49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for bg123

I am doing a mazetraversal program that inputs a .dat text file. Im having trouble taking in account of the whitespace. Here is my code and were the ?????? is where it needs to go. I think its just a small "if" statement taking it in account. [CODE]#include <iostream> #include …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for Diode

Hello, :) I have chosen to go with getch() for my keyboard input. However, when I went to experiment with it, I got some unexpected results. The 'Y' in 'Your word was ' is missing in the command prompt when I run this program after I compile using gcc, and …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for SOLO13

Im planning in buying this. Is this all I need to start coding? Thanx Overview [B]The Visual Studio® 2005 Standard Edition from Microsoft®[/B] is a comprehensive, high productivity professional development environment for individual developers for building enhanced performance, multi-tier applications for Windows®, Web, and common consumer mobile devices. It allows …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for MrLew

I have a 2 part problem. 1) In circleTypeImp.cpp I am being returned incorrect values for circum and area variables. I have tried using both float and double variable type with no luck. Any pointers? 2) I have read over how to derive a class a number of times and …

Member Avatar for MrLew
Member Avatar for Diode

Hello, I am trying to develop something that, when you press a character on the keyboard, puts a char into a char-type variable. Should be easy right? Well, I don't want to require the user to have to press ENTER when they press the key. Maybe scanf isn't the right …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for lakshmi.1987

[B]can some one guide me in creating a text editor?tools that can be used,in detail.......[/B]

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Ajay Raj

Predict the output of the following code: #include < IOSTREAM > int main() { char weekdays [7][10]= { "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" }; cout<<**weekdays; } Could any one let me know answer and also the explaination if possible

Member Avatar for Ajay Raj
Member Avatar for Flay

I allready asked a question about this inside JoBe's Thread about the stl <map> ([URL]http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/post252520-10.html[/URL]), but maybe it's better if i make a new thread about it. The problem is, when i try to use <map> inside my project i get 2 errors: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\INCLUDE\map(16) : error C2143: …

Member Avatar for Flay
Member Avatar for matrimforever

I am trying to write a simple program in c++ to take a beginning delivery time in 24 hour time and an ending delivery time then taking 25% off that time(making the end time 25% sooner). For example, i'd have a user enter in 0900 for start time and 1030 …

Member Avatar for FC Jamison
Member Avatar for hay_man

Here's a really simple problem. I understand the basic search algorithms however, is there a difference when implemeting them in regards to vectors or strings? I want to determine if a certain value using a sequential search, the code would look something like this; [code] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include …

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Member Avatar for Karthi Msc

Hi can anyone help me in doing the following Given n Boolean variables x1,x2,…..xn, we wish to print all possible combinations of truth values they can assume. For instance, if n=2, there are four possibilities : true, true; false, false; false, true; true, false;:-|

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for wheelz

I am a newbie to C++ and I'm not sure of anything at this point in time however,I got a problem with the starting phase of this program that well prompt the user to input a single character and output a inter4national Civil Aviation Word !!!!! The prolem that I …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for stupidenator

Hi, I am in need of some help with a small portion of my program. I have an input file as follows: [CODE]10 9 15 program1 11 1 30 important 12 11 10 junk program 14 15 5 other program 17 6 20 another program[/CODE] I need a function to …

Member Avatar for stupidenator
Member Avatar for wheelz

:confused:I got this assignment to write a program using the switch statement or the functional decomposition, that inputs a letter and outputs thr corresponding international Alpabet. A Alpha B Bravo C Charlie so on and so on Is there anybody that can help me with this program?

