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how to write an optimized version of the following factorial recursion function in C along with some explanation please ?? [code=language] int factorial(int num) { if (num == 0) return 1; else return num * factorial(num - 1); } [/code] Looking forward for your help! Thanks, Nanda Kishor [B][url]http://www.c4swimmers.net[/url][/B]

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for carlarolan

i want to know what are the differences of different header and their uses or meaning when they will use in a program.i hope there is someone who can define their purpose. God blessed us.

Member Avatar for carlarolan
Member Avatar for carlarolan

hi i am a newbies in c program. I'm just 1st year college from the course of computer technology.i just want to know what was the purpose of flowcharting in a program.does it express an idea or a plan to make a program?. then what was the connection of these.?thaks

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Member Avatar for n.aggel

hi, i was wondering if it is possible to send a struct through sockets... thanks in advance, nicolas

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Member Avatar for Kishor.hegde

what is the source code for this [code] ABCDEFGFEDCBA ABCDEF FEDCBA ABCDE EDCBA ABCD DCBA ABC CBA AB BA A A [/code]

Member Avatar for carlarolan
Member Avatar for jbstin

I have a problem that deals with reading a random access file and creating an index file, which is a file to hold the binary tree of the random access file. I have the index file created with SSN (key), relative address of the SSN in the random access file, …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for emilio

hello does anyone knows the meaning of the error undefined reference to main. i'm getting the error when trying to compile a file without a main function with -Wall option

Member Avatar for emilio
Member Avatar for pdwivedi

i have a program which outputs a [COLOR="Green"].prt [/COLOR]file for printing barcode. But i want to send the file directly to the printer port LPT1 for printing instead of having [COLOR="Green"].prt[/COLOR] file please any body suggest a solution. [COLOR="Red"]Regards Prashant[/COLOR]

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for GrazBurya

Hello All, I am trying to write a C program that reads a text file and output unique words sorted alphabetically using /usr/bin/sort. All non-alphabetic characters serves as delimiters and are discarded. I am having a problem just parsing the text file into words, getting SEG FAULTS. dbx gives error: …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for holy_boy

I have been trying to write a code for Conways Game of life, the thing is I need to generate a matrix of char filled with the elements * or o(o marks a dead cell,*marks an alive one). The Rules: For a cell that is alive: Each cell with one …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Barefootsanders

Hey everyone, I'm working on function that will take in a char array, prompt the user to input a string, and then return that string to the function. Below is what I've been working on and yes, I know it is not the right syntax, but I'm hoping someone could …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for desijays

I know there is a way to represent binary, octal and hex values in C, but how do you do it? Like, say, if i wanted to specify a hex number i would do, unsigned char i = 0xFF; or unsigned char i = 0x32; What if i wanted to …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Ratte

I need to write a function that will take a char* string and populate a char* array with elements of the original string. The elements of the original string are whitespace-delimited. I have seen a function do this, but it is somewhat complex (deals with a lot more factors and …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for janxxx

Can u help me in my assignment in making a calendar program using turbo c. I have made a few functions but im now stuck. What will I do with this? User is asked to input year and month, then the out put will be the year and the Calendar …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for mae ann

[B][I][COLOR="Red"]good day![/COLOR][/I][/B] we were given a project. it is a program for an airline company. in this program, [B]the user can view vacant seats in the airplane[/B] then [B]he can make a reservation in any of those seats [/B]or [B]cancel a reservation[/B] he had made. he can also[B] view the …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Ratte

I am designing an ftp client prompt in C (unix environment). At this point, I have an infinite loop with an fprintf of the prompt on stdout and an fgets for reading user input. I need help with the structure of my program. How do I implement this? I have …

Member Avatar for Ratte
Member Avatar for marzuki

Dear all; I want to join three strings become one string. For example char date1 = "03"; char date2 = "06"; char date3 = "2007"; char new string; what I need is new string like: new string =[COLOR="Red"]03-06-2007.txt[/COLOR] I will use new string as input file name that will be …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for delacruise

i got an issue of creating a QUEUE of integers in a circular array using C to insert, remove, display, show CAN ANYBODY HELP ME OUT HERE

Member Avatar for jimwalther

hey guys, im having a hard time making this switch function catch letters and return the error message. [CODE]int main() { int choice; do { /* THE DISPLAY MENU*/ printf("================================================\n\n"); printf("Welcome to Walther's Tic Tac Toe Game.\n\n"); printf("what would you like to do?\n\n"); printf("1 Play Tic Tac Toe\n\n"); printf("2 Quit\n\n"); …

Member Avatar for chandrasekharn
Member Avatar for gauravmishra

i want to find make a program for insertion in AVL binary tree therefore i want to find balance factor of a node by subtracting depth of right child from dephth of left child how will i find this depth. i am using array representetion of the tree.

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for DennisB

I am having problems trying to figure out exactly what is going wrong with my code. I am trying to create a factorial program using an array. I have tried, unsuccessfully, various ways to make it work but I can not figure it out. Any assistance would be appreciated. [code=c] …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for marzuki

Dear all; I have problem in reading data file in C. I have data like this: 00:00:00 R- 0.0654 345 +19 00:01:00 R+ 1.5678 324 +19 00:02:00 2.3456 315 +19 00:03:00 R- 1.2352 324 +19 ........................ next until 1440 lines What i want is only the data in third column, …

Member Avatar for marzuki
Member Avatar for badbloodyeyez

does eny1 nos how 2 convert 16 bit to 8 bit if so plz tell me, i need a c program for it. thanx

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for Ratte

I am writing client and server programs for a simple FTP. I am allowed to use chdir, getcwd and getenv. What would be a correct procedure to expand a user provided path correctly using these functions, assuming of course the user supplied path is stored in a c-string? Thank you.

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for tehloki

I have to use a recursive backtracking search to solve the classic "bucket" problem. ie. You have two buckets, one holds 5L, the other 3L. Find a way to get 4L into the 5L bucket, while only being able to fill/empty either bucket, or to pour one of them into …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for leeqiang

like the title i wanna know how to output a B-tree like that: ****************A ************B******C ********D******E*******F the struct of B-tree is: typedef struct node { datatype data; struct node *lchild, *rchild; } BTnode,*BTREE "*" means escape thanks

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Paulville

Hi everyone. I am a very new in this forum!! I create a little code in c to generate a time series!! Is a file .out, and I canĀ“t open it in an Spreadsheet, opens automatically on Word Processor, even when I try to open from the Spreadsheet [QUOTE] 1 …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for banditt_77

I'm a newbie teaching myself C, can anyone show me how to write a code that generates the next license plate number when you input one containing 6 characters 3 letters and 3 numbers, and asks the user if they want to continue or quit. Thank you

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for megan-smith

Hey, I've written a tic tac toe program. Computer makes some random moves, but i want it to be smarter and make some intellegent moves. any idea how to approach it? here's the code i've written. Although it's not that high-level, it's working fine. [CODE]#include<stdio.h> #define BOARDSIZE 9 #define USER …

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The End.