15,540 Topics

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Member Avatar for Crowe182

I am writing this program for my computer class. I am having a problem with my do/while loop. I can go through my main IF statement, but when I go through the loop a second time, I enter 'S' os 's' for computer type it skips past the main IF …

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Member Avatar for rknight

#include <iostream> #include <conio.h> void input(char *str) { bool quit = 0; unsigned char key; for(int i = 0;quit != 1;) { key = getch(); switch(key) { case 8: // Backspace if (i > 0) { i--; *str--; std::cout << "\b \b"; } else putch('\a'); break; case 13: // Enter …

Member Avatar for rknight
Member Avatar for fakespike

i get a error that i cant figure out any help? void main() { // Initialize WinSock int wsaret=WSAStartup(0x101,&wsaData); if(wsaret) return; //Create the SOCKET SOCKET conn; conn=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP); if(conn==INVALID_SOCKET) return; //clean up mess closesocket(conn); WSACleanup(); } i get this error: wsaData : undeclared identifier any help

Member Avatar for Bob
Member Avatar for redcian

I am currently trying to retrieve the text from a TreeView in another application. I can do this using a dll and GetProcess method. I can successfully retrieve data from a Treeview with single columns. However, I am having problems retrieving data from multi column TreeViews. I think these are …

Member Avatar for fakespike

well i have been working on a server client program and i got the server working but the client isnt. Program Flow of a simple TCP client: 1)Initialize WinSock library using WSAStartup() 2)Create a IPPROTO_TCP SOCKET using socket() 3)Connect to the server using the socket we created, using connect() 4)Close …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for fakespike

i found the code to read local ip but i was wondering could it be any smaller then this. #include <winsock.h> #include <wsipx.h> #include <wsnwlink.h> #include <stdio.h> int main() { //////////////// // Initialize windows sockets API. // WORD wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(1, 1); WSADATA wsaData; if (WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData)) { printf("WSAStartup failed …

Member Avatar for lobo

i am in a intro to cs class and need help with a current project. it is a simple project but I seem to be stuck. the program is to read 2 integers for the height and width of a rectangle and then display the rectangle using "#" 's. We …

Member Avatar for lobo
Member Avatar for Valmian

ok.. here I am with a double pointer to a 2D array and I am copying the data from another struct in to this 2d struct array. It gives me an illegal opperand error. Code: data.rows=polar.rows; data.trace = (SQwPOL**)calloc(polar.width,sizeof (SQwPOL*)); for (int i=0; i<polar.width; i++) { data.trace[i]= (SQwPOL*)calloc(polar.width,sizeof (SQwPOL)); for …

Member Avatar for Valmian

ok.. it seems like with every step in my program I stuble on more and more unconrprehendable errors.. this time it is with the printf function. When I am printing: fflush (stdout); puts ("\nOrganized data:"); for (int i=0; i<sdata.width; i++) printf ("'%s',",sdata.ar[i].name); puts ("\b"); for (int a=0; a<sdata.rows; a++) { …

Member Avatar for Valmian

Hello, Ok.. here is another problem I have come up with.. I have a string of numbers (comma or '\n' separated (from .csv file)). I have allocated an array of integers to put in the numbers into yet how do I actually do it. Example: I have "13, 34, 23, …

Member Avatar for Valmian
Member Avatar for steve1_rm

Hello C problem I am having problems saving a structure to a text file. My structure is below. What is the best way to save this to a file and open it from a file and display it on the screen. I have tried several ways but can't get it …

Member Avatar for dejaqkl

heya guys I mud and I use a client that is not all that powerful I'm new to c+ but have spent the last 2 weeks reading hard on it, I'm trying to write a few scripts and my client doesnt have all the necesary commands heres what I need …

Member Avatar for camelNotation
Member Avatar for hoangpv

I have to write an online dictionary software. I plan to use ATL Web Service, but I don't have any experience in it, and so is the dictionary programming. Can you show me some ideal? Thanks

Member Avatar for blackspyder01

I was wanting to know what is the best way to go about finding a char inside a char array and then replacing the char and outputing the changed array. Thanks Alot

Member Avatar for Mike29936
Member Avatar for rickykoh1983
Member Avatar for rickykoh1983

Hi. I wanted to create a "locking" program that stores information needed for another exe. When the person enters all the information needed and the file that he/she wants to "lock", the exe file will create another exe file that stores all the information being typed previously and also the …

Member Avatar for Armeggadon
Member Avatar for kyle

[code]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> int main () { int i,j; puts ("Trying to execute command CD "); [b] i = system ("cd c:\text"); [/b] if (i==-1) puts ("Error executing CD"); else puts ("Command successfully executed"); puts ("Trying to execute command del "); [b] j = system ("del *.txt"); …

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Member Avatar for gick01

I'm trying to put the whole program into a loop and I'm not shure where to place it. I have lots of diffrent windows that have to be updated. I have tried adding it into the function that starts the program but it just gets stuck in a loop and …

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Member Avatar for Matthew

Hi im 14 aswell, and have developed one game thus far(simple pong game) i am understanding how everything works and would like to know what would be a good second game? ;)

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for fakespike

i need 2 programmer to make a operating system for me. i will pay them nothing i have no experience in programming whats so ever. but aventualy this operating system will take off and will compete with windows it is then that you can have a small percentage of the …

Member Avatar for big_k105
Member Avatar for ilw

Hi I'm trying to write a program that will work with kazaa dat files (ie the files where kazaa stores the downloaded file). Basically my problem is that i need to check if a 10MB chunk of the file has been downloaded, however kazaa stores what it has downloaded in …

Member Avatar for Iron_Cross

Anybody understand these? I'm having the hardest time with them. Partly because I don't see a use for them :P But what would be an example of a time when you would need to operate on a bit itself? As in, what is their purpose? Thanks for any help :)

Member Avatar for Iron_Cross
Member Avatar for sam_

Hi. I am looking for joystick driver or something similar, what will pretend as joystick, but will use a mouse. I mean it should be something like joystick for games, but there will be only mouse attached to PC. Does anyone seen it somewhere? Or is anyone able to code …

Member Avatar for root
Member Avatar for gilgamesh

i need to be able to add data to my .dat file without deleting my old data during a program run can anyone help me?

Member Avatar for evenstar
Member Avatar for Valfor

I was told that there was an api for the windows messenger. Is there and how do I include it in a project?

Member Avatar for root
Member Avatar for gouland

Hi, I search to one programmer what help me to construction one spider. The spider add urls to one data base. Is for a new websearch. Thank you. Sorry by my english. For more information write me to: <EMAIL SNIPPED>

Member Avatar for gvector

Hello fellow programmers, I have a problem that I have been trying to figure out for a while now. I am trying to use the GDIPLUS library but am having troubles. To test this code as it is meant to be used, open a new solution in MSVC6.0 or 7.0. …

Member Avatar for Thamior
Member Avatar for MAD_DOG

My buddy of mine told me he knows this old guy who used to program anywho he told me it was a very old programming language. He said it started with a D Cobol is a old one right? Anywho can you name some old programming languages?

Member Avatar for Sudipta Mukherjee
Member Avatar for MAD_DOG

[url]http://practicallynetworked.com/[/url] - One of the best Networking sites I seen so far I cant think of any more though... It will come to me Another site for good networking information [url]http://techtalkforums.com/[/url] lol

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The End.