49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for winbatch

It seems that with vectors you can only delete via iterators. Since I can access and update by index [], shouldn't I be able to delete by index? The reason I ask is that when you delete via the iterators and the value exists multiple times, I believe it deletes …

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for bsdpowa

Me again, this time I really have a problem. I'm trying to add an element before a certain element. Example: List: 1,2,3,4,5 Find: 2 Add: 45 List: 1,45,2,3,4,5 Now the thing is that when I find the number and try to add a new number it adds OK but then …

Member Avatar for bsdpowa
Member Avatar for kohkohkoh

i tried for sorting the link list for weeks already, and yet still couldnt get the output as what i want. i search through the forum and i found the coding "algorithm" (in blue color) for sorting...but it seems tooo alit bit toooooooooooo long. so far, i was trying to …

Member Avatar for kohkohkoh
Member Avatar for Judas

Can anyone help me with some goods sites that give detailed explanations of libraries available to c++

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for jahowell01

I am getting lots of error messages from this program. What am I not doing. I followed the suggestions in my book as well as from fell dani members, yet I am still not able to get this program working. It is suppose to add, average, find the smallest and …

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

_tempnam() always returns a filename in the "c:\\temp" directory, regardless of the parameters. This example was extracted from MSDN. I need to generate a unique filename in a directory other than c:\temp -- any ideas how to do that other than writing my own function? maybe a c++ solution? Note …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Domo

Hi all.. i am doing myC++ assignment and i got problem in adding, deleting, and modify records. It should be some problem, but i dunno what's wrong. can somebody give me some tips for doing this ? THanks

Member Avatar for l3.azarmehr
Member Avatar for Enzo

Hey Guys.. Any one have an idea about how can i send an e-mail using C++,i mean using sockets in C++ can anyone provide me by the code i need thanks in advance. Enzo

Member Avatar for Enzo
Member Avatar for yaniv

Here it is... Design, write, and compile a program to determine if the digits in a three-digit number are all odd, even, or mixed odd and even. Your program should prompt the user to input a three-digit number and echo-print the number. If the digits in the number are all …

Member Avatar for yaniv
Member Avatar for Acidburn

Hello boys and girls, I'm wondering around with arrays and I'm trying to get one up so that it grabs a user inputt'd char and adds it on then prints out the contents of the array so far ie "Enter character" : User enters : 'A' Prints out A on …

Member Avatar for Acidburn
Member Avatar for Juvat

Greatings from the [URL=http://www.wc3campaigns.com/forums]WarCraft3Campaign[/URL] forums! We are at a bit of a dilema. The WarCraft 3 TFT WorldEditor is a very flexiable program, and the latest in big works is the workings on a custom MMORPG. The prople working on the Dark Crescent claim that they have a C++ programmer …

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for Micko

Hello, copying from one file to another is a simple matter. In C it's something like this: [code] int main(void) { FILE * fp1, * fp2 ; int buff; fp1 = fopen ("name", "rb"); fp2 = fopen ("name", "wb"); while ( (buff = fgetc(fp1)) != EOF) { fputc(buff, fp2); } …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for winbatch

If I have a vector<string> and do a find, the find returns me an iterator. How do I know what position of the vector does the iterator point to? for example. [code] vector<string> myVec; myVec.push_back( "A"); myVec.push_back( "B"); myVec.push_back( "C"); myVec.push_back( "D"); vector<string>myVec::iterator myIter = myVec.find(myVec.begin(), myVec.end(), "C" ); if …

Member Avatar for winbatch
Member Avatar for Mahen
Member Avatar for Mystic_Skies

Hello, I'm having a problem with a line of code that doesn't seem to be working right. I have no idea why it keeps telling me I have a missing ';' before '-'. Any help would be appreciated. Here's the error in Visual Studio: [color=RED] : error C2143: syntax error …

Member Avatar for Mystic_Skies
Member Avatar for kavsak

Hi I have a C++ dll which was designed to handle an Access 97 database using dao classes. I now need to convert this to Access 2000 / 2002, but when I run it, I get 'database format not recognised' errors. Presumably, I need to recompile with different settings somewhere. …

Member Avatar for kavsak
Member Avatar for Mahen
Member Avatar for Mahen

[code]#include <iostream.h> class Cat { public: Cat() {itsAge = 2;} ~Cat() {}; GetAge() {return itsAge;} void SetAge(int age) {itsAge = age;} private: int itsAge; }; int main() { Cat *p = new Cat; cout << p->GetAge() << endl; p->SetAge(10); cout << p->GetAge(); return 0; }[/code]<< moderator edit: added [url=http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/misc.php?do=bbcode#code][FONT=Fixedsys][co[u][/u]de][/co[u][/u]de][/FONT][/url] tags …

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for BenBen84

So, I just recently started using VC. Before I had been using DevC++, gvim, and NetBeans(for java). The reason I got into Visual C++ is because I have also begun learning to use DirectX. I used Visual C++ 6.0 starter edition for a couple months, and then just a few …

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Member Avatar for cppforlife

Can someone point me to some nice tutorial about CGI using C++! Tahnk you.

Member Avatar for cppforlife
Member Avatar for Acidburn

Hello, I'm trying to capture letters entered by user into an array using classes. Although I'm having some unknown difficult issues: [code] //main .cpp file. int main() { char guess = 'a'; hangman game1; game1.getbuffer(guess); guess = 'b'; game1.getbuffer(guess); return 0; }[/code] at the minute as you can see I'm …

Member Avatar for Acidburn
Member Avatar for stackOverflow

Hi all, I'm supposed to develop a very simple game as my project this year. And we are supposed to use dos compiler only ( i don't know why though). Is there any website which could help me in the very basics of game programming like drawing shapes, moving those …

Member Avatar for Drowzee
Member Avatar for Ene Uran

Does anybody know if there is a good C++ code library that can process MIDI music files?

Member Avatar for Stoned_coder
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hello ladies and gents, Im reading about working with maps and there is small programm example shown in this chapter. Now, when I write this code into the MS VC C++ compiler and compile the code, I get like over 90 warnings, however, when pressing compile again, they all are …

Member Avatar for Ene Uran
Member Avatar for plshelpme1

1. Introduction The objective of this project is to develop an Airline Reservation System. Green Dot airline has just purchased a computer for its new automated reservation system. You have been asked to program the new system. You are to write a program to assign seats on each flight of …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for Continuous

I am taking an intermediate programming class, after a somewhat long hiatus. One of the first projects is a somewhat simple assignment that takes a date from the user, and checks to see if it is valid, using classes. I have been working on it for a while, and i …

Member Avatar for nattylife
Member Avatar for jahowell01

This program is supposed to print the sum, average, product, smallest and largest of three numbers. Please look at this and tell me where I am going wrong.

Member Avatar for jahowell01
Member Avatar for altheastronut

Hello, I need to write a script for a program I am running and I have never written on. I don't even know what commands scripts use, or what they even look like. Does anyone know any tutorials or example I could modify to fit my needs? Thanks, -Al

Member Avatar for Raven11
Member Avatar for JuanPabloD

I have got thsi program that is meant to help with a coursework project but i do not understand it fully, and consequently its not much help. The initial section confuses me the most. Is this just simple definitions for double arrays? I have annotated the lines in the code …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Drowzee

Hello. Can anyone point me to a tutorial on how to properly organize header files? What I have (this time, I really can't post the code itself) is an MFC document class that contains a vector of classes that have an instance of a pointer to a base class (defined …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula

The End.