871 Topics

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Member Avatar for funkey100

Hey! I am making myself a [new computer](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/QsWu) for gaming and recording. What do you think about it? I also used [this](http://extreme.outervision.com/PSUEngine) to calculate the wattage. Should I change the power supply? Thanks System Type: 1 physical CPU Motherboard: High End - Desktop CPU Socket: Socket LGA 1155 CPU: Intel …

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Member Avatar for funkey100

Hey guys! I am working on a school project where I choose "The Evolution of Technology" as my topic. It'll be from making stone tools and fire to the modern information age. I choose a videogame to represent my research and outcome and I'll use Java. I already knew a …

Member Avatar for funkey100
Member Avatar for ktsangop

Hello everyone! I would like some suggestions on picking a game development technology/language. My requirements are : 1) On line / Web based game only 2) 2d animation only (for the time being). Using mostly sprites and modelling only simple 2d shapes. 3) No need for an advanced physics engine. …

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Member Avatar for nomorelogic

so basically the thing is nearly complete, and im just trying to get it to work, im pretty sure i just havent closed off some statments and such, but i cannot for the life of me see where, or how to get the error messages to leave me alone in …

Member Avatar for nomorelogic
Member Avatar for happygeek

Some might argue that there are already quite enough different versions of Angry Birds to last a lifetime, or at least a lifetime of minutes to waste on a mobile gaming platform such as a smartphone or tablet. There is some merit to this, and personally I would be quite …

Member Avatar for <M/>
Member Avatar for i3-540

Hi you all. I am new to the world of PC building and this would be the first PC I have ever built. I used a website called pcpartpicker.com and came up with the following build: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/NV30. I thought it would be well suited to my needs, and the website …

Member Avatar for dchrismoore
Member Avatar for Emily Banks

The study of interactions in online game recently proved an 80-year-old psychological theory, confirming the idea that "a friend of my enemy, is my enemy." The theory is known as Structural Balance theory, which means "individuals tend to avoid stress-causing relationships when they develop a society resulting in more stable …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16207[/ATTACH]The [URL="http://disney.go.com"]Walt Disney Company[/URL] has acquired gaming company [URL="http://playdom.com"]Playdom[/URL], a major player in the field of online social gaming. Robert A. Iger, President and CEO, The Walt Disney Company, said in regards to the acquisition: “We see strong growth potential in bringing together Playdom’s talented team and capabilities with our …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for digifort

I am a beginner at Assembly. I am trying to make a DDR like game. Can someone please help me call the audio (SONG1 PROC) properly in the play window alongside with the graphics? The graphics are messed up whenever I try to call the audio. I cannot post the …

Member Avatar for Sacrificer_911

How would you implement "clickable" game elements, like they are buttons. But of course, they can move still.

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for happygeek

The latest VIPRE report, detailing the ten most prevalent malware threat detections spotted by [GFI Labs](http://malwareprotectioncenter.com/) and the ThreatNet Detection System, reveals that Google, LinkedIn, Skype and Mass Effect 3 were amongst the big brands being exploited by cybercriminals in order to leverage trust whilst distributing malware-laden emails. As a …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for happygeek

When you look at the iTunes download charts you will always find an Angry Bird perched towards the top. That's quite simply because this game app has been the undoubted number one commercial and cultural success story of the App Store. The app developers, Rovio, have been accused in the …

Member Avatar for cproger
Member Avatar for Dum_Bass

I am trying to create a simple scoring function using sprite collision. I have my sprite ids defined under a seperate header and my class is in order. LEFT_SCORE is animated using a sprite sheet (obviously). int Ball::leftGoal( ) { int leftScore = 1; if (dbSpriteCollision (BALL, 12)) {++leftScore;} dbSetSpriteFrame …

Member Avatar for Dum_Bass
Member Avatar for slasham

Hi, This is mainly for gamers. I was just wondering if anyone knows of any good rts keyboard manafacturers or retaillers? Ive found many keyboards designed for mmo's with special buttons jump, move, attack and that sort of thing. i was just wondering if anybody knows of anything simmiliar with …

