15,550 Topics

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Member Avatar for boyz

i just want to know if subscript is greater than the size of array then either this value is stored outside of the memory located to array or sometimes do not saved and poduces error can you tell how and by whom this is decided what action to be taken

Member Avatar for biswajit.bhuyan
Member Avatar for boyz

i develop a database program in c language there the four main contents which are access by using switch statement the each content further has other option which also access by switch but the problem isi n these subcontents last option which is exit. on enter the choice number it …

Member Avatar for zandiago
Member Avatar for boyz
Member Avatar for zandiago
Member Avatar for rxylion

hello guys could you help me with this problem? well you just need to use an array. Write a C program that accepts name,address,age,midterm,&final. then compute for the final rating. Use an array that allows the user to input as many as they want. Your code must display all inputs …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for eman resu

Hi, I am looking to upgrade (rewrite) some legacy C programs, and would really appreciate some helpful suggestions on the route to take. i.e. Should it be C++, or C# or .Net or something else? Background ========= Programs: (a) These are MS C v6 utilizing CODEBASE to read Btrieve files …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for danejar

Hello, I don't know bandit_77, but I am also trying to write the exact program that he requested help on. I doubt I know as much as the original poster because I am very new to programming. So the answer to the "goldilocks" problem is, ""Woah, back up Einstein, I'm …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for scru

Hi. I know C#, but I want to venture out cautiously into the world of unmanaged code (reasons had). Now, I want to learn C++ eventually, but I was thinking that I should learn the C language before, since if I'm not mistaken, C++ is itself an extension of the …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for tumstech

Hi friends, i have a doubt, in most of the 16 bit compiler like MSVC1.5, all the far pointers are 32 bit address but they are converted to 20 bit address when accessing data and writing data, how do i tell my compiler to use the 32 bit address as …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for uonsin

hi, i have to make a IM program with C and i was wondering if anyone knows a way to access dos commands with C, like net send i was thinking to use rpc (remote procedure call) for windows, so if anyone have any suggestion please let me know

Member Avatar for uonsin
Member Avatar for n.aggel

hi, i have the following problem:: i want to read a string from the stdin. The string may contain white spaces so {i think} the scanf family of functions is out of the question... I think the most appropriate function for this case is fgets {if i am wrong please …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for xeto

I have a palindrome program.Is there a way to ensure user input terminated in a string by a punctuation mark (e.g. ‘!’, ‘.’, or ‘?’.) in an array? And how do i get the program to exclude commas?

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for tofwono

[B][I][COLOR="Green"]please guys i need help on the above. write a finction in c to find the number of times that a given word (i.e a short string) occurs in a sentence.[/COLOR][/I][/B]

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Jishnu

[CODE]#include<stdio.h> int main() { for(;0;) printf("Hello"); return(0); }[/CODE] This code should not give any output, but it is printing Hello once. I'm using TC++ 3.0. Is something wrong with the compiler?

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for mosullivan

I am working on a similar program and am getting an error that states 'strcmp' cannot convert parameter 1 from 'const char' to 'const char *'. ( I haven't gotten to the swap yet.) Do you know how I should fix this? [code] #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #define …

Member Avatar for danzona
Member Avatar for n.aggel

in the book "advanced programming in the unix environment" the authors give the following function to "deamonize" a process [CODE=c] void daemonize(const char *cmd) { int i, fd0, fd1, fd2; pid_t pid; struct rlimit rl; struct sigaction sa; /* * Clear file creation mask. */ umask(0); /* * Get maximum …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for rati

[B]i have a problem in a program i am making. In my program i need to call a function again and again until the string entered in it is not correct. Initially i was using gets() but it wasn't accepting the string.[/B] [B]i cahnged it to scanf(), so it is …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for gauthamnaggg

Hello all, I need to write a code that compress and uncompresses thegiven file in c.Well i know there are many algorithms available ,one of the famous algorithms is Huffman's algorithm.But how do i implement the algorithm ?.I googled a lot but couldn't able to find ?.Is there any simple …

Member Avatar for Jishnu
Member Avatar for phoenixlsk

Can anyone help me with the creation of this kind of tree?I tried something but it didn't work.:-/ thank you

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Wiizl

Hello there! I.m trying to write a function that should delete specified entry from .dat file. But it just ADDS TWO MORE NEW ENTRIES- the same as the last entry in that file. I'm trying to read all entries into temporary file and then write them all back, except the …

Member Avatar for Wiizl
Member Avatar for asilter

Hi, The system under my program is using MySql version 4.0.18. I want to have a documentation for using [COLOR="Red"]MySql Transactions API[/COLOR] from my C program. Could you give some link? thank you.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for RexxX

Also argument 2 makes integer from a pointer with a cast. One argument is a struct declared in an included library. It's declared like: [code]struct pixelst *lzwArr; lzwArr = (struct pixelst *) malloc(pixels); // pixels is an int[/code] the second argument is an unsigned int 2D array. It's used in …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for Gia

Hello. I'm new to Daniweb and am trying to create a program in C that will compile sales tax after the user inputs a purchase amount. Am I doing it right? I would appreciate any suggestions and feedback. Also, I am unable to see my output using the Run function …

Member Avatar for bitRAKE
Member Avatar for kadeemdagreat

hi i have this pieceof code and im not sure as to what it is im doing wrong but i cant get this piece of code rnning any suggestions? [code=c] #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int grade input (double *a[i],double *i) { scanf("%l",&*a[i]); return 0; } int main (void) { double …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for kiel19

Write a program to find the number of times that a given word(i.e. a short string) occurs in the sentence(i.e. in a sentence!). Read data from the standard input. the first line is a single word, which is followed by general text on the second line. read both up to …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for lubi_iit
Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for aaabhish

hi, i have a doubt in vector strings what are these vector strings. and if this is a vector how to find the dimention of these vector or what is the dimention of this vector. and how to do vector string things in c language.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for kalki
Member Avatar for c4swimmers_net

how to write an optimized version of the following factorial recursion function in C along with some explanation please ?? [code=language] int factorial(int num) { if (num == 0) return 1; else return num * factorial(num - 1); } [/code] Looking forward for your help! Thanks, Nanda Kishor [B][url]http://www.c4swimmers.net[/url][/B]

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for carlarolan

i want to know what are the differences of different header and their uses or meaning when they will use in a program.i hope there is someone who can define their purpose. God blessed us.

Member Avatar for carlarolan
Member Avatar for carlarolan

hi i am a newbies in c program. I'm just 1st year college from the course of computer technology.i just want to know what was the purpose of flowcharting in a program.does it express an idea or a plan to make a program?. then what was the connection of these.?thaks

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The End.