49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for murnesty

I'm new on using class. Other than declare as friend class or declare static for the specific file to share variables/functions. Is there any other way? I have inherit few classes and wrote into few *.cpp file. I can't extern a static file, so is that mean i just only …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for jared crook

ok im new so i dont really know what im doing but when i put the example program in dev and compile it everything works fine but when i run it it still works fine but the black screen what shows you the result of thr program lasts like 1 …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for learningcpp

Hi Guys, Can you please guide me to a documentation/link where I can read about Interpositioning and what does it mean? Thanks in advance. S.

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for ana_1234

Hey I am trying to look into a text file and compare the single input by their hexadecimal digits. I am comparing two .txt documents, everything is the same but my computer keeps reading them as different. I checked the hex version of these documents and I realized that that …

Member Avatar for ana_1234
Member Avatar for montjoile

I use CodeBlocks, it's light, has readline-like autocomplete of code and the best thing that I like is that you can change the background color. which is the one you use?

Member Avatar for katmai539
Member Avatar for Sodabread

I'm trying to load dbghelp.dll in order to add stack walking to my error logger, but I'm getting null returned on LoadLibrary. I've opened up dbghelp in Dependency Walker, and it's giving me an error that it can't find ieshims.dll, but it's located where it should be in the IE …

Member Avatar for winrycool1

I am in the third year,but i want to start thinking about my project right now,i found this idea very interesting but i have no idea where to start,i know i should start learning up its working but after that?is C++ a good option?i have never done any difficult coding,i …

Member Avatar for triumphost

Hi guys, I'm currently switching from mechanical engineering to Computer Programming analyst in September so I have a few months to learn how to do this.. What I want to do is make a Bot for a game.. The game is written in Java and I want to load it …

Member Avatar for m4ster_r0shi
Member Avatar for nocloud

I am experiencing unexpected performance degradation when using vectors with classes. I have a csv_File class that reads in a csv file and stores the contents in a 2D vector. There's a member function that allows access, e.g. [CODE] csv_File file("file.csv"); file.access(2,2);[/CODE] To access the 2,2 element. Then, I have …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for btowne2

Hey yall. Trying to teach myself C++ using the book "Programming and Problem Solving With C++" (5th ed.) by: Nell Dale and Chip Weems... and it's no cake walk. I have a new found respect for programmers and programming in general. Anyway, if any of yall can help me figure …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for dyingatmidnight

Hello all, I'm trying to modify some code but I'm having some difficulty - probably because I don't really understand the function in the first place. Its one my supervisor found online that seemed to work fine for the purposes of our test code. However; after some poking around its …

Member Avatar for m4ster_r0shi
Member Avatar for gujinni
Member Avatar for Majestics
Member Avatar for SWEngineer

I have followed this tutorial for setting up Eclipse and OpenCV: [URL="http://carrierfrequency.blogspot.com/2011/05/opencv-22-in-windows-using-eclipse-ide.html"]http://carrierfrequency.blogspot.com/2011/05/opencv-22-in-windows-using-eclipse-ide.html[/URL], and doing it with OpenCV 2.3. But, I'm always getting the error: Type 'IplImage' could not be resolved for IplImage* img = 0; Why is that? Thanks.

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for Oliverpc

Hi there, I'am asked for a HW write a code: * read some data of unknown number of students with their grades of 4 courses from a file * calculate the gpa, honor/warning status, and course average for each course, * write them into an output file (for testing I …

Member Avatar for Oliverpc
Member Avatar for learningcpp

Hi Guys, Can you please enlighten me, why the following output is this way? I thought A class size is the summation of the byte size of its member variables. My machine is a 64 bit machine. [CODE] #include <iostream> using namespace std; class A{ public: char y; int x; …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for CPT

So it's this program which isn't behaving as it should. these are the classes I'm haing problems with: [code]#ifndef _CMENU_H_ #define _CMENU_H_ #include "Vec2.h" #include "Background.h" #include "Sprite.h" #include "BackBuffer.h" class Button { public: enum ButtonState { NORMAL, //when cursor is not near the button ANIMATED //mouseover event }; Button(const …

Member Avatar for m4ster_r0shi
Member Avatar for sadsdw

Hi friends, I have a map containing an int as key and a struct as second value, read from file. I need to update the second column with value obtained by the last value (bigger one) + 1. A kind of sequential code ... I tried to use the max_element …

Member Avatar for sadsdw
Member Avatar for niggz

Hello. I have a problem writing to a file using for loop. here is the code: [CODE=cpp] /* the code should save numbers in a file something like this 1 5 2 8 3 7 4 6 */ //instead it gives just the last numbers it catches /* 4 6 …

Member Avatar for niggz
Member Avatar for jgtech

HI all, I am not c++ expert. Just a beginner. I have few requirements to design the pattern. Simple requirement is 1) i have a table in sqlite say T1 with ( name, version ) 2) I daemon which has is watching specific directory with inotification for the event IN_CLOSE_WRITE. …

Member Avatar for kumarmpk4u

Hi All, In my application i am using a document to display data present in the database. First I try to run a query in the database and when i try to display the contents of the result it is failing to display the contents. But when I try to …

Member Avatar for kumarmpk4u
Member Avatar for clickspiker23

I am currently going through a c++ book trying to do the problems at the end of the chapters. They dont provide solutions so im kind of stuck. My problem is: Write a program that uses a loop to display the characters for each ASCII code 32 through 127. Display …

Member Avatar for Greywolf333
Member Avatar for packluv12

I am working on an assignment and I am suppose to use vectors to find the sum and winner but I do not understand c++ so this is confusing. The program runs but it is giving me the wrong winner, it displays the winner as who ever is entered first. …

Member Avatar for packluv12
Member Avatar for ShadowBorn

I have this assignment due and its a bit tricky, i was wondering how is it possible to incoporate both C-string and a [I]string[/I] object at the same time. Any help would be very very appreciated. thank you all in advance. Here is the actual problem from the book. [B]Write …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for warrior4321

I'm wondering how to remove the stuff at the end of the console, where it says the execution time, press any key to continue, and what the process returned. I am using Codeblocks. As well, I am wondering when I type in a letter, (for example, the letter h), it …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for jackmaverick1

Hey! I sorta, kinda want to make a REALLY simple OS that would be made in c/c++ (c++ hopefully). I realize that it would take a lot of effort, and I would need a lot of time. But I am willing to put forth the required effort and time, so, …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Missionary

I'm new to programming and we have a project in class asking us to have the user input a sentence then we need to find the character typed most in that sentence. I think I'm on the right track, but I'm getting a segmentation core dump while running the program. …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for mchin131

I have a program where it reads 2 files, one of them containing a file with customer number (int), customer name (string) and balance (double). There are 7 lines, but my program would only read the first line 7 times. This program is confusing me as to why they won't …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for sadsdw

Hi everyone, I have a std::map of structures . I'm reading the data from a file named "auxIdSorted.txt" and I need to do a while() using the variable auxID. The idea is read the map many times until all values of auxID become different of zero (while(auxID == 0). I …

Member Avatar for sadsdw
Member Avatar for niggz

Hi masters! I have a problem with my while loop. I realised that my code does not work the way I want. It has to check if sum of def, mid and att variables is different from 10 or if style variable is different from multiple strings. So if any …

Member Avatar for niggz
Member Avatar for PixelatedKarma

Hello everybody, First off I know I should invest in some good c++ books...well technically alot of books for alot of different languages. However this month I am dabbling in c++ again. I am currently working in Visual C++ and trying to make a "keybind" for my program, so that …

Member Avatar for m4ster_r0shi

The End.