort the output look like this. 3 2 1 -3 -2 -1 What I want is that the output instead will look like the below example. Like …

Member Avatar for ivailosp
Member Avatar for lynx_aba

hi fellows... I have a little problem, in Unix there's a library called unistd.h that have the function "link" and as its name says, creates a link of a file.... I want to use that function in windows, but i only found the "_unlink" function in the io.h library, this …

Member Avatar for dougy83
Member Avatar for IU34

I'm making a text adventure game, and it's actually coming along quite nicely...the only thing is, I want to be able to return to the previous screen whenever I want. Say that in my game, I go north. I want to be able to go south, back to my main …

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Member Avatar for 11moshiko11

hello! i have problem with program i made: the program should define a pointer to pointer which points to dynamic array of Grade (class i made). i increase the size of the array in function. so i made a new pointer to pointer which point to array of Grade (the …

Member Avatar for dougy83
Member Avatar for tootypegs

hi i have the following hex string 40 E3 4E DA 04 2B FE 7C and i need to convert this to 39541.813009259260. I believe this is a hex to ieee float conversion. I thought that it was a case of viewing the hex in binary format the inverting the …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for theausum
Member Avatar for marti3a3

So I'm a new programmer and I'm SO close to finishing this code. I want to return an array from a function, and every thread that I've looked up has said I need to return the data as a pointer TO an array. How is that done? Also, I'm working …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for hjjayakrishnan

is it possible to use fstream without using classes and structures since everi time i encountered a fstream code i saw this classes and structures used...im not into the portion of classes ...could anyone help me out in this case!!????

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for man4ish

#include <boost/config.hpp> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <utility> #include <string> #include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp> #include <boost/graph/graph_utility.hpp> #include <boost/property_map.hpp> #include "ed.h" #include "ve.h" using namespace boost; using namespace std; class Molecule { map<int,string> m; public: void set_molecule_property(vector<string>& s4) { for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= s4.size(); i++) { m=s4[i-1]; } } …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for aminit

Hello All: Can anyone give me a simple idea how to remove the duplicated letters in a text if I have this word HELLO it must be HELO..... Thanks in advance.....

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Member Avatar for rockmania

I am using TURBO C++ IDE 3.0..i am able to execute the program that are related to graphics. but the problem i face is when i get the output i am not able to capture the output using print screen key.the output is a black DOS screen and is not …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Suraine

Dear c++ guru, I am using cygwin to create a c++ environment for my Lego RCX. I have create a program file in c++ format. when compile with cygwin, it shows: [code] file.ds1: line to short on line 324[/code] can anyone help explain to me what is it? I am …

Member Avatar for Suraine
Member Avatar for man4ish

I am creating a graph using boost library, I am making the network using create_Network function() i am adding the vertices to this graph by creating the object g of class Graph. I am trying to use this object g in the another function get_neighbours() but it is not giving …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for lolodede

write c++ program to input three words and put them in sequence from largest to smallest using if statement so please help me its due during less than one hour

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for tosh123

hello. i have a set of 50 points. (array of 50 objects (arrayOfNodes[]) having x, y locations and distance and nearest neighbor and neighbor table ). The points are given X-Y location randomly in a range of 300 X300. and there is a center point called BaseStaion (BS). For every …

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Member Avatar for Trckst3

Hey I'm trying to get this code going but i can't get my if(choice==2) to output anything any ideas? #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; int main() { int i,num[20],n,j,choice,tmp; cout<< "Please enter 20 integers"; for (i=0; i<20; i++) { cout<<"\nEnter next value:"; cin>>num[i]; } cout<<"\n1.Display original …

Member Avatar for Trckst3
Member Avatar for Trckst3

Hey guys i'm working with this code but i can't get it to stop looping back into the menu any ideas??? Thanks !! [CODE=cplusplus] #include <iostream> using namespace std; unsigned int menu(); int main() { int i,num[20],sec[20],j,choice; cout<< "Please enter 20 integers"; for (i=0; i<20; i++) { cout<<"\nEnter next value:"; …

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The End.