49,760 Topics

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hi guys ,im trying to send serialized php object to c++ server. i dont have clear idea if it is possible to deserialize the php object in c++ code.i dont know how to convert it into c++ object and get the value out of it. when im running the server …

Member Avatar for karthik.c
Member Avatar for freddyvf
Member Avatar for freddyvf
Member Avatar for NinjaLink

Hi. What I want to do is convert a postfix expression into a infix expression. I am reading the postfix expression from an input file and I want to print the infix expression to an output file. I basically just need help setting up my function, so it will work. …

Member Avatar for pagis

Hi, Can anyone please tell me how will a C++ function will start in assembly? What will the header look like? is there a conventional first few rows? What about the end of a C++ function? I am very curious about how C++ code really looks like (for example what …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for dinamit875

I have written this piece of code which removes spaces in string,its working perfectly, but the other thng that I need is to pass string to left trim function and remove spaces, the new string should returned to the main program, the new string should be passed to the right …

Member Avatar for dinamit875
Member Avatar for dinamit875

Hi there ppl, im about to create a soccer game for my project in c++, but I dont really know how to get it started,could anyone help me with this,any help will be appreciated.thnx. these are precise step i have to include in the project. (1) set up a league …

Member Avatar for fadia

Hello.. Can someone help me with this tutorial. only have a background of how to creat a dynamic array in 4 steps but not other than that. And the question seems complicated more than only that. So kindly please someone help me and wxplain it to me. --------------------- write a …

Member Avatar for fadia
Member Avatar for Eusha

[B]Hi Friends Is There Any Way To Open And ReEdit An .exe File... Suppose I Have a Portable .exe File Which Needs No Installation in My Windows. And I Want To Edit Some Icons or Some Text which is Given in The .exe File So What Should I Need To …

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for aikawa

Cheers guys, my first post here. I've been reading a lot but i can't seem to find any scenario that helps me out with my problem. I'm trying to take input from a file in the form of some shape... rectangle/square, and store it somehow. The shape is composed of …

Member Avatar for ankitnigam
Member Avatar for racumin

Hi I have a class MapMaker [CODE] class MapMaker { private: Node *grid[MAP_WIDTH][MAP_HEIGHT]; public: MapMaker(); ~MapMaker(); /*this does not work*/ Node*** getMap(int i); }; [/CODE] I need a function that returns the "grid" attribute but I do not know how. Please help me. Below is the code that implements the …

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for thisisanfield.1

I'm having a problem implementing the complexdivbyzero exception handler. It is supposed to be triggered if the user inputs a complex number with both the real and imaginary part being zero. Any help would be appreciated. [CODE]class ComplexDivByZero{};[/CODE] [CODE]complexType complexType::operator/ (const complexType& otherComplex) const throw (ComplexDivByZero) { complexType temp; if …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for ankit894u

need to decode and encode the following text=== {Newton’s Law of Software Engineering Law 1: Every Software Engineer continues her/his state of chatting or forwarding mails unless s/he is assigned work by external unbalanced manager. Law 2: The rate of change in the software is directly proportional to the payment …

Member Avatar for asb77777777
Member Avatar for lovely ari

hey every one i'm new here i have visit this forum many times but today i just register i have a big big problem >__< i try to solve it but i can't its about the The Predicate Calculus this is its rule Every atomic sentence is a sentence If …

Member Avatar for lovely ari
Member Avatar for maverick405

Hello, I am trying to make a GPA calculator, the code below works fine and the output is also fine the only problem is if the GPA is 4.0 or 3.0 or 2.0 or 1.0 it gives me output as 4, 3, 2, 1 i had used variable as float …

Member Avatar for maverick405
Member Avatar for kingcrim05

I don't get what is happening here. I used this exact code for another algorithm and it works but here i only get large negative numbers for an input, what gives? My output is: floatArray[0] is -107374176.000000 floatArray[1] is -107374176.000000 floatArray[2] is -107374176.000000 floatArray[3] is -107374176.000000 floatArray[4] is -107374176.000000 floatArray[5] …

