871 Topics

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Member Avatar for game4tress

I'm creating a new functionality for an already existing software, made with VB .Net. This new functionality consists of rendering 3D objects on a specific form, and be able to move/rotate/resize/change,... those objects. For this task i've used XNA. I've created a new XNA Windows project and, in the specific …

Member Avatar for happygeek

[ATTACH=RIGHT]21994[/ATTACH]The latest in a series of round table industry events held in the UK, and featuring a panel of experts in the field of commercial software development, has warned that ignoring the popularity of casual and mobile gaming is a big mistake for any successful digital development strategy. Interestingly, it …

Member Avatar for iBod
Member Avatar for rodge125blazer

I have a project.A shape game There are shapes and yours should be controlled by arrow keys.. you should crash with another to gain point. once you collide to a another shape, it should adopt the shape and the color. The problem is when i se,t for example, shape1 top …

Member Avatar for rodge125blazer
Member Avatar for happygeek

The iPhone 4 is one of the hot gifts for this festive season, and for good reason as Apple has managed to make the iPhone even better with the addition of a stunning 960 x 640 high resolution 'Retina display' screen with a pixel density of 326dpi (which is so …

Member Avatar for WebDisc78
Member Avatar for jeannot

Hi, I have a problem with GTA IV it runs very slow. My specs are: AMD Athlon II X4 645 @ 3.1 Ghz AMD Radeon HD 5770 Flex edition from Sapphire 4 Gig of DDR2-800 Ram Windows 7 Ultimate 32 Bit I run every game at max settings, only GTA …

Member Avatar for Deffard601
Member Avatar for happygeek

[ATTACH=RIGHT]22075[/ATTACH]A new survey conducted by Newzoo for casual gaming developers PopCap Games has discovered that, as far as European gamers are concerned anyway, there simply is no one platform that is dominant. I appreciate that may come as something of a surprise when you look at the money that gets …

Member Avatar for Wandering

Hello. I need help. I can't install my Dawn of War Retribution on my laptop cause it says: 'Steam.exe (main exception): ERROR:copied steam.exe to C:\Windows\TEMP\steam27 but C:\Windows\steam27 doesn't exist' I use Windows 7 Home Edition. What does this mean? What do I need to do?

Member Avatar for farooqaaa
Member Avatar for samanalaya

I need to control a 3D object using wii remote (motion plus inbuilt) in xna gaming environment. I am using C#. Actually I want to do something like in wii cricket or in wii tennis in xna gaming environment using c#. its a pleasure you can suggest me a place …

Member Avatar for galiz05

I am 13 and i really want to create a game and go commercial I would want to know which language is for both PS3 AND PC or Xbox and PC. dont suggest me an easy programming language or :MAKE YOUR OWN GAME!: program that gives you everything in your …

Member Avatar for yup790
Member Avatar for DOT6

Hello, I am creating a card game and need some advice/pointers or code snipets if possible on sprite movement in the sence I need to create an action of a card been drawn from the deck. Basicly I need to make the sprite(card) move from the deck posion(x,y) to the …

Member Avatar for DOT6
Member Avatar for daniel955

For our android app project, we will be developing on java eclipse I am going to use opengl for graphics part. but what data structure should I use for the gameplay?

Member Avatar for thecoolman5

hi, i am looking for the most realistic racing simulator. I want it to be like real driving. And i also want it to be a free roam racing game. i prefer an offroad racing simulator. i use windows 7 64 bit. nvidia geforce 8400 gs low profile. Intel(R) Core(TM) …

Member Avatar for thecoolman5
Member Avatar for vijaybrar

Hi I have hard time connecting the if else statement because my teacher is telling us to use this kind of if else if (statement) if (statement) if (statement) condition else condition("error") end if else condition end if else condition end if this is a simple betting game can you …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for sagar d

I have heard that games can be built using c language. I request someone to post the code for a simple game.(if possible,simple code too)..

