15,552 Topics
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I am hoping to implement a 'MS Visio' like application (but much simpler:-| ). I would like to use MFC but am open to suggestions[font=Verdana]. I need a window which I can place bitmaps onto - like in Visio. I have used MFC and know roughly how it works but … | |
The other day, I got an idea for a compression program, and decided to write up a function that compresses a file into "filename.compressed". Compression function works fine, but I get a nasty assertion failure at the return of the main() function, after the file's been compressed. Assertion failure is … | |
Hey everyone, I'm having trouble with a program I'm working on. In this program I'm supposed to sort an array of names. I ask the user how manys names will be inputed. Number of names will not exceed 100. Names will be in the format of "Last,First,age" with no spaces … | |
[b]Instances of a Class[/b] An instance of the class is an object which is created based on the class definition. A programmer using a pre-defined (previously written by another programmer) class has the opportunity to use certain functions which have been decided by the programmer of the class. Perhaps the … | |
[b]Functions [/b] Locality encompasses the idea that it often takes many, many programmers to come up with a single software program. Virtually all programming languages are constructed in such a way that these various programmers don't even need to interact with eachother. This is possible because of locality. Programs are … | |
I have a simple program that has retreived the first number of a 12 number set from a text file. I am trying to convert this character array into a double or float so I can work with it, but none of the conversions are working. Anyone have any suggestions … | |
Ok.. this is wiered.. this code either crashes or exits when it shouldn't. I really have not a clue what the error is. It loads and process a .csv file and example of such would be below (although generally the files I am loading are a couple of tousands of … | |
why do i get this compiling error with the following code?? numbers.c: In function `main': numbers.c:33: `for' loop initial declaration used outside C99 mode [CODE]int main() { int oneNumber =0; // hold the valid integer entered int countPositiveFactors =0; // accumulate a sum , so should be initialize to 0 … | |
Hello, I have a wiered error. My code works if my struct has less then six floats but not otherwise. If I have more then six floats it freezes the system. See code for better description: [CODE] /* * * SSI2.cpp * * Data Description: * * The data consists … | |
At least show me the logic on how to solve the math problem parts. I will put it into program if you just explain to me how to get the factors, tell the computer how many factors, find the sum and print it to screen, and find the product and … | |
(edit) Code was too long for forum. I'm splitting it in 1/2 I'm currently working on a Direct3D class that simplifies D3D, so I can use it to make games, applications, etc. I started on it yesterday, got it to work so it draw triangles with a different color on … | |
Is there a way to clear the getchar variable in a loop after you go through the loop the 1st time? | |
I am writing this program for my computer class. I am having a problem with my do/while loop. I can go through my main IF statement, but when I go through the loop a second time, I enter 'S' os 's' for computer type it skips past the main IF … | |
#include <iostream> #include <conio.h> void input(char *str) { bool quit = 0; unsigned char key; for(int i = 0;quit != 1;) { key = getch(); switch(key) { case 8: // Backspace if (i > 0) { i--; *str--; std::cout << "\b \b"; } else putch('\a'); break; case 13: // Enter … | |
i get a error that i cant figure out any help? void main() { // Initialize WinSock int wsaret=WSAStartup(0x101,&wsaData); if(wsaret) return; //Create the SOCKET SOCKET conn; conn=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP); if(conn==INVALID_SOCKET) return; //clean up mess closesocket(conn); WSACleanup(); } i get this error: wsaData : undeclared identifier any help | |
I am currently trying to retrieve the text from a TreeView in another application. I can do this using a dll and GetProcess method. I can successfully retrieve data from a Treeview with single columns. However, I am having problems retrieving data from multi column TreeViews. I think these are … | |
well i have been working on a server client program and i got the server working but the client isnt. Program Flow of a simple TCP client: 1)Initialize WinSock library using WSAStartup() 2)Create a IPPROTO_TCP SOCKET using socket() 3)Connect to the server using the socket we created, using connect() 4)Close … | |
i found the code to read local ip but i was wondering could it be any smaller then this. #include <winsock.h> #include <wsipx.h> #include <wsnwlink.h> #include <stdio.h> int main() { //////////////// // Initialize windows sockets API. // WORD wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(1, 1); WSADATA wsaData; if (WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData)) { printf("WSAStartup failed … | |
i am in a intro to cs class and need help with a current project. it is a simple project but I seem to be stuck. the program is to read 2 integers for the height and width of a rectangle and then display the rectangle using "#" 's. We … | |
ok.. here I am with a double pointer to a 2D array and I am copying the data from another struct in to this 2d struct array. It gives me an illegal opperand error. Code: data.rows=polar.rows; data.trace = (SQwPOL**)calloc(polar.width,sizeof (SQwPOL*)); for (int i=0; i<polar.width; i++) { data.trace[i]= (SQwPOL*)calloc(polar.width,sizeof (SQwPOL)); for … | |
ok.. it seems like with every step in my program I stuble on more and more unconrprehendable errors.. this time it is with the printf function. When I am printing: fflush (stdout); puts ("\nOrganized data:"); for (int i=0; i<sdata.width; i++) printf ("'%s',",sdata.ar[i].name); puts ("\b"); for (int a=0; a<sdata.rows; a++) { … | |
Hello, Ok.. here is another problem I have come up with.. I have a string of numbers (comma or '\n' separated (from .csv file)). I have allocated an array of integers to put in the numbers into yet how do I actually do it. Example: I have "13, 34, 23, … | |
Hello C problem I am having problems saving a structure to a text file. My structure is below. What is the best way to save this to a file and open it from a file and display it on the screen. I have tried several ways but can't get it … | |
heya guys I mud and I use a client that is not all that powerful I'm new to c+ but have spent the last 2 weeks reading hard on it, I'm trying to write a few scripts and my client doesnt have all the necesary commands heres what I need … | |
I have to write an online dictionary software. I plan to use ATL Web Service, but I don't have any experience in it, and so is the dictionary programming. Can you show me some ideal? Thanks | |
I was wanting to know what is the best way to go about finding a char inside a char array and then replacing the char and outputing the changed array. Thanks Alot | |
Hi. How can we launch program from resources? | |
Hi. I wanted to create a "locking" program that stores information needed for another exe. When the person enters all the information needed and the file that he/she wants to "lock", the exe file will create another exe file that stores all the information being typed previously and also the … | |
[code]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> int main () { int i,j; puts ("Trying to execute command CD "); [b] i = system ("cd c:\text"); [/b] if (i==-1) puts ("Error executing CD"); else puts ("Command successfully executed"); puts ("Trying to execute command del "); [b] j = system ("del *.txt"); … | |
I'm trying to put the whole program into a loop and I'm not shure where to place it. I have lots of diffrent windows that have to be updated. I have tried adding it into the function that starts the program but it just gets stuck in a loop and … |
The End.