Member Avatar for OsaMasw

Hello guys, right now am trying to develope many php applications trying to learn php, now am good enough to start my own project, and am thinking to develope a games staticstis site for PS3 players I've done a leaderboard containe many players to get thier stats from Sony here …

Member Avatar for OsaMasw
Member Avatar for Miggle321

[B]Hello People i was wondering if anyone knows if there is a game out there that is like wow( World Of Warcraft ive played wow 10 day free trial and a 30 member whan i got the starter pack and its fun but i dont have a credit card so …

Member Avatar for Chickzer
Member Avatar for H. B. Duran

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16519[/ATTACH]As of August 3rd, users of 3DVIA Studio and 3DVIA Scenes can publish their work directly to Facebook with the click of a button. With 500 million Facebook users, that's quite a target audience to showcase and beta test your talent. “We have taken the guesswork out of launching 3D …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for H. B. Duran

...but will users 'LIKE' it? Today, Namco Bandai Games, Inc. announced that they will be launching two made-for-Facebook games, [I]City of Football[/I] and [I]Treasure Abyss[/I]. With over half a million users on Facebook, it's become one of the most popular ways to advertise today. Namco Bandai plans to make full …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for imspikey

I wanted to share this great game development kit called stencyl [stencyl](http://www.stencyl.com) its great for creating 2d games you can publish your game to flash iphone and soon html5 and android is in the way. I am currently developing a game myself using stencyl and going to upload it to …

Member Avatar for april88t
Member Avatar for pars99

Me and my friend are aspiring Indie Game devs. and we're hoping to get some help. As the developer of the duo (him being artwork and music), I need to create a physics engine for the game. I am sure there are some out there, but I think building one …

Member Avatar for Tumlee
Member Avatar for happygeek

It's going to be a great Easter for Modern Warfare 2 gamers, and that's official. Robert Bowling, Creative Strategist at Modern Warfare 2 developers Infinity Ward, has [URL="http://twitter.com/fourzerotwo/status/10738022531"]posted confirmation on Twitter[/URL] that for the weekend of April 2nd to 5th there will be double experience points on offer to players …

Member Avatar for mamun0101
Member Avatar for dadquacker

My son is very interested in developing a video game. He is only 10, but I want to encourage his interest and was wondering where is the best place for a 10 year old to start? learning language? understanding computer programing? as you can tell, I am not knowledable in …

Member Avatar for ToddRLittleton
Member Avatar for slasham

Hi, I have recently finished building my own computer and am wondering what operating system to get. I was thinking about getting Linux mint 14 because it's free and I like the layout. Ive also heard that there are very few viruses as well. The only thing is that I …

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for J-P1988

Hello, When i compile i get theses undefiend reference to extern lobal variable. In my code, i try to do an file that define it and extern it on SystemeBataille.cpp call th definitor on main.cpp but same error. If i place my extern on an specific function exemple SystemeBataille::placeExternHere i …

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Member Avatar for kenth21v

I want to play the game but I don't know where to donwload the client and what server should I connect. I am from the Philippines. Please help :)

Member Avatar for <M/>
Member Avatar for DenverWDGuy

A friend of mine has an idea for a mobile game that he thinks could be the next Angry Birds. ;) I've heard the idea and it really does sound like a fun game, but neither him nor I have mobile development experience, or any real development experience of any …

Member Avatar for DenverWDGuy
Member Avatar for Nutster

Recently, I saw somebody start a "Deal or No Deal" game in the Posting Games section. This got me thinking of writing a program to actually play the game based on the rules of the show. So I spent a couple of hours writing this in ANSI-C. I probably should …

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Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was wondering why can't i access my website on both of my computers, but for some reason i can access it on my ps3. I can't even access it from filezilla, i't is like my computers are ignoring my website, and on both computer i get this …

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for numbplum

Hey guy I'm wondering if there is a tutorial or example code for a C++ RPG inventory system. I've surfed the website and I only discovered to make two classes, item and inventory and to use each of them for item's detail and holding the items in a linked list. …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for happygeek

This special edition of the Guinness World Records book will appeal to geeks and nerds the world over. Not just because it is packed full of the kind of trivia that we all thrive on in social situations, but also because that trivia is firmly based in the realm of …

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The End.