49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for maori

Hi Guys i'am trying to learn text file manipulation and i've got a problem with one particuler subject and unsure of how to acchive what i need the text file contains lines in this format Name0 1 2 3456 7 8 9 10 "discription" Name1 1 2 3458 7 8 …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for BalaKrish

Hi All, I have to handle text files of larger sizes ranges from 10GB and more which are exported from some application softwares. The text files contains the required information scattered throughout the file. I need to gather all those information in a particular format to do further analysis. Say …

Member Avatar for BalaKrish
Member Avatar for EnderW4785

Hello, I just recently started trying to write code that would automate a "reporting" function by writing to a microsoft word document. At this point, all I'm trying to do is open a new document, write some text, insert a picture, write some more text, save the file as a …

Member Avatar for lch
Member Avatar for zeroground

i want to enter x1,x2 and y1,y2 and it displays the slope of the line...but there are some errors ,can anyone figure it out ? [code]#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> /* 2 point form*/ float findslope(float , float,float , float); float m,n; void main() { float a1,b1,a2,b2,; double result cout << "\n Enter …

Member Avatar for toko
Member Avatar for zoner7

[CODE=C++] #include <iostream.h> int main() { enum Days { Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Â_Saturday }; Days DayOff; int x; cout << "What day would you like off (0-6)? "; cin >> x; DayOff = Days(x); if (DayOff == Sunday || DayOff == Saturday) cout << "\nYou're already off …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for yangchen60
Member Avatar for That Asian Guy

I used the following code to perform this operation in VS 2005: [code=C++] if (listView1->SelectedItems->Count > 0) { listView1->Items->RemoveAt (listView1->SelectedIndices [0]); numericUpDown1->Value -= 1; } [/code] However, I need a program to compile in VS 2003 in order for it to run on a school computer. Therefore, I inputted the …

Member Avatar for qszwdxefc
Member Avatar for zeroground

[code]#include<stdio> #include<iostream> #include<conio> /* 2 point form*/ float x1,x2,y1,y2; cout << "\n Enter values in order x1,x2,y1,y2: "; cin>>x1>>x2>>y1>>y2; float slope; slope=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1); float c=y1-slope*x1; cout<<"\nThe equation of the line is : y="<<slope<<" x + "<<c<<endl; [/code]

Member Avatar for invisal
Member Avatar for mattyw87

Hi, I recently wrote a program which allows you to load in an MD2 Model and view it in various different forms (wireframe, lighting, textured etc...) This was made as a standard Windows (Win32) Porject and heavily relied on the main message loop to update (Render) the model every frame. …

Member Avatar for abu moh

hi iam study data structure by c++ and begin to doing the project , iam using microsoft visual stdio 6.0 ,found (18) error in the project ,can anyone help me to finish the project :'( ... the project found in the link !!?? :$ [URL="http://usasamm.googlepages.com/k.rar"]click here[/URL]

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for enes

when ı compıle and run mey code vısual c++ says no labels were loaded . then when debug my program wıth break poınts ı cannot do ıt because debuggıng needs labels to be loaded.how can ı solve thıs problem?

Member Avatar for dubeyprateek
Member Avatar for drkprgrmer

i have this small program that im using to test some things. i have a visual c++ at school but its like 5 years old or whatever and i got visuall c++ 2008 expess at home and i need to know how to get this program to get the vector …

Member Avatar for drkprgrmer
Member Avatar for TheBeast32

Hi again, i'm making a macro building pogram. I have got mouse movement down, but now i have no idea how to do mouse clicks or keyboard input. Please help! I'm also using dev-c++ Here's my complete code for the program. [code=c++] POINT MousePoint; int X = 0; int …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for phalaris_trip

Just trying to get my head around linked lists and I'm trying to all the standard container functions.. For a singly-linked list are these algorithms correct? [code=cplusplus] void pop_front(const T& t) { // Deallocate memory pointed to by head node<T>* tempNode = head; delete head; // Get new head head …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Quakes

Hello there, I'm very new to C++ and I'm mainly using it for graphics using the opengl libraries. Anyway, I'm having trouble with some initialisation. I am writing a file reader class that will read a file containing vertex and face data for a series of polygons. Data.h [CODE]#ifndef _DATA_H_ …

Member Avatar for Quakes
Member Avatar for jimmy.rocks1

hi i implementing an algorithm where i broadcast packets in a network and i m doin it only c++. could any one help me in giving the code......

