49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for T-Fizz

Hi, I am writing a program that needs to search particular strings in a text file. The strings are typed in a text box by the user and then when the text file is opened, using fileDialog, the program searches that file using the string in the text box. I …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for squinx22
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for shibam

Hi, I want to develop software for interactive map ( not world map) however I don't know which language can be used for also I want to make database and this data will be updated frequently.. if some one would like to help me how to figure it out I …

Member Avatar for shibam
Member Avatar for MadsenAim3r

Hi, this is Chris, and I was hoping that you guys could supply me with the code (yah, I know that you guys don't do homework, but this is an exception? :D) for making a simple "Hello World" program? Even one that asks answers of the user (for example, "Whats …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for youngone

This assignment I must read this .DAT file the instructor has given to me, and print out the information from it. The .DAT file is for a two-way array It has 6 rows and 8 colloumns well I have ran into a couple of problems [code] #include <iostream.h> #include <fstream.h> …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for squinx22

just asking where could I get complete tutorials about c++ application making through the net.. Ur help is highly appreciated.. thanx... :?:

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for Reema_Hamed

i have to do this assigment by the next monday...;) i need to develop a test bank so i have to generate : 1-100 arrays of size 10 with randomly distinct numbers from (0-9) 2-100 arrays of size 50 with randomly distinct numbers from (0-49) 3-100 arrays of size 100 …

Member Avatar for Reema_Hamed
Member Avatar for addicted

hey, it's me again, i need help with creating a header file for some functions so that i can use the functions in some other programs.... for example a header file that will include the function prototypes that i can access... I need the syntax for it.....:)

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for naya22

I have a problem: Here is my program: [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <conio> using namespace std; int main() { char choice; string name; int hours; double charges, total; cout << "\t\tInternet Service Provider\n"; cout << "\t\tSubscription Packages\n\n"; cout << "A: For $9.95 per month, …

Member Avatar for naya22
Member Avatar for kylcrow

I am writing code for a homework assignment. I have to write a function, and in the function prompt the user to enter either rock, paper, or scissors. I did it successfully declaring a char (choice) globably, but I was told this wasnt a good idea, even though it worked. …

Member Avatar for kylcrow
Member Avatar for kylcrow

Ok I am writing a Rock Paper Scissors game for my c++ class. I have done most of it, but now I am stuck. I need to keep an overall score for the computer wins, user wins, and ties for as long as the user wants to keep playing. After …

Member Avatar for kylcrow
Member Avatar for squinx22

how do i compile a project with files/codes in a subversion.. suppose I have these files in a version control: folder/implement.cpp folder/head.hpp I want to compile my main.cpp with these files What I did is: $ g++ main.cpp ../svn/folder/implement.cpp -I ../svn/folder/ -o main It doesnt work... Pls give me link …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for maher123

can any 1 of make a program in which there is a calendar which can go on the day, show the day, calculate the day,save the notes on the particular day PLZZZ. USE THE FOLLOWING FOR loop; if then; switches; array 1D ARRAY 2D ARRAY 3D STRING AND ALSO TRY …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for Mini_The_Great

How do you change curtan text in a text file? example: I have the user enter there name into data.txt and then have them enter there age in to data.txt. Then they grow up and they enter there age again, but instead of redoing the whole thing, I want it …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Mini_The_Great

[code=C++] ambiguous overload for 'operator>>' in 'std::cin >> file' [/code]??? I'm going CRAZZZZYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Savs

Is there a way to read the long answer from server not using non-blocking sockets? The problem is that recv blocks if server stops to send. [CODE]while(true){ n=recv(skt, buf, BUFFER_SIZE,0); if(n<=0)break; buf[n]='\0'; std::cout<<buf; }[/CODE] So, how to break from while(true) before recv() blocks? My experiments with select() failed. =(

Member Avatar for Savs
Member Avatar for kpack08

[COLOR=#555555]Hi I was assigned a project in my C++ class. the project is to write a program using arrays. I have to write it for a plane that has 15 seats. Seat 1 to 7 is first class and seat 8 to 15 is economy. The program should be able …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Mini_The_Great

Ok i just started C++ about 2 days ago and I have somthing not working and somthing I need to ask, hopfully somone can help me. Im making a dll to use with a gamemaking software called gamemaker that support using dll's. oh ya, im using Dev-C++ First, This is …

Member Avatar for Mini_The_Great
Member Avatar for addicted

hey, its me again, i was thinking of asking you this questions since.... I study C++ by myself without any tutor apart from the help i get here... although i understand everything i read... and i solve most of the exercises easily .. except few... i don't know.. is this …

Member Avatar for mariocatch
Member Avatar for Matt Tacular

Hey, I was just wondering how to get a variable assigned a random number within a certain range. I tried the rand, but I seem to get the same set of numbers everytime I run the code... I did some research on random numbers in C++ and understand the whole …

Member Avatar for Matt Tacular
Member Avatar for SpiderLocMTGO

Whenever I try to compile my code in Visual C++ 6.0, I get three errors: driver.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall Rational::Rational(int,int)" (??0Rational@@QAE@HH@Z) Rational.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall Rational::Rational(int,int)" (??0Rational@@QAE@HH@Z) Debug/driver.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals My code is: [code=C++] // …

Member Avatar for mariocatch
Member Avatar for rapperhuj

HOw do you compare 2 strings without using strcmp...??? would u please give me an example and how it will work.. THNK YOU Very Much!!:S:X

Member Avatar for wise_monkey
Member Avatar for Osama Mehtab

I have wirtten the program , it executes but the only error it has is that when I run this program it is not proceeding further after entering a required data (some type of logical error :'( ) [ #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; class publication …

Member Avatar for fulyaoner
Member Avatar for stonecoldstevea

Need help urgenlty -please I'm new to the forum and request help I need to write code containing a for loop from 1 to 30.everytime the loop is executed, the answers of one respondent to each of the 3 questins, should be inputed - Q1. how old are you, Q2, …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for MukeshZ

Hi, I want to calculate 2's complement [ Negate all bits + 1] of BYTE array in c++ or VC++ firstly i am adding all elements of BYTE array and assigning it to integer variable now i want to calculate 2's complement of it. How can i do this plz …

Member Avatar for MukeshZ
Member Avatar for rajeev chaubey

iam facing problems in making special figures or series like pyramids of numbers n similar figures using loop. plz hep me to get out of this prob.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for squinx22

how could I connect the saved implementations in subversion to the main/test program outside the subversion? I want to use the saved file in the subversion as a library so that i could use it in any programs... tnx in advance...

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for Elfshadow

I have trying C and so far it's gone great but this has been driving me mad today. I could swear scanf worked earlier but its crashing my programs? I know you get this problem when you forget the pointer thing & but this should work [code] #include<stdio.h> int main() …

Member Avatar for Elfshadow
Member Avatar for Dani

I'm taking an Operating Systems course in which I need to write some really in depth programs (more specifically, along the lines of a terminal based program which implements many system level unix-like commands). However, the catch is that this must be written in straight C, which I have no …

Member Avatar for Elfshadow
Member Avatar for MadsenAim3r

well, I'm using a book called "Learn C++ in 21 days" and it's working out great so far. The only problem is that when I type in the code from the book, letter for letter, many errors pop up. Is this book made for a previous version of C++? It …

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The End.