Member Avatar for twomers
Member Avatar for Talguy

Last week I was goofing around with multidimensional vectors and removing an element from each row. I got my code to remove and element from each row working inside int main, but when I put all this code inside of a function I started to get errors. The common error …

Member Avatar for Talguy
Member Avatar for low1988

Firstly ,i'm not asking about the code,i need suggestion and idea how to do it.I don't even know what should be the first thing in the main menu,because i think it is not some sort of input and output program.I thought i might relate to something like queue or stack …

Member Avatar for crazyboy
Member Avatar for restrictment

Hello all, I was soooo close to nearly being done with my game..however when I added the final 'armory' loop I got an error! I took the loop out of the program, and ran it by itself, and it worked fine...yet when it is in the program it is wrong? …

Member Avatar for restrictment
Member Avatar for kesh1000

hi every one i am having problem in accessing my 2d linked list..i am able to get a function in a 1d linked list but this is quite confusing.please if some one could give me a basic algorithm which i could work with i would appreciate it...thanks the function i …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for bliya123

Hi can someone explain to me why i get the results 1: 4 3 2: 3 4 3: 3 4 4: 3 4 5: 3 3 6: 3 4 for the following code? #include<stdio.h> void switch2(int *a, int *b) { int hold; hold = *a; *a = *b; *b = …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for PoRco1x

I looked around and I didn't quite find what I was looking for. I know that to initialize an array of objects, we have to go something like this : Object *array[10]; But my question is : Why exactly can't we just go like this.. Object array[10];

Member Avatar for necrolin
Member Avatar for dldsob

I declared 4 different arrays. I dont know how to display all the arrays. Can anyone please help me with this? I want to display all 4 arrays like this: Student 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Time Status Final 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.50 …

Member Avatar for PoRco1x
Member Avatar for ab00120

Hi there, At university I learnt Fortran to an adequate level for simple programs and as I enjoyed it i looked towards trying to learn C++. Up to now its been very slow but progressing, however i seem to have hit a bit of a brick wall. From just material …

Member Avatar for ab00120
Member Avatar for power_computer

I have created a insert function which inserts the item in the template array, the position of the item in the array template list is depending on the ratio of wins over total games played, I have manged to work out the insertion sort if the two scores of a …

Member Avatar for itzaaron

I am attempting to make a program that would take a phrase and the flip it backwards like this: [CODE] char teststr[] = “Have a nice day!!”;[/CODE] and change it to !!yad ecin a evaH Function? [CODE]void reverse(char unencrypted[], char encrypted[]);[/CODE]

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for kingcrim05

The code should be pretty close to where i need it to be. It's just a sorting code for an input file that contains 6 numbers. What am i doing wrong? [code=c++] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <math.h> using namespace std; /****** Variables *****/ /* Size of heap …

Member Avatar for kingcrim05
Member Avatar for NinjaLink

I need help with my function that is in my stack.h file which converts postfix expression to infix. My main.cpp reads the postfix expression from a file and outputs the expression to an output file. My main.cpp is currently working. I just need someone to help me with my toInfix …

Member Avatar for Bobby1

In this assignment, we will develop a simple inventory database program (database application) for a small computer store. We will use the database that we used in The program is menu-driven. It should be capable to perform the following operations on the database: 1. Find a record by product id …

Member Avatar for Grn Xtrm
Member Avatar for Excizted

Hello DaniWeb. ;) I have a problem with char->tchar conversion, that i cant seem to solve. I want to launch another program, anh the relative path to that program is fetched from MYSQL. [CODE] updateBox = CreateDialog(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DIALOG2), hWnd, updateDiag); hThread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, Blah::Start, NULL, NULL, NULL); [COLOR="red"]_stprintf(patcherLoc, _T("%s/Patcher …

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The End.