49,755 Topics

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Ok this program takes rainfall data for every month of the year and displays the total and avg for each month. I need it to display each month in order of rainfall from highest to lowest as well. Im having a hard time implementing showorder into my code. Can someone …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for jessiegirl

I am new at C++ programming..Anyway I need to create a C++ Program that involves one large chemical company that pays its salepeople on a commission basis. The sale people receive $200 per week plus 9 per cent of their gross sale for that week. For example,a salesperson who sells …

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Member Avatar for phuduz

hey guys my program assigns a letter grade to a specfic percentage for an exam score and the problem is taht if i enter a number that is not specified in my if statements it should say invalid number but the program juss prints out the regular output with no …

Member Avatar for may4life
Member Avatar for mikeallen

I'm trying to write a program that uses overloading of operators to perform operations (add, multiply, etc.). I've got the program done, but I'm having trouble modifying the driver I have to fit the program. The original program used a print method, and the new program uses overloading input and …

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Member Avatar for spacecowboy123

Hi All, I'm having a bit of trouble with a simulation I am writing in C++. Any help to solve the problem would be appreciated. The simuation needs to run 5500000000 times. When it gets to 2100000000, the counter I am using changes to -210000000. So as you can see, …

Member Avatar for may4life
Member Avatar for silicon

Hello everyone, I just wanted to thank you in advance for all of your help. My code is now working properly except for one thing. The insertion part feels like it takes about 5 minutes to complete. I know that this method is the slowest of the 4 I was …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for mattyd

Hi, I am working on a fairly simple project (it will grow more in time as planned) but I am stuck in a spot which I cannot solve yet. The operation of this prog at this point is: [LIST] [*]Start. Ask user for input choice (only 1 choice available at …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Priya.K

hi How to implement drag and drop of files between windows explorer and my application which is developed using Borland C++ Builder? Thanks, Priya

Member Avatar for king13

My program seems to be ignoring my cents after the decimal point for total_charge. It adds the dollar amounts, but ignores or does not see the cents. Can anyone give me suggestions as to what I need to look at? I'm brand new at coding, thus the reason for all …

Member Avatar for king13
Member Avatar for hui

//My function is but the problem is that i dont have a proper working main function void reverse(int a[], int n) { // function: Reverses the elements of a. // parameters: // a inout array of values. // n in number of values in a, a[0]..a[n-1] // returns: nothing for …

Member Avatar for may4life
Member Avatar for matrimforever

What I am trying to do: [quote][LIST=1] [*]A function to add one to the current count. [*]A function to subtract one from the current count. [*]A function to reset the count to zero. [*]A function that returns the current count.[/LIST]Do not write a constructor for this class. Write a main( …

Member Avatar for may4life
Member Avatar for mhasan_mitul

Hi I want to create a USB driver for Windows98. I need several windows API to communicate with the USB. That's why I need to know how to load dll files in Microsoft Visual C++ for using windows API and which API will help me to build my driver. Is …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for JS1988

Does anyone know how to writea program to print 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and so on until it is down to one. Anyone know how to right a function that …

Member Avatar for may4life
Member Avatar for noxee

Hi guys, When I try to compile the code below I get an error saying: error C2065: 'file' : undeclared identifier. But if I run the program it still works. [code=c++] // WordStreamTest.cpp //-------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "WordStream.h" //-------------------------------------------------------------------- using namespace std; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void OutputNumber (const string &str); void OutputLine (int length); …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Zopharr

We were assigned the following problem as a large project in my Freshman intro to C++ programming class: We have to determine the number of terms needed to calculate Pi to a specific number (3.0, 3.1, 3.14, 3.141, 3.1415, and 3.14159), using the formula: pi= 4(1-1/3+1/5-1/7+1/9-1/11+1/13...) I thought I had …

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Member Avatar for Jonezy

Hey.. Names Jay.. I'm new around here.. Doin C++ and i'm a beginner programmer.. I have been going OK but i am stuck!! For this assessment i have to create a payroll system for a company.. The company must contain staffmembers.. There is a class for staffmembers.. Inheriting frmo this …

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Member Avatar for jimbobint

[COLOR=#000000]Hi everyone I’m new to the forumn and programming – well iv’e read one book c++ programming in easy steps by Mike Mcgrath. I have now got a slightly more indepth book Sams teach yourself c++ in 24 hours fourth edition. All has been going well until I got upto …

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Member Avatar for JRM

Hello all, While I understand what the class access keywords public, private, and protected are supposed to do, I just don't see how this ACTUALLY "hides variables" and makes for more bullet proof code. Do the variable names survive the compilation process? If someone was to read compiled code in …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Colin Mac
Member Avatar for king13

Hello, I'm having issues with my final total for charges. When I run my program, it either comes up with "0" or if I don't declare my variable, it comes up with a long string of numbers. My total hours works great, but not my charges. Can someone take a …

Member Avatar for king13
Member Avatar for dummies2

i have this program but it doenst work could you help me plz. you just enter in sentence like: I like the cat. or The cat sees the rat. The cat likes me. then it will say the string is correct. but if you enter in I sees the cat. …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Niklas

Alright well this is supposed to be a basic Geometry calculator that uses set formulas to identify the "chosen" property of the figure by just pluggin in #'s that are used in that formula. I have to admit I'm not expirienced at all in C++ and probably made a ton …

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Member Avatar for Haktivex

Hello folks :) Allow me to introduce myself. I am Haktivex, a programmer for a tool known as TibiCAM, used to record movies for an online game known as Tibia. Now heres the issue. For a long time we supported all operating systems, Windows 98, ME, etc. However recently these …

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Member Avatar for Sarguna

hi Everybody I want to know how in borland c++ to use the lib file i have a .lib file present with the source code of that library i want to use the lib file I have just added the lib into the project through Project->AddtoProject i did not get …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for dmegee

Hi I am trying to find out what I am doing wrong with this code...I need it to load a file and encrypt it, print it, encrypt it again(decrypt it), print it then save it to another file. the original and the new file should be the same...Here is what …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for alias47

Hello everyone :) I have a problem with Kraskal's algorithm. :sad: How it is possible to choose the node I want to start with to build minimmum spanning tree? Thank you for ansvering :) [code=c] //implemented using sets concept #include<iostream.h> class kruskal { private: int n; int graph[10][10]; int tree[10][10]; …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for DmD

Hi, I'm making a program that is has to send texts from textboxes to a external device wich shows them on leds. But the LED's cant show every character(takes to much time :P), so i'm tasked to make a filter on the textboxes to check if they contain any invalid …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for rati

i need to print a wildcard * in the output . a program that takes a string as command line argument prints all the files in the directory instead of *. can u help me?

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Member Avatar for pugg09

I tried searching the forums but I've come up dry. Can anyone help me with this simple coding excercise. I wanted to template my datatype in my class, but it's coming up with errors. [code=c] //template <typename T> //----> i want to use this class typeClass { private: int myArg; …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for ok555

Hi, I need to be able to call a function from all the C++ files included in my project and i am not sure how to do it.. everytime i try something (such as exporting a class or function) i get multiple function declaration errors and it fails to compile, …

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The End.