871 Topics
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I am having trouble completing This hangman project. It mmost be done using model view controller pattern. Here is what i have so far //Header file declarations import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Scanner; //Class declaration class HangmanModel extends JFrame implements ActionListener { … | |
My cousin wants me to repair her original fat XBox 360. It will play DVDs fine, but when trying to load a game just completely locks up. I've determined that the disk drive is failing, and that it is a Philips Lite-On DG-16D2S. I have an old busted 360 and, … | |
I'm working on a small concept demo for a friend and I'm stuck on the UI. I'm trying to build something akin to an FPS interface (using mouse-look and the iconic WASD). I'm working in a Windows environment (Win7 to be precise), so I figured I'd use the standard Windows … | |
Hi, I own a Logitech MOMO and when I plug it in to the computer, the computer doesn't see it. I've tried reinstalling the software, restarting the computer, and plugging the USB connector into a different drive. Any solutions? | |
Hey guys, I have just finished a very simplistic game where the object of the game is to move out of the way of a falling block. Still only version 1 so don't expect much but your welcome to have a go and post any feedback on this thread. Looking … | |
Basically im trying to make a game where shapes fall from the sky and the user controls the sprite to avoid them. I have it working but only with 1 block falling at a time. I am using the paint method to draw my shapes. I was wondering how to … | |
Hi everyone, I'm working on a project for my computer science class and we're supposed to make a java applet game. I'm not very far in the game quite yet, but I'm trying to make sure that the mouseListener and the rectangles work before I continue on with the game. … | |
[CODE]class Personaje(object): def __init__(self,vida,posicion,velocidad): vida = None posicion = None velocidad = None recibir_ataque = None def recibir_ataque(vida): recibir_ataque in range(1,100) vida - recibir_ataque print "La vida actual del personaje es de", vida, " Luego de haber recibido", recibir_ataque, " de dano" def excepcionVida(vida): if vida <= 0: print "El … | |
Do you use a joystick/gamepad(or whatever else) for gaming purposes? Or do you use the traditional Mouse + Keyboard combo for playing games? My Personal opinion: Mouse + Keyboard. Reasons: 1)The mouse is much more sensitive and flexible, and then again, some games don't support a joystick. 2)I'm still unfamiliar … | |
Hey guys, I'm working on my game project for college, I have the code started, just enough to put the sprite on the screen and have a scrolling background. It is telling me there are no errors but when i go to run the game it terminates immediately, it's got … | |
I recently started reading Beginning DirectX 10 Game Programming written by Wendy Jones, and I'm about 60 pages in on the chapter about sprites, and I feel like I haven't learned anything, half the code they throw at me I can hardly decipher, and even if I do that, how … | |
This is un-official games discussion thread created since I didn't found any thread that discuss about games here... ******** You can discuss about anything that related about games here such as Reviews, Your expression, Rating, Cheats, Walkthrough, Spoilers, Console, New Release etc. Please be aware that some members don't like … | |
Hello DaniWeb Users, I am new to the forum however from what I have seen it is exceptionally good! I have searched the forums already and found various questions relating to a similar problem as mine however I am unable to work out how I can amend this for my … | |
I just decided that I wanted to make one with C++, but I'm not really sure what I should put in it. Any ideas? I don't just want it to be some boring thing where you have to "Press enter to continue" all the time. | |
I'm trying to make a Tic Tac Toe game for my Java class. I am not able to use JButtons only JPanels. I'm stuck on the part where my program determines if there are 3 x's or o's in a row. [CODE] public void winner() { if(3 = tictactoe[0].turn + … | |
Hello all, Decided to post in here as thought it would be safer, and wasn't sure if I'd be violating any rules on any other threads. Basically I'm looking for a Family Fortunes-type game that I can edit (questions and answers) and use - and I need it for a … | |
Hi! I am just wondering what would be fastest(performance-wise) of Game Maker(with GML) or Python with Pygame? | |
Trying to do some basic "Game of life", but for some reason i'm getting some weird results, the code: [CODE]#include "stdafx.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "windows.h" const int V=30;//Vertical const int H=40;//Horizontal char A[V][H]; int ne=0; //Set all to dead void setDead() { for (int i=0;i<V;++i) … | |
hi, i m having a problem with my computer. I m using windows 7 professional with sp1 (64-bit). here is my pc configuration: [COLOR="Green"]intel core-i5 (2.8 GHz) (LGA 1155) Gigabyte H67-D2H 2GB RAM 1TB HDD No ext. Graphics Card.[/COLOR] my problem is very weird. Every time i install a new … | |
I just bought 2 new games - EYE, which I recently started playing and am enjoying a great deal and the latest Deus Ex, which is the first game I paid full price for in years. I pre-ordered it months ago and then forgot about it. I generally only play … | |
The whispers have been [URL="http://arstechnica.com/apple/news/2009/08/leaks-begin-to-pile-up-concerning-legendary-apple-tablet.ars"]getting louder[/URL] lately that Apple will be be announcing the long-rumored Tablet next month at its September keynote. We have all learned that these rumors are [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3626.html"]often wrong[/URL] and Apple moves at its own pace, but the idea of an Apple Tablet with a 10 inch … | |
Just wondering - What's your favorite flash game? 1. Free Rider 2 2. Winterbells 3. Thing Thing Arena 2 :) | |
[CODE] import java.io.*; public class CheckersGame { public static void main (String []args) throws IOException { BufferedReader jill = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (System.in)); System.out.print("Enter name of the first to move: "); String name = jill.readLine(); System.out.print("Enter name of " + name + "'s opponent: "); String opo = jill.readLine(); … | |
I wanted to ask if some one in here knows how to code and make a good layouts for a mafia based game like exactly mafiakings.com make sure u go see it and tell me i will pay good if you can code a page like that game | |
Hello everyone! I have been working on a sudoku generator. My main aim is to create a completed 9x9 grid that follows the rules of sudoku. The grid should display unique numbers every time it is run i.e the numbers have to be randomised. My logic in tackling the problem … | |
I wrote this 3D Breakout game as a sample project to learn both Python and the visual module, vPython. It is based on a similar game I had on my Amiga back in the 80s. I don't expect that my Python is either standard or as elegant as it could … | |
Hi all. I know that others have posted about Rock Paper Scissors, but none of their posts are exactly what I am needing. My issue is that for my program, we are required to use at least 1 switch and 1 if statement, as well as keep track of the … | |
Have just finished my first attempt at a playable and interesting game in VB. Originally started in VB 6 i decided to re-write and expand in VB 2010. Just wondering if anyone has any ideas or comments on how it could be expanded/improved. :) | |
Music sharing with Facebook friends just became easier, and if that isn't enough to distract you, how about a game of Internet pinball? Two manufacturers are banking that these innovations will keep Facebook users entertained 24/7. Facebook users that subscribe to [URL="http://www.thumbplay.com/"]Thumbplay Music's desktop app[/URL] can combine it with iTunes … | |
Hello all, I am having some trouble with my tic-tac-toe game. My main problem is that I do not know how to properly make it so that when i click a button on the form acting as spots for the x's and o's the proper letter will come up and … |
The End.