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Zeking

Hey there, I have been working with some functions from windows API and now I need to find similar set of functions for Linux. Actually I need functions for Linux that will pretty much do the same or similar thing. I have been searching on google trying "Linux API" , …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for wijitha

hi all...... Can you explain me how to get local timestamp in C++. regards wijitha.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Winuser

Hey!! I WANT YOUR HELP. I make currently a Diplomarbeit and so I need a SNMP API. I want to ask with a DOS-Application the SNMP - Agent an OID and so i have to develope the DOS-Application. Can i do this with WINSNMP ??? I just do it, because …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for bigbadowl

Hi All I'm a C++ noob so please don't be too harsh. I have written a tiny server using sockets. It forks children off for each connection. Trouble is I need have each child report back to the parent. I have been trying to set up a shared file using …

Member Avatar for bigbadowl
Member Avatar for kakilang

below is the source code that i type, but it can't play the wav sound [PHP]#include <windows.h> #include <mmsystem.h> int main() { PlaySound("chimes.wav",NULL,SND_FILENAME|SND_LOOP|SND_ASYNC); return o; }[/PHP] when i compile this source code the compiler prompt link error can anyone help to show the problem i using windows xp and dec …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for anumalayil

Hi i m a new usr just loggd in..can anyone help in developing a code 4 msking a telephone directory using class?

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for zeroground

this code consider 0,1 as prime numbers and when i remove "!" sign from 0 and 1 it says an error [code]#include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; int main(){ int x, y; while (true) { cout << "Please Enter a positive number\n"; cin >> x; if(0 != x || …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for rizoshar

well i have 2 weeks reading and testing some C++ but unfortunately i fell into a wall. I succeed making an array with random length and random elements (yeah i did it)and i want to help me making those elements sorted. eg quicksort I read "algorithms in C++ " written …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for zeroground

i want someone to describe this code to me...what " #include<iomanip.h>" and "#include<stdlib.h>" do ? and how to change the color of the background ? thanks :) [code]#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<iomanip.h> #include<stdlib.h> int main() { int number; int response=1; do { system("color a5"); cout<<"Please enter any integer and I will tell …

Member Avatar for Jishnu
Member Avatar for TheBeast32

I have been making a prime number generator. It works, but it's considerably slow if a user enters a high number. If anyone has any suggestions on how to make it faster, please post it. Here's the genrator code: [code] unsigned long int theNumber; unsigned long int Factor1 = 1, …

Member Avatar for TheBeast32
Member Avatar for djJonno

Hi Guys, In my recent thread on a [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread102215.html"]polymorphism problem[/URL] I thought I had it all figured out but now I have I new problem. Now I want to pass in 2 objects of either type bird or pigeon [code=cpp] int main() { Bird B1; Pigeon P1; DoSomething ( &B1, …

Member Avatar for djJonno
Member Avatar for luv2die

hi all, i need help in extracting data out of a txt file and then modify it. this is the problem i have a txt file (customer.txt) storing some data account no. money 123 3000 293 2300 874 3400 and this is the output i have to show [COLOR="red"]Customer Purchase: …

Member Avatar for luv2die
Member Avatar for arunpawar

HI,i have downloaded the Turbo Explorer and i'm trying to learn the Event handling with it.The problem is i dont know the pre-made code for some actions like if i create some text editor as per the tutorial in the help file,how can i add action as per my own …

Member Avatar for arunpawar
Member Avatar for phalaris_trip

I'm trying to make the second parameter a default parameter that is the same as the first, or different if I want it to be different.. Why doesn't this work? And is there a way around it, other than by iterative overloads? void LoadFile (std::string filename, std::string key=filename) { //blah …

Member Avatar for phalaris_trip

The End.