15,554 Topics
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plz anyone urgently send me the coding of graph create of trig nometric functions in c language.i have to summit my project with in 18 hours from now on .sos. | |
[B]How would I make a "computer reservation system" for public computers?[/B] RESERVATION PROCESS: Step 1: Enter PIN at Reservation Computer (if pin is valid go to step 2 else back to step one) Step 2: Select SEATED or STAND UP computer Step 3: Select OK for earliest reservation or CANCEL … | |
hello all can anybody help me with this tutorial question please??? This is only part one and i think i can manage the rest of it if uoy help me with that part. I know that you don't help students with their homworks or assignments but I have completly no … | |
i have a dialog box with a grid attached to it. No matter what I do, this dialog doesn't have focus untill after its been clicked on. In order to click on a button you have to click twice. The box is active, it just doesn't seem to have focus … | |
heres my main [CODE]int main(){ int hours[50], cnt = 0; char grades[50], gpaForOneClass[50]; string course[50]; float gpa = 0.0, totalHours = 0, gpaSum = 0; gradevalue in; while (1) { cout<<"\nEnter a course, the letter grade received, and the credit hours. "<<endl; cin >> course[cnt]; if (course[cnt] == "quit" || … | |
Hi any one who can give help me from the book of Computer Graphics by Donald Hearn? I want help abt the exercises thankx | |
I know this is a stupid questions how do i send this : struct Activity { int i, // Beginning node number. j; // Ending node number. float pt, // Pessimistic time. prt, // Most probable time. ot; // Optimistic time. char desc[21]; // Activity description. } p[51]; into this: … | |
Ok i play this game and i need to add a wedding system onto the server which runs in C language the first box is the variables.... [CODE]// Variable Notes: // // event_wedding - 1 signifies marriage // $groom$ - Groom's name storage // $bride$ - Bride's name storage // … | |
What do these errors mean? main.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall Weekly::Weekly(void)" (??0Weekly@@QAE@XZ) main.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall Daily::Daily(void)" (??0Daily@@QAE@XZ) main.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall Onetime::Onetime(void)" (??0Onetime@@QAE@XZ) Daily.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: static int Daily::num_of_Dappointments" (?num_of_Dappointments@Daily@@0HA) … | |
I've got a program which works but when I try to implement a destructor in the base call and make it a virtual pure function it doesnt want to work with the rest of the system ... [quote] circle.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual __thiscall Shape::~Shape(void)" (??1Shape@@UAE@XZ) … | |
I've been asking around places about how I would intercept all UDP packets being sent from my computer and re-send them at a later time. I basically want to pause the packets for 100 milliseconds then send them wherever they were going. I heard something about writing a DNI driver … | |
Hello!!! Im new to this forum, I'm also quite new to C programming and im having some problems with a program It's a bit long winded so youll have to be patient :-| The program is about a football league First Question: Entrying zeros into a variable to be shown … | |
I've already turned this in for (I hope) partial credit, so I'm not asking for help in getting a grade. However, future assignments build off of this type of program, so I do need to understand how to make this work. I believe it is painfully obvious that I am … | |
Hi All, Can someone look at this code and tell me how I may use the Array (CPoint point) to draw the lines based on user input in text box. The program works fine without the array right now. I want to try to use an Array instead. I'm trying … | |
I have three doubly linked list queues and I need to sort them based on a variable that each object has namely its job length. I am attempting to code for a shortest job first processing program. I already have most of the program complete but now I need to … | |
[code] /* v_regdb.c ****************************************************************/ /* */ /* */ /* */ /* This is a maintenance program for an existing Vehicle Database. */ /* The program is an interactive menu system, which allows the user to */ /* edit, delete and insert records into an existing database. */ /* All input … | |
:confused: This is my first recursion project and i have no idea if i'm even going about it the right way...It's a palindrome checker, which checks for integers. I can't check it character by character as a string. It compiles clean but when i execute it i get weird results … | |
alright i am trying to write a program that implements a class AirborneLocation that stores info on planes in the sky yada, yada, yada....i won't post the whole src code cuz it is hella long but i will post the section that gives me the compiling error [CODE]ostream& operator<< (ostream& … | |
I am currently trying to add an edit box to my program. Everything is find until I add a variable to the edit box. The program runs fine until it is terminated, then I get an assertion error. Any ideas what could be causing this? | |
I first read in data from a file. Then the user is prompted for a name of a person trying to enter the party. If the name of a person trying to get in does not match any name on the invitation list, the program should print a message indicating … | |
Can anybody help me on this problem: I am writing a simulation program with several files. In a header file, I declared e global variable in hope that all other files could use it. so i put down: #define size 100 int memory[size]; in the header file memory.h. However, there … | |
i was wondering how to strip off digits one by one and store them into an array so i can sort them. For example if the user entered 7216. take the 7 stor into cell one, take 2 store it cell 3 ettc and then sort it so it looks … | |
Hye all!! here is an program statement i don't know how to do it :o ..so plz let me know itz solution... program is written below:- [B]Write a program that will get 10 numbers between 20 and 100 and store them in one dimensional array of type int , as … | |
Hi, i'm doing a program in OpenGL and need some help with arrays. Basically I have a structure called ObjectNode which is used to implement a linked list with two data members, an int for the object type and an array of IntPoints (IntPoint is just a simple structure to … | |
Hi there, I have an image that is split into lots of little images that when flipped through would effectively animate the character. :cool: How would i go about playing through the images, i assume i would somehow map the image into a two-dimensional array and then just run through … | |
Please could you give me an example of sorting an array and[B] how to call the [/B] [B]function at the main [/B] thanks a lot :o :rolleyes: :rolleyes: | |
![]() | In file proceesing how can i find the renamed file.... meaning....i created 2 files named derrick.txt and alex.txt and in the program when i input derrick, the program will look for the file derrick and open the file, and if i enter alex, the program will look for alex.txt thank … ![]() |
When trying to build me program the error message [COLOR=Red]LIBCD.lib(wincrt0.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _WinMain@16 Debug/Marking Program.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals[/COLOR] occurs. I am not sure why this happens, any thoughts | |
Hi am new to programming and I really need some how to check an array to see if a number already exists. I read the tutorials about random number genertors but I am just not getting how to check if the random generator already generated that number somewhere else in … |
The End.