49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for knucklehead

I need help with my homework assignment. The assignments asks to enter a list of double values with the maxium to be entered is 50. I need to print out the list entered and find the largest and smallest values entered by the user. This is what I have but …

Member Avatar for Chainsaw
Member Avatar for crystalattice

This is kinda like "part 2" of my other post. Have also been working on this one for about 3 weeks. A suggestion was made that I should consider using the map container to accomplish what I want. My textbook doesn't talk about maps but I found some info on …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for crystalattice

I've been fighting w/ this problem for about 3 weeks. My school's forum and another programming forum I belong to have been unable to help me (I can't get ahold of my instructor but the school is looking into that). When running the attached program, I get the errors /home/cody/Projects/wavelength/src/wavelength.cpp:19: …

Member Avatar for Chainsaw
Member Avatar for jamievmi2

I'm trying to complete the following problem: write a problem that generates a table showing tuition and fee costs. the table continues to print up to and including a maximum number of credits that has been input by the user. The program should check that this value is between 12 …

Member Avatar for jamievmi2
Member Avatar for meabed

[font=VERDANA, ARIAL, HELVETICA, SANS-SERIF][size=1][font=VERDANA, ARIAL, HELVETICA, SANS-SERIF][size=1][font=VERDANA, ARIAL, HELVETICA, SANS-SERIF][size=1]Having bugs in your code may be unavoidable, but crashing [i]*is*[/i] avoidable. Barring cosmic rays playing yahtzee with your memory there is no reason why your program should ever crash. Crashing is totally avoidable![/size][/font] [font=VERDANA, ARIAL, HELVETICA, SANS-SERIF][size=1]What do I mean …

Member Avatar for harshchandra

Can anyone tell me the complete algorithm analysis of Tower of Hanoi for n pegs and n disks.I really need it :sad:

Member Avatar for harshchandra
Member Avatar for Dani

Hey everyone. I actually have a homework assignment that is due Tuesday afternoon that I've been struggling all weekend with. The assignment is located at: [url="http://cs.hofstra.edu./~cscsxd/hofstra/teaching/cs155-04/course_info/project/Recursion.cpp"]http://cs.hofstra.edu./~cscsxd/hofstra/teaching/cs155-04/course_info/project/Recursion.cpp[/url] As you can see, the function we have to write is: [code]int *Rectangular_Shortest_Path(int startx, int starty, int endx, int endy, int r[][6], int a[][6]) …

Member Avatar for Chainsaw
Member Avatar for gradstudt

hi , i need a program for tollbooth simulation using arrays implementing queues in C++. can some one please help me out. prashant

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for onauc

Hi, There are many versions of C and C++ built by many different companies. So, which version : 1. more easier to learn 2. more easier to remember 3. more easier to debug 4. helps me find errors fast and professionally 5. more portable 6. has the biggest community 7. …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for arashsamim

Hi there, I recently recieved some intructions to make a program using a "do while loop". Here is the questions below....by the way i am very new to C++: "Your program begins by randomly assigning the user an amount of money (from $1 - $1000), and then after each round, …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for skeet123

I am having trouble coming up with code for removing a node in a binary search tree. This is what I have so far: [CODE] void remove(int n) { node *current=root; node *gptr; while(current != NULL){ if(n<current->key){ gptr=current; current=current->left; }else if(n>current->key){ gptr=current; current=current->right; }else if(n==current->key){ if(gptr->right->key==n){ cout<<"1st ==key = "<<gptr->key<<endl; …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Nyika

I am writing a turtle graphics program and I need help with 2 characters to show when the direction of my turtle is up or down. I am using cout << ">"; cout << ">"; for right and left and right directions. Any help will be greatly appreciated since my …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for sss666

Hi I've been asked to write a program for this figure 1234 2 3 3 2 4321 I have tried writing this,don't know if its correct or not :?: my program is #include <iostream.h> void main() {int n,r,c; cout<<"enter the value of n"<<endl; cin>>n; for(r=1;r<=n;r++) c=r; cout<<c; cout<<endl; for(r=2;r<n;r++) for(c=2;c<=r;c++) …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for Der_sed

OK PEOPLE I NEED HELP AGAIN........pls dont do my homework..........thats y i havnt given the question this time aroung :) the question im asking is simple : the program asks user to input product id ( a,b,c,d or e) and its quantity sold......it then saves total sale in "int sale" …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Der_sed

[IMG]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2004-8/807060/resultwanted.JPG[/IMG] the picture shows the result i wanna achieve but my program here which i modified: [CODE] #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int k, m; for(k = 1; k <= 10; k++) { for(m = 0; m < k; m++) cout << "*"; cout << endl; } …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for mattcplusplus

static void myInit() { PrimitiveType=GL_POLYGON; LineSegments=3; } can someone tell me what static does to the function?