Member Avatar for imkj
Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16416[/ATTACH]This Friday, Google will announce its acquisition of [URL="http://www.slide.com/corp/index.html"]Slide[/URL], for $182 million. Earlier this year, Slide was [URL="http://www.fastcompany.com/mic/2010/industry/most-innovative-web-companies"]named one of the ten most innovative web companies[/URL] by Fast Company. If you've ever thrown a sheep at someone on Facebook, you've used a Slide product. The company, which says it's responsible …

Member Avatar for netvani
Member Avatar for CPT

So it's this program which isn't behaving as it should. these are the classes I'm haing problems with: [code]#ifndef _CMENU_H_ #define _CMENU_H_ #include "Vec2.h" #include "Background.h" #include "Sprite.h" #include "BackBuffer.h" class Button { public: enum ButtonState { NORMAL, //when cursor is not near the button ANIMATED //mouseover event }; Button(const …

Member Avatar for m4ster_r0shi
Member Avatar for altosaxplayer88

I played this game of pong I made for 3 hours two days ago. Summer is so boring. [URL="http://danielberry.zxq.net/pong"]http://danielberry.zxq.net/pong[/URL]

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Evesy

Hi, This is probably in the wrong place but I've looked everywhere for help, and nothing yet. I have a game save for an indie game, and I'm trying to edit the amount of coins I have. The method I have tried hasn't worked and I'm unsure why. Here was …

Member Avatar for roswell1329
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

It's very interesting to read that the Playstation 3 [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8478764.stm"]might at last have been hacked[/URL] by the same man who 'jailbroke' the iPhone for the first time. Interesting but not all that much use. I mean, who wants a hacked PS3 anyway? The report to which I've linked says there …

Member Avatar for skatamatic
Member Avatar for small_ms

Hi everyone. Talking about 3D games, what would you choose - browser games availability or desktop games cool graphics? You know, as for the quality, desktop games have rich graphics, while browser games (although with quite good graphics), have great availability. Or all these don't matter if a gameplay is …

Member Avatar for roswell1329
Member Avatar for kevinmax101

Hi, im currently doing a pacman game in c++ as a project. im currently not using graphics but only using the console for simple representation. right now, I'm having problems concerning detection of pellets. Im a bit confused why it detects it as walls even though i check if the …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for kelifer84

Hi I was just wondering if someone may be able to help with a program I'm trying to complete for college. I am useless at programming so I have tried and tried to sort it, to no avail, yet its probably something very simple and stupid! Basically I have created …

Member Avatar for kelifer84
Member Avatar for DOT6

Hello all, I have been working on a card game for the last month or so and sofar have created the basics ie. cards, deck... The language is ANSI-C and is created in programmers notepad with devkitpro and MLlib. Everything is working greate so far as in I can shuffle …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Triarius

Hi! I am trying to make a simple "Guess my number" game. For some reason the compiler (Visual Studio 2010) gives me an error. Here is the full code : [CODE]#include<iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> using namespace std; int main() { int tries = 0; int input; srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0))); int …

Member Avatar for vidit_X
Member Avatar for usahomegoods

I just thought of joining a tech forum as we are into this business of home goods for long now. So let me just help you with your hardware and software stuff. Daniweb seems a great place to connect to techies.

Member Avatar for zj2431
Member Avatar for lordvoldemort

Hey I am a real amateur and I am trying to teach myself and I have been following the tutorials at [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJGqalveGmM[/url] and I am just not able to get it to work, any help would be greatly appreciated. This is the error I am getting, I have been doing …

Member Avatar for Sodabread
Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for 24x24

This is homework. Please do not write my code for me. I did look for this but only found things related to buttons or making a background, none of which had the answers I needed. I have been working on a game. The game has some images floating around and …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for 24x24

I wasn't sure if this should go in games development or here but it's java so I put it here. This is homework so please don't write my code for me. My assignment is to create a game. It has to have moving parts, keyboard controls, buttons, the works. I …

Member Avatar for 24x24
Member Avatar for newsguy

I am, it appears, a lot more average than I hoped. Well, at least when it comes to the world of computer gaming. A new [URL="http://www.ajpm-online.net/content/pressreleases"]study[/URL] reveals, amongst other things, that the profile of the average gamer looks a lot less like the hyperactive, cola drinking teen obsessed with kicking …

Member Avatar for JackRT

The End.