49,762 Topics
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I am using the following to convert serial data over a com port into a deque. The problem I am having is that while data is streaming and things get busy the program tends to crash on this. It works fine for awhile, sometimes hours, it is a multithreaded program, … | |
Hi All, I seem to be getting an error with my code when running Intel C++ compiler via Visual Studio 2005. The error generated is "Expression:map/set iterator not dereferencable" I've given my code below in the hope that someone can spot the problem. [code=C++] set<stl_index>::iterator eit1, eit2=elmt_ids.begin(); bool non_consecutive(false); // … | |
Hi, this is my requirement : I have a c++ library/API in the server and client computers running Java applets can send data over to the server and server after processing will send the resultant data back. What I have done: Following the excellant tutorial at [url]http://www.linux.com/feature/113947?&depth=5&order=1&sortby=3&render=flat[/url] titled "Creating Web … | |
Any ideas how this could be converted to a std::string(). So files8 will be converted to a std::string() [code] System::String ^ files8 = folderBrowserDialog1->SelectedPath->ToString(); [/code] | |
(#143734) 915186754 SendMessage: sender 1, receiver 2, group 1000000000, type 24050, length 384, source 0 (#143781) 915248646 ReceiveMessage: receiver 1, sender 3, group 1000000000, type 24050, length 256, source 0 (#143658) 914941174 Collective: process 1, collective 11, group 1000000000, root 0, sent 0, received 0, duration 242440, source 0 (#143657) … | |
Hey, I'm working on a Paint program. I've never built a proper program before so I was wondering how I should go about structuring an actual piece of software. I'm trying to a make a simple paint application (like MS paint) using C++ and the SDL library. Right now, I'm … | |
[B]Moderator Note:[/B] Split from the thread [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread67837.html"]C/C++ FAQ's and Practice Problems[/URL] [QUOTE=jetru;328964]projecteuler.net for the math freaks![/QUOTE] for math only ahmmm how about for game freak? do you have any suggestion for that like projecteuler.net | |
I am trying to take my array of classes and add the values from one part of it together. I have everything ready but being able to add the parts of the array into a variable which I can use. Right now, I am using this to try and add … | |
How to cal the examid like i want to call 001 and count how many exam 001 clash with 002, 003, 004...? [code] // Filename : ConflictMatrix.cpp #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespace std; struct student { string studentid; vector <int> examcode; }; int main() { … | |
Hi, I am using BCB6 and trying to simulate a compass. I have an image that need to rotate (clockwise and/or counter clock-wise, it doesn't matter I think). I am reading the direction data over from other computer and using that data (0 - 360) to move the compass. I … | |
Help me with the J loop itz suppose to terminate on hitting enter to pass on loop to the outer loop for incrementing row. I tried a[i][j]!=(char)13 but it failed. [code=c++]#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); int no=0,i=0,j,k,m,price[20]; char arr[20][50]; cout<<" ================================================================="<<endl; cout<<" Food on the run Restaurant "<<endl; cout<<" … | |
How to make c++ fullscreen (sort of) in vista :- [URL="http://img167.imageshack.us/img167/4783/45870184ss2.jpg"]http://img167.imageshack.us/img167/4783/45870184ss2.jpg[/URL] Your screen should look like this :- [URL="http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/6136/sshot3td7.png"]http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/6136/sshot3td7.png[/URL] | |
I am starting to develop a calculator in C++ which accepts the expression in the form: 2+3 or 2/3 ,etc. ( for the time being, only two operands and one operator) Once i get that done, I will begin the process of continuely expanding it :) The problem I am … | |
I need help in writing a C++ class definition called SIMPLEST_GRADES which will evaluate the students performance. It will take the three exams of four students and takes its average of those three exams. Can you tell me what I can do to fix this program or do I have … | |
i would like to copy the contents of a byte array to a long variable. my code looks like this: [code] long key = 0; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { key <<= 8; key |= (long)(buffer[i]); //<- this line causes the problem }[/code] however, when i … | |
An example of a function definition in C language is given below: char fun (int a, float b, int c) { /* body */ … } Assuming that the only types allowed are char, int, float (no arrays, no pointers, etc.), write a grammar for function headers, i.e., the portion … | |
Hi, I want to display all the text exist in this variable [CODE]char hello[]="HELLO WORLD!";[/CODE] I use this function [CODE]void Speech(char *words,int position) { char *textptr; textptr = words; WrCmd2Lcd(position); delay_ms(10); while(*textptr != '\0') WrDat2Lcd(*textptr++); }[/CODE] and call it in main function [CODE] Speech(hello,lcd_set_ddaddr+0x00);[/CODE] but it only display "HELLO WORLD", … | |
Hi to everyone. It's my first post here and I'd like to get some help. A friend of mine has 2 (simple for you) problems to solve and she doesn't have a clue (and nether do I). Prob 1.) Write a code in C++ (visual) that reads from the keyboard … | |
I am using this code inside a button. When clicking the button I browerDialog appears. I can now browe to a folder and press OK. The Directory will be inserted in the textBox1. What I now want to do is this: Inside of this Folder I have a .txt File. … | |
im trying to create a 2D array using a random generator but the compiler keeps giving me compiling error no matter how i modify the calling function [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <ctime> using namespace std; const int MAX = 4; void constructArray (int a [][MAX], int); int main() { int a … | |
I have downloaded the visual C++ express 2005.Actually i have no experience with the visual C++, i used to develop with Visual Basic earlier but i don't know some of the following thing: 1. How can i enable the line numbers in my source code? 2. Where can i find … | |
The last version of DevC++ is released as beta 5.It is the only lightweight (comaprison to large download of VC++ express) IDE available for C++ with Stable release(Not like nightly build of Code::blocks).But,there are plenty of updates of mingw since then,so the outdated version inside the setup needs to be … | |
Hi, I am having problem in compiling the following piece of simple code(it didn't work in any of the compilers VC++,GCC etc) [code] #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { while((char c = cin.get()) != 'q') cout<<endl<<"Character printed = "<<c<<endl; } [/code] ERRORS: expected primary-expression before "char" expected `)' before … | |
Hi guys, quick question for you. [code]for (i = 0; i < NUM_EMPS; i++) { cout << "First and Last Name: "; cin.getline( names[i], 31 ); for (index = 0; index < NUM_MONTHS; index++) { cout << "Hours worked in "; cout << months[index]; cout << ": "; cin >> … | |
Hello guys, I wanna write a program that count for me the number of each letter I have in a text file then I want to cout the words and count the number of repetition of each word. I was able to do it except for counting the repetition And … | |
ok i have an assignement the assignment is to make a menu with these selection Write a program that displays a menu with the following choices to the user. A - Find the largest # with a known quantity of numbers B - Find the smallest # with an unknown … | |
hi guys. its me again. after going thru my prblm i was able to get thru a few of the kinks. however, i still am having issues with the mathematical statements. my assognment is to to create a program that will calciulate the monthly payment along with the loan and … | |
Hello, I was creating a game in java and a thought came to mind, would it be better to dump it all and start from scratch with C++. So my question is, with all the cons I've listed and all the other issues that you know, what am I better … | |
Hi! I'm just at the the research and design stage for my final college project, I'm just wondering what some more experienced programmers think is the best way to get started with simple graphics and sound. The program is really just going to be a scripting language (not sure if … | |
I have been using VC++5 for a while. All of a sudden I am getting the following error: "msdev has caused an error in dm.dll" Can anyone tell me how to get rid of this. Thanks |
The End.