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for missy

i am a beginner, and i have 4 questions but i will only ask 2, 1. i have an assignement that says, write a program that will display one of three user-selected shapes, ('T'=triangle, 'D'=diamond, or 'R'=rectangle and 'X' to terminate). using a switch statement. please help me with the …

Member Avatar for frrossk
Member Avatar for thiodre26

Greetings: I am taking my first C++ class and am a little stuck. I keep receiving three compiler errors, but I can't seem to figure them out. Can someone please point me in the right direction. The assignment is: Write a C++ program having a recursive function recursiveMinimum that takes …

Member Avatar for Chainsaw
Member Avatar for slavic1

How would I create a method like toString() within the SHA-1 class to convert a message digest to a C++ string, each representing a hexadecimal digit. Also, how could specify whether a file should be read as a text file or binary file? Thanks

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for paynekiller

hey all, what would be the calculations needed for making a simple sprite opject point towards the cursor position? ta

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for ravit

Which file supposed to replace the file crtdbg.h in embedded c++? Is it possible that I don't have it in the embedded c++ environment? I'm trying to convert a project that wrote in visual c++ to Embedded visual c++?

Member Avatar for frrossk
Member Avatar for BSaltturk

I'm about to kill myself... This is very elementary stuff, yet I still can't do it. Let me first give you the code and then explain my problem : [CODE] wordListIterator = wordList.begin(); list<string>::iterator wordListNextIterator = wordList.begin(); wordListNextIterator++; while(wordListIterator != wordList.end()) { /* Counting duplicates */ int count = 1; …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for N3wbi3C0d3r

[CODE] //Program to collect and hold data on CD's #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; using std::ifstream; int main() { int QA; cout << "To veiw file press v, to add a new CD press a:\n"; cin.get(QA); if (QA == v) { while (CDs.get(ch)) cout.put(ch); } …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for missy

i don't know how to get some of the codes. how do u load an array code //C++ Program to demonstrate basic array function operations #include<iostream.h> const int ARRAY_SIZE = 5; void LoadArray(int a[ ], int size); void DisplayFirstToLast(int a[ ], int size); void DisplayLastToFirst(int a[ ], int size); int …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for Faramba

How can we print the output of the program(which is in the black environment, dos form)in the c++ visual studio 6 compiler?

Member Avatar for Extreme
Member Avatar for mendrif

I'm not sure how to get started with this. Here's the assignment and what i've done so far, but I'm not sure if i'm going the right direction with this. The assignment says to have the user enter input one character at a time. That means one letter or space …

Member Avatar for mendrif
Member Avatar for elum

Here is my problem. My code consist of two edit boxes: IDC_BOX_1 and IDC_BOX_2. and one button to Execute. The idea is for someone to enter a number in the first edit box, IDC_BOX_1, and after pushing the Execution button, the number in IDC_BOX_1, gets multiplied by two and displayed …

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Member Avatar for ryan_qut

Hi, i wanted to overload a + operator to add two objects..i have an error which states "invalid operands `employee *' and `employee *' to binary `operator +'".. i do not know what is wrong with that statement, can anyone pls point out my mistake?? Thanks. the problem lies with …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for fivetoesonefoot

hey i was wondering if someone could help me with this problem. i am so incredibly and utterly confused. here it is... write a simple phone directory program that looks up phone numbers in a file containing a list of names and phone numbers (called input.txt). the user should be …

Member Avatar for Tresa
Member Avatar for old lady

I've written programs for averaging lists of exam grades but throwing in the percent is throwing me for a loop. I don't know how to handle this information. Any help will be greatly appreciated. > //Write a program that asks the user to enter a student's midterm > //and final …

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The End.