49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for Diabloizzle

I am having problems with jGRASP. Whenever i try to compile... i get the error... "g++.exe: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1plus': No such file or directory ----jGRASP wedge2: exit code for process is 1. ----jGRASP: operation complete." Does anybody have a quick fix? I already have MinGW installed.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for jimmy.rocks1

i m trying to terminate a thread when it is executing . could anyone help me how to go about this... thanks, aravind

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for andyg55

Hello!! I have an array filled with figures stored in an input file. My program has read the input file, and filled the array with the contents. I also have a random number generator. I have made this make 2 random numbers between 0 and 1 at a time. I …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for driplet

The function is as follows: void Runthrough(double * from, double * to, double * when, double * howmuch) { nflows += 1; if (nflows > LENFST) { /* Stack Overflow */ Application->MessageBox("Error occurred.", MB_OK); return; } else { /* Store the arguments in the stack */ flowstack[nflows].from = from; flowstack[nflows].to …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for Blythe24

Hello- My teacher gave us this problem in a lab and I need help with it. Basically, he wants us to write an algorithm to count symbols. The user will provide anywhere between 3-10 symbols and then an initial number. For example: user: 01234567, initial number: 106 output: 107, 110, …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for cpp_noobsauce

Hi I'm a complete noob to programming but am trying to learn c++. Im having trouble with a small project that I was given and was wondering if anyone could help me out. Here is the sample project that I was given: A certain country charges its citizens an annual …

Member Avatar for cpp_noobsauce
Member Avatar for jobob64

what about overloading the subscript operator to… say sort an array of ints without templates... example: [code] class Whatever { private: int * m_value; public: int &operator[](std::size_t index); }; [/code]

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for SteveDee

I am writing a simple program to read in date from a lotto winning numbers file. The data is structured like this: 01/03/1998 6 - 12 - 20 - 33 - 34 - 50 01/10/1996 13 - 22 - 34 - 40 - 44 - 49 etc. No matter how …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for driplet

Hi masters: I got an error message when I was compiling my code: "E2293 ) expected" It indicates some thing wrong in a line on which I defined a function. There are a lot of arguments in this function and some ones are array. I checked this section many times …

Member Avatar for driplet
Member Avatar for DoctorBob

Hello.. I finished a program that does multiplication by successive addition.. But now I want to change my program to do division by successive subtraction? I tried to change my while loop to break out sooner but it didn't work... Thanks for any Help! [code] #include<iostream> using namespace std; int …

Member Avatar for Colin Mac
Member Avatar for Agni

I have a vector of a structure.. say [QUOTE]struct employee { string name; int age; int empId; }; and a vector of this structure RWTValOrderedVector<employee> vec;[/QUOTE] suppose this vector has 4 entries. Now if i want to find in this vector for employee information of a specific employeeid, how do …

Member Avatar for DangerDev
Member Avatar for winrycool

can anyone give me the program for the 8 queens problem please i need for my project

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for twoheadedboy

[code=language] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; //Begin by defining the functions that are to be called in the main program double f (double x) //Function 1 Finding 1/x, the integrand, this shall be called f { //Function 1 Body double y; y=1.0/x; return y; } //End …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for xeption12

hi there :) i'm currently practicing with the recursive backtracking method by trying to solve all the suggested problems... one of them says: find all the solutions for the next ecuation: 3x + y + 4xz = 100 so the solution would be of type S={(x,y,z) | x,y,z belonging to …

Member Avatar for xeption12
Member Avatar for Allen 0108

I can only compile my source code if the command prompt is pointed to the compiler directory or the source code directory. Basically, I can get the compiler to compile from either: [B][B]C:\Borland\BCC55\Bin>[/B] C:\bcc32>[/B] or [B] C:\01proj\hworld.cpp[/B] (location of source code) My source code is [code=c++] // C++ code template …

Member Avatar for Adrian99420
Member Avatar for gcardonav

Hey guys I know I have posted this type of question before but I want to get to the nitty-gritty of this. I have the following program that sorts ten numbers enter by the user. The program work but I am not able to see the results because the program …

Member Avatar for plgriffith
Member Avatar for mark192

I've been programming for about a week now and I'm just learning if statements now I made a simple program that asks the user for a number input (1-4) and depending on what they input it will add/subtract/multiply/divide 2 numbers they enter after they decide what operation they want to …

Member Avatar for hsram
Member Avatar for teppuus

Hello, I am having some trouble traversing backwards through a double linked list. Basically this program pulls words from a text file (I have attached the file I am using), corrects the words and stores them in an array of pointers (one pointer per letter of alphabet) of double linked …

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Member Avatar for Joga

Hi everyone, I need help with the C++ program. I need to find a way to write this: compute the product of a*(a+1)*(a+2)*...*(b)

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for coolbreeze

I've got a program to write and im struggling to start out.. read one integer, n, from a file, then loop the program n times, using indexes 1-n. I'm not really sure where to start with that statement... Im a bit rusty in c++ haha. Each time through the loop …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for k2k

Does anyone know how to delete a specific index of an array? Is there any recommended library out there ?

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for nice_sayed

The Address Book is a collection of records and one record should have following fields about a contact • Name • Address • Phone number • Email address The Address Book program should have the following features 1. Add-to add a new person record 2. Delete-to delete an existing person …

Member Avatar for zandiago
Member Avatar for shadowfire36

ok i just got my ass chewed by my professor cause he gave us a a program to build and i used visual studio to build it . he told me he wants his programs built in a compiler , i told him i was using visual studio , he …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for jimmy.rocks1

Hi, I am having a problem in implementing multithreading in my program.i have a function which goes like this int x=NodesArray[2]->SendData(routeInfo,countDataPackets,pathInf); i want to call this function with the help of CreateThread and i did it this way hThread[0]=CreateThread(NULL,0,(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)NodesArray[2]->SendData(routeInfo,countDataPackets,pathInf),NULL,0,&dwID[i]); i just read some programs online and read microsoft visual c++ …

Member Avatar for jimmy.rocks1
Member Avatar for MikeKristal

I have a question, my code doesn't work right, I try to put in a break, so it understands to go to the next case, but it doesn't do anything...Does anyone know how to make it run so that the Username enter in correctly and run the rest of my …

Member Avatar for MikeKristal
Member Avatar for Ajuddy

/stores and retrieves data for two secret asgents [code=c] #include<stdio.h> void main () { struct personnel { char name [30]; int agnumb; int agent; }; struct personnel agent1; struct personnel agent2; char numstr[81]; printf("\nagent 1.)\nEnter name:"); printf("Enter agent number (3 digits): "); gets(numstr); agent1.agnumb=atoi(numstr); gets(agent2.name); printf("Enter agent number (3 digits);"); …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for linux0id

Hi everyone! I am new to C++, started not so long ago. I am writing a database program using sqlite3 and gtkmm (C++ bindings to GTK) GUI toolkit. I am using Eclipse for project building (managed make). In my project, I have two folders - 'db' and 'interface'. here is …

Member Avatar for linux0id
Member Avatar for aaronight

am having this problem .........visual studio 2008\projects\project school billing systems\project school billing systems\project school billing systems.cpp(5) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'iostream.h': No such file or directory and below is my code, can some 1 help me get it right,......... [COLOR="Red"]school billing system from lower primary(1-3)/ upper …

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for damir_john

how can I create a simple script to do this: find the diroctory of iw3mp.exe open iw3mp.exe + connect

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for winrycool

You see i am new to c++ programing and i have just started classes and i hae a project where i have to do a game in c++. so how do i draw circles grids and other shapes plz help me!

Member Avatar for Colin Mac

The End.