Member Avatar for Infarction
Member Avatar for Akks_3

I'am new to wingdi. As I tried to include my wingdi.h in my borland C++ 5.5 program, the compiler shoots the following errors: Error E2303 C:\BORLAND\BCC55\INCLUDE\wingdi.h 269: Type name expected Error E2139 C:\BORLAND\BCC55\INCLUDE\wingdi.h 269: Declaration missing ; Error E2303 C:\BORLAND\BCC55\INCLUDE\wingdi.h 270: Type name expected Error E2238 C:\BORLAND\BCC55\INCLUDE\wingdi.h 270: Multiple declaration …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Flay

I have a question about the map-question JoBe asked at the start of this post. I'm also trying to build a program using <map>, but when i compile i get error that point to code inside the MAP-file. I saw your post here, and i tried your small program, but …

Member Avatar for GloriousEremite
Member Avatar for sameer.mastek

I'm creating a code which will map two distict strings. I used two ways for that: 1) created a MAP and added raw data to it from file. It is not that efficient.:sad: 2) created an object holding mapped values: eg. class c { string str1,str2; public: /// opearations }; …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for gampalu

I'm doing a dialog application in C++ to calculate something, but I want the result to be with 2 decimal number, how to do this? here is the function: [CODE]void CCalculatorDlg::Oncalc() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here UpdateData(TRUE); if ((m_amostras >= 1) && (m_elementos >= 1) …

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Member Avatar for Maux

I'm new to these forums,and really new to C++,but here is what i need to know.I made a simple calculator in C++ and i was wondering what i need to be able to keep useing it without opening the program everytime... [code]// simple calc // Chris Wilson #include <iostream.h> int …

Member Avatar for rinoa04
Member Avatar for vamsikirans

One of our clients,a Hyderabad (India)-based Company, with presence in US & Europe, has the following opening: [B]Position: "Senior PERL Programmer”[/B][B][/B] [B]Skill-set: (Mandatory) Perl, C++, Shell scripting, Java, JXB , PHP Scripting[/B] [B]Experience: 3+ Yrs (incl. 2+ yrs relevant exp)[/B] [B]Education: Graduates/Btech /BE /Mtech /ME /MCA /BSc. CS /MSc[/B] [B]Location: …

Member Avatar for dwks
Member Avatar for complete

I got a Link error 1181 with fresh code from source safe. It is looking for a dll that is in the windows/system32 directory and cannot find it. [QUOTE] Linker Tools Error LNK1181 cannot open input file "filename" The linker tool could not find "filename" because it does not exist …

Member Avatar for dwks
Member Avatar for kharri5

So I have a question regarding ifstream and reading a file. I have to read in this file, but some of the lines of the file will have missing sections of data. These lines I want to just throw away and then continue reading the file on the next line …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for insamd

hey guys, i am trying to get my code to count the number of characters in a file. However, the program is continuously going through the characters (so it goes from a-z thousands of times) when i want it to say how many times 'a' occured and 'b' and so …

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Member Avatar for Anonymusius
Member Avatar for CurtisBridges

I got stumped can someone please help ? I’m working on this home work assignment and can’t get past this point. Here is how far I’ve got: [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; int main() { int numbers,to,Enter,odd,even; int integer,positive,a; cout << …

Member Avatar for CurtisBridges
Member Avatar for linq

It may not be the problem of my own procedure, because no matter what new projects I create, I got those 15 errors. who can copy his winuser.h file and send to me? I am using VC6.0++ Thanks a lot! my email: <<email snipped>>

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for kararu

Hi all, I have attched a code (inline c++) which is working fine if its alone run.But when I make it a package, giving package name; and putting 1; at the end ,,the calling script is not able to recognise new and says "cant locate object method new via name.perhaps …

Member Avatar for sut
Member Avatar for Marthy

[code] //The following example overloads the + operator to add two complex numbers and returns the result. // operator_overloading.cpp// compile with: /EHsc #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Complex { public: Complex( double r, double i ) : re(r), im(i) {} Complex operator+( Complex &other ); void Display( ) { …

Member Avatar for Micko
Member Avatar for anksphenomenon

Hi guys! I wanted to know how can i go about making a desktop application with C++? My application would need to do a lot of internet intensive processes and reside on the client's system, much like outlook express or evolution mail services.. i need to know what all packages …

Member Avatar for anksphenomenon
Member Avatar for kimw

does anyone have problem with linking to newmat library ? running [CODE]#include "newmat.h" int main() { Matrix A(2,2); }[/CODE] i got linker error: undefined reference i'm using dev c++ and have set the directories to point to the file where i stored all the header and source files .. any …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~

The End.