15,554 Topics
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Hi friends,my prof has just given me the code that changes the size of the cursor.....the code is heavy in the use of registers ,inregs,outregs etc and I dont even know where to start googling from...so can you tell me what inregs and outregs do and just give me a … | |
Do you know where can I find a Class to operate with matrixes with a fast algorithm? (the class should also have the inverse method) thanks in advance | |
Apparently this was originally posted in the wrong area :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Anyway.... bit of a cheek I know but if you're feeling ultra generous with your knowledge but can anyone write some code in C using if statements for the following: "A car costs a certain amount. If it is … | |
hi, I have the following problem, I working with the variable "COleDateTime". I have the following code: [code] DATE CurrentTime = COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime(); [/code] This returns the current time of the system Do you know how to add to this current time seconds, minutes, days? Also I need to get two … | |
This program is supposed to take in four scores two are assignment scores and the other two are test scores it should only take in score that are 0 to 100 me test chain goes someting like this [code] //check for valid data if (test1<0 ||test1>100)&& (test2<0||test2>100)&& (assign1<0||assign1>100)&&(assign2<0||assign2>100) { printf("Error … | |
Hi I'm biggener in c language and I hope from every one in this forum help me. now I will start first Q How I can write a c program to comput the sum of sequres of numbers from m to n . for exsample : from3 ot 6 : … | |
Hello, how can i check that pushing characters into stack is successful (logically)? | |
i get this error while compiling my .o file (object file) Data.c:24: error: field `HtStatus' has incomplete type Data.c:25: error: field `DcStatus' has incomplete type [code] struct database { struct hStat HtStatus[SIZE]; struct dStat DcStatus; }; struct hStat { //something; }; struct dStat { //something; }; [/code] do i need … | |
:!: [B]Im need to create a program for my requirement that will output: [/B] [B]Enter Any Word: ____ -(i typed Hello)[/B] [B]Hello[/B] [B]Hell[/B] [B]Hel[/B] [B]He[/B] [B]H[/B] [B]i think that i should use for and strlen but i cant make strlen work. please help[/B] Thanyou, | |
[COLOR=#000000]Write a program that calculates and prints the bill for a cellular telephone company. The company offers two types of services: regular and premium. Its rates vary depending on the type of service. The rates are as follows:[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]Regular service: $10.00 plus first 50 minutes are free. Charges for over … | |
I've decided to take on a quick approach to something different besides what's taught in my class right now, but I digress. I was wondering what would be a smooth way to integrate not just one, but more than one characters in a turn-based fight. Do you think randoms determining … | |
Do you have any algorithms I can look at that will perform escape logic on a base64 and hex encoded message? Thanks | |
I'm very uneasy when it comes to coding STL. I am ok using STL functions and STL container's etc, in main, but I now need to create my own template. Here is what I'm asked to do, and yes it is homework: Write a template container class, Pos_Neg_Array. This is … | |
I am starting to use GDB, It can take in only executable form programs as argument is it? Or there are other options. I need to use gdb on a non-exe program directly.Can I do it? | |
I am working with a dateType class and need to make a function to show next day and the previous day. I have my function set using const keyword so that it can't be changed by users, but now I can't increase my day. help??? [code] [COLOR=#0000ff]int[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] dateType::nextDay() [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]const [/COLOR]{ … | |
![]() | i have searched a lot for win 16 api tutorials but got only win32 api tutorials. i would like to start learning api with 16 bit and then 32. I would like to know some win16 api tutorials on web. |
here's anader program.. the output should be like this.. 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 6 4 1 ........ and here's d c0de..dunn0 if this is right.. #include<stdio.h> const int leftcorner=1; const int rightcorner-=1; const int topelement=1; int *pascal trianglr=0; int buildtriangle(int tmpPascalrow; { … | |
Hello everyone, This is my first time here. I happen to run into this site as I was looking for solutions for some c program I have to write for my programming class. Anyway I'm running into issues that I just don't see any reason for why they are happening. … | |
Here's my Prog...i dunno how 2 convert it...pls check.. its a pyramid... #[code] #include<stdio.h> main() { int a, b, c, d=0; clrscr(); printf("Enter a No:"); scanf("%d",&c); for(a=1;a<=c;a++) { for(b=1;b<=c*2-1;b++) if (b<=c+d&&b>=c-d) printf("*"); else printf(" "); printf("\n"); d++; } getch(); } [/code] is my program correct? the output must be..a pyramid | |
[COLOR=Black]:) please,want help: how can i read line "Message ended with <CR><LF> " from serial port buffer using ReadFile() API function . I was do that and worked good ,but when enter into large for loop it returned NULLs. so i want to know where is the problem?!! :rolleyes: thanks … | |
Hi i have this program and have a problem it is a basic program for exponents and now i need to add a while loop so that if the user enters a number greater that 10 it asks them to input a number lower or equal to 10, here is … | |
Hi Guys, I'm trying to remove all the special characters within a file using the code below but I need to remove also the doble quotes " but what should I use to enclose the characters. I've been looking but can't find. Thanks. while (sep != 0) { sep = … | |
I'm taking CSCI 230 and was able to get a triangle to print with the following code. I can't get anything to work for a circle or rectangle (similar in size). Can anyone help? Thanks. #include <stdio.h> int main() { int t; int x = 0; int y; t = … | |
Main problem i am having is that with the program it can have a 2 string equation - eg 25 R or 25 S (Reciprocal and Squareroot) or a 3 string equation where the second string will be a number and the third string will be the operator. eg 10 … | |
this code to convert pounds to barbados dollars given a constant rate the price cannot go over $100 when i first run it and input a number under 100 it tells me that it is invalid and sometimes i get nothing at all. Can neone tell me why? [code]/* This … | |
[code] { FILE *scorefile; int score; int temp; scorefile = fopen("scores.txt","r"); if (scorefile == NULL) printf("Error opening input file\n"); else { temp = 0; while (feof(scorefile) <= 0) { fscanf(scorefile,"%d",&score); temp = temp +1; } } fclose(scorefile); printf("Temp = %d\n",temp); system("pause"); return(0); } [/code] The program counts the number of … | |
Well I have started writing a code to create this program that i have to have done by tommorow but i am stuck at the moment. Anybody please help!! Here is the problem: Write a prgram that converts numbers to words. For examlpe, 834 should result in "eight three four." … | |
Hi! I have functions defined in ami.c and want to call them from friedman.c how do I link the 2? Thanks Ami | |
[B][COLOR=darkorange]My resource.h file:[/COLOR][/B] [code] #define IDR_MYMENU 101 #define IDI_MYICON 201 #define ID_FILE_EXIT 9001 #define ID_STUFF_GO 9002 #define ID_STUFF_ABOUT 9003 #define IDD_TOOLBAR 9004 #define IDC_PRESS 9005 #define IDC_OTHER 9006 #define ID_DIALOG_SHOW 9007 #define ID_DIALOG_HIDE 9008 #define ID_HELP_ABOUT 9009 #define IDD_ABOUT 9010 [/code] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B][COLOR=darkorange]My resource.rc file:[/COLOR][/B] [code] #include "windows.h" #include "resource.h" … | |
Hi Guys , If I have a file compouse by words one per line how can I get all the words to put them together and have them separated only by one space. Also how can I make sure I'm extracting only words and not numbers or special character. I … |
The End.