15,551 Topics

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Member Avatar for compshooter

OK, I've been banging my head against a wall for a few hours. And I need some sleep. Can someone please show my how to accept input and keep count of it so I can send WriteBytes2() the address of the buffer and the number of bytes entered? Here is …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Ghost

Hi Everyone, Is there a way to make your own remote connection program (just for my use - at least fo now)? Something like goToMyPC. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Also, is this easier to do in Java/PHP? Thanks in advanced. PS: If anybody knows of a tutorial, that would …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for arunmisra

i want to start the image processing in c language.but i m unable to load the any image(bmp,jpg,tif etc) in c file. any one can help me? thanking you

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Yandriel

Hello everyone out there, see the thing is that I just built my Tic Tac Toe and I want to add some color to my table, its not an assigment or anything I just want to make my different from the other kids in my class, thanks everyone :) :) …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for alone2005

When I look at some of my old code I got confused. The code is a bit long so I have to paste part of it only. [code] CArray<CVertex*, CVertex* &> setOfVertex; //CVertex is an object contains x,y,z coordinates CVertex *NewVertex=new CVertex(); NewVertex->Set(1,2,3); //add one object into array setOfVertex.Add(NewVertex); //release …

Member Avatar for SpS

This question was asked to me..plz see [code] #include<stdio.h> void change() { /*Write something in this function so that the output of printf in main function should give 5 . Do not change the main function */ } void main() { int i=5; change(); i=10; printf("%d",i); }[/code] and i answered …

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for SpS

[code] char *name; cout<<name; [/code] and [code] char*name; name=new char[20]; cout<<name;[/code] both of these work....then why do i need memory allocation....where does the first code fails

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for vitabrits

Hi guys.. Well ive looked at my lecture notes and well they have examples and they are veryyyyyyyyy basic basically i get the concept but the examples are too simple to understand Something difficult... So i got this question for Tutorial and I basically dont understand of it... I was …

Member Avatar for Drowzee
Member Avatar for nir_kar

Hello Iam a newbie. I went through some of the binary search implementation codes and was able to understand them. But when i wanted to represent them as tree i was not able to do so, i mean i do not kn ow ho wto proceed. By tree i mean …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for balachandu

hai, i want the basic differences in operation of MICROSOFT WORD document and NOTEPAD. can any one please clarify this>? 2) in one program to select a random number between 0 to 5 i write a function as random(0,5) ? but it is erroaneous as the system always selects 0 …

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for h3rtz

hi there! I need help about this machine problem... I need to make a program that deals with PERT\CPM (simulation) . any suggestions what kinda program that is related to this??? I was thinking if a permutation program can be used.... :rolleyes: pleaz help! [RIGHT]-Hr†Z[/RIGHT]

Member Avatar for plym4444

Hi all I'm new to this site and hoping someone can assist with this problem. I've done all the code for the Tic Tac Toe game but having problems placing the 'o's & 'x's. This is the part of code I'm stuck on. Any help is greatly appreciated. [code]char PLAYER_TURN() …

Member Avatar for Stoned_coder
Member Avatar for Mahen
Member Avatar for Judas

Hello everyone Is it possible to use a variable for a vector name eg [code] MyVar.push_back(line); [/code]

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for l3.azarmehr

hi guys i want write one program to hide process in windows. but i dont know how... ;) can you help me. i want any sample and source code. thanks

Member Avatar for Drowzee
Member Avatar for Acidburn

Hello, I've created a file and put datat into it, only problem is that throughout the operation of the program the file is "amended" and bits are added to the file. However I'm wonder if theres a way to delete the file contents so next time someone starts the appilcation …

Member Avatar for Drowzee
Member Avatar for ramcfloyn

Hello has anyone any experience of using log4cpp on borland builder 6, the open source code has a bcb5 project but there are build errors when this is transported to builder 6.. it's frustrating. Any1 know of any online documentation etc?

Member Avatar for rks01

what is the code for making an array of objects? i would greatly appreiciate any replies thank you.

Member Avatar for Drowzee
Member Avatar for renar

Help me with this Simple Problem using structure in turbo C. Basic Program The Problem:Using structure 1) Consider the given data in the student Class Record a.) Enter for the name of the student and student number (10students). b.) Enter the class standing and prelim exam. c.) To Compute for …

Member Avatar for chrisbliss18
Member Avatar for skeet123

I am having a problem with a recursion problem. I have been reading alot of threads on this subject here and other places. I think I understand what recursion is. I am just having a problem trying to figure out this problem. I am suppose to write a helper function …

Member Avatar for skeet123
Member Avatar for thare

can everyone show me the differences between procedure and funtion / procedure and objec-oriented ? thanks !

Member Avatar for thare
Member Avatar for m7r23

I think I pretty much set up my enum right to the below. I just dont know what to do with it. PRoblem Description A type named Color declared by "enum" to contain only black, blue, purple, red, white, and yellow. For each set of inputs, output their sum, average, …

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for nir_kar

hello people i was wondering if anyone could come up with a program that could excatly compute the amount of time that it takes for a simple arthimetic operation. I mean lets assume that there is a simple addition program, is it possible to find the exact amount of time …

Member Avatar for chrisbliss18
Member Avatar for SpS

I came across this line when i was as reading a tutorial i.e. compiler increases the compilation speed by performing in-memory compilation....what does this statemant mean??.....and what is the normal way of compilation

Member Avatar for CrazyDieter
Member Avatar for Jack321

Has anyone heaard of linux redirection? If so, how do I implement it into my code? Please help... Thanks.

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for nir_kar

can some one tell me a way to find the maximum memory limit that can be allocated to an integer array using static, stack dynamic or heap dynamic allocation. thankz

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for julie derifield

Error Loading C:\PROGRA~1\NEWDOT~1\NEWDOT~2.Dll Specified module could not be found? What can i do to find it? Thank -You Julie :confused:

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Drowzee

I've been working on a char to hex converter all day, and it's working. Except for one part. I've got an unsigned short I want seperated into the two hex values. I've been beating on this stupid bit of code all day, and it's just not working. The hex representation …

Member Avatar for Drowzee
Member Avatar for rakoon13

Hello. With some friends I've opened a forum about cells ( [url]www.cellforum.net[/url] ) . Anyway, that is not the point. The point is that we need a stand alone API to be connected with the forum to perform some tasks. I am not sure if this is the right place …

Member Avatar for Acidburn

hello, another stupid question but what is wrong with this? [code] infile.open("new.txt",ios::app); if (infile.fail()) { cerr << "Error"; exit(1); } [/code] ever since I've added the ios::app it keeps printing error and then haulting but from my resoruces if you want to append a txt file thats whats the syntax …


The End.