15,550 Topics

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Member Avatar for corneliousfazal

Dear Friends i went a little application for data encryption in c using hill cipher.

Member Avatar for damusalui

i want to develop railway reservation system in c in file system. Please help me to build the database..... my mail id is [snipped]

Member Avatar for sabananthan
Member Avatar for Drakarus

I am trying to figure out how to automatically close a simple windows application in C. I know how to create the window. But I have no idea how to get it to automatically close when it has opened without user input/interaction. Basically when it is called upon, I want …

Member Avatar for chrjs
Member Avatar for shadowscape

Hello Everyone. i have created a XOR Encryption libary in c...well tried with some help. But there is something wrong with my coding as when i try and decrypt a file, it doesnt always decrypt as plain text as some charfacters seem malformed. Please could you help me fix this …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for vivosmith

Hello I have been using c for dummies along with bloodshed software for a day or so and I tried putting this snippet of code in from the book and I got a syntax error:[CODE]#include <stdio.h> int main() { char name[20]; char color[20]; printf(“What is your name?”); scanf(“%s”,name); printf(“What is …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Olifant
Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for prvnkmr194

Get_Number function is a function to get input from keyboard, this function restrict the user to pass wrong input........... How to use -> For example we need to take input in any integer variable n call Get_Number() like this [CODE] n=Get_Number(); [/CODE] With Full Back Space support Please comments on …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for shootersix66

Hello. I am making a program in c from the linux nano complier. I made and tested the program in Dev C++ and it works perfect. When I put it in nano, it complies, but when I run it, it gives a segmentation fault. Please tell me how to fix …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for IwalkAlone

Q.Create an equivalent of four function calculator. The program should request the user to enter two numbers and an operator. It should carry out specified arithmetic operation on the two numbers( using switch case).After displaying the result, the program should ask the user if he/she wants to do another calculation.If …

Member Avatar for lokeshg
Member Avatar for wdearth

I have a program assignment where one part requires a user-defined function where you enter a string with a minimum length of 2 characters and a maximum length of 20 characters. How would I get it to find the length (I believe should be stored into index) of the entered …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for n1csaf3

I am having trouble correctly allocating memory for a parent function that will remain upon the child functions exit. the call to the child function is [code=c]HTTP_packToGen((char*)http_headerContent.HTTP ..[/code] the HTTP variable within http_headerContent is a char pointer that isn't allocated until the child function is called, http_headerContent is a static …

Member Avatar for n1csaf3
Member Avatar for tubby123

I can write char a[] = "hello world"; , but i can not write char a[]; a = "hello world"; why is that ??

Member Avatar for tubby123
Member Avatar for yashsaxena

Hello All I have some confusion in Declaration and defination of variables. Declaration means ===> where the variables are declared and no memory is allocated. Defination means ===> where the variable is declared and defination is allocated. For eg. if we write (1) int a; printf("%d",a); then it will print …

Member Avatar for nezachem
Member Avatar for tubby123

Why do we have to initialize a pointer to a string when it is declared globally ? I mean , [B]This doesnt work[/B] [code=c] #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> char *str; int main(void) { gets(str); printf("%s",str); } [/code] [B]But this works[/B] [code=c] char *str="1"; int main(void) { gets(str); printf("%s",str); } [/code] Even upon …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for shanki himanshu

suppose i have 3 functions: a() b() and c() both a() and b() can called c(). if function c() is called how do i know who is the caller??

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for neverine

Hallo, Can somebody help me how to find combination between code´s. i have 30+ codes like this 7zv7pj. xjdcsa, efzlfl, xkaadt etd but i dont know any program or something what can i help me get more combination or understand how codes work. Ty for help

Member Avatar for neverine
Member Avatar for cse.avinash

[B][U]input:--[/U][/B] 3 hi hello my name is abc this is a test [B][U]output:--[/U][/B] hi hello my name is abc this is a test here is the code:-- [CODE]#include<stdio.h> main() { int n,i; char b[100],*c; scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { gets(b); c=b; while(*c !='\0') { putchar(*c); c++; } printf("\n"); } return 0; } …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for tubby123

Hello people, I am using Turbo-C Can anyone give me a sample program using the bool array I tried compiling the following code snippet. But it doesnt work. [code] #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int main() { bool a[10]={true}; clrscr(); printf("\nHello World"); getch(); } [/code] It gives the error [B]Undefined Symbol bool[/B]. But …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for verdascofernan

Thanks for your post, can anyone post some books describing some valuable function list of C language which are more close to hardware

Member Avatar for octopusgrabbus
Member Avatar for mphst

3) Write a program that reads a 21 by 21 array of characters from a text file. It represents a maze. • Each position can contain either an X or a blank. The borders of the maze are covered by ‘X’ except start and exit points. • Read text file …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for darkdai
Member Avatar for abhimanipal
Member Avatar for tubby123

what does int main() return and to what does it return That is, in the code snippet, [code] int main() { int a=0,b=5,c; clrscr(); c=a+b; return c; printf("%d",c); getch(); } [/code] 1)What is the expected output ? 2)I tried compiling this and i dont get anything on the screen 3)In …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for RenanLazarotto

Hey guys! I'm going to start learning C/C++ (again), and I want to start with a very simple program. It should ask to the user a number and, if it is right, run a program. Its been a long time that I don't even touch anything from C, but I …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for darkdai

hi all, i have this code which is supposed to display the elements of a char array but the problem is that its displaying funny symbols not the elements. does anyone know why? [CODE]char *list[]={"a","m","t"}; for(i=1; i<=3; i++) { list[i]=(char *)malloc(4*sizeof(char)); } printf("The elements are: "); for(i=1; i<=3; i++) { …

Member Avatar for nezachem
Member Avatar for asrockw7

I've made this simple timer/alarm for myself for this game I'm playing. I want to use it to inform me of an automated event a few minutes before it happens. It isn't done yet, but I am concerned with how much resources it takes. From the compiler, it takes about …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for tubby123

i have a doubt. why cannot we use clrscr() before initializing a variable in C? i mean, why wont this work ? void main() { clrscr(); int a,b; ---- ---- getch(); } It'll give an error saying , "Declaration is not allowed here " Logically speaking , you should be …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for madmhan84

[B]Good day everyone,[/B] Hope you could help me on this one The program is running but the result is far from what I want please help me... TIA Like this one: [B]Input:[/B] ------------------------------------ Enter first number: 7 Enter second number: 45 ------------------------------------ [B] Output:[/B] ------------------------------------ 7.45 [B]7.00[/B] ------------------------------------ [B]which should …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for wonkerloop

I have tried to make a program that allows inputs into a 1D array. I run the program and the inputs are asked for, but the program simply continues to ask for more inputs. I'm moderately new to C so go easy. Any help would be appreciated Cheers Wonkerloop Heres …

Member Avatar for yashsaxena
Member Avatar for lochnessmonster

how would i assign the following functions address to a function pointer? int sum(int x, int y) { ... }

Member Avatar for abhimanipal
Member Avatar for maybnxtseasn

typedef struct _FOO { int blah; int blah2; int blah3 } FOO, *FOO; 1.) Does this create 2 objects of type FOO and another that is a pointer to a FOO? 2.) OR does it just typedef the names so you don't have to do the following struct __FOO fooStruct; …

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The End.