871 Topics

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Member Avatar for gg652

I need a program that will ask 16 true or false questions. The game needs to keep going until the user either answers 8 questions correctly or 8 inncorectly. A message should inform the user wether they won or lost and ask if they would like to play again, at …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for vicky30312

Hello, I am new at c++ and need some help. The project we were given is to write a program that asks the user to think of a number between 1 and 100, then attempts to guess the number. The program should make an initial guess of 50. The program …

Member Avatar for Gonbe
Member Avatar for happygeek

I first started writing about the 'coming soon' Xbox 720 way back in 2008 if my memory serves me well. Every now and then another rumour emerges, supposedly from 'a reliable source within Microsoft' and confirming that the release date has been fixed or announcing the final hardware specification for …

Member Avatar for rhowell
Member Avatar for idRATHERgoHUNT

Well i havent posted here for a while lol....but im hopefully going to get back into posting here in the forums. Anyways, I recently downloaded WOW with a 10 day trial version for free, Due to the fact i dont have a credit card and I'm not going to ask …

Member Avatar for remixedcat
Member Avatar for Yoink

Hi, I have to write a program that plays out a whole game of the card game WAR. I have to create a bunch of classes that go along with some pre written classes so right now im trying to start out small and work my way up. We are …

Member Avatar for Yoink
Member Avatar for Petranilla

Hi Everyone, Im' new in C. I was tasked to do a word game. Its a Guess a word game. The user inputs the letter through arrow keys. Then, my program supposed to check if each letter is correct. Then, display it in boxes. The problem is I cannot validate …

Member Avatar for Petranilla
Member Avatar for Beastegargoyle

Hello, I am currently writing a card game in Java. My question is when I write the follwoing code below: `Inline Code Example Here` 38 // select a random number between 0 and 51 39 int second = randomNumbers.nextInt( NUMBER_OF_CARDS ); Will the program properly generate 52 cards? Should I …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for MiniApocalypse

Hiya! Im not new to programming but sometimes i can be really noobie so im sure this is probably really silly. I have an undecleared indentifier that only shows up in the main but is fine in the header and cpp files. I thought it might be an include loop …

Member Avatar for MiniApocalypse
Member Avatar for JavaDroid

I am looking for help in creating an inventory system for my text based adventure game that I am writing in java. i have shared the *.java* files here: https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0B2crBUQ5i6iBRkFpanJiRGFfMWc/edit any suggestions would be appreciated, as well as any critiques of the current code.

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for Price2Pay

Hey. I my having troubles booting up my pc. The front light is red. None of the fans are working. I'm not receiving any images or beeps. My case is a Cooler master HAF 912. Please help figure this out. I purchase the computer parts at my local Microcenter. Before …

Member Avatar for Price2Pay
Member Avatar for popeyemissy

I need to fix the code. Once a war event takes place, no points are assigned however in the next deal whoever wins (be it the player or computer) should get double points. One point for the war and the second point for the next deal that was won as …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Stagnant

So my program uses the list template as the towers and the values in them are disks. I used the push and pop methods with loops to display changing values due to user input. > Rules of the game: > 1. All disks are stacked into an initial tower. > …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for JavaDroid

Hey, new to java, but trying to build a text-based adventure game similar in gameplay style to the original Zork series. http://pot.home.xs4all.nl/infocom/zork1.html This is not homework. It started as a way to practice what i've learned, but now I am determined to make this work with the simplest code possible. …

Member Avatar for JavaDroid
Member Avatar for vedel.bajic

Hey Guys! I wonder how to put a texture on a specific position in DirectX. for example: I want a function that allows to set a Texture on an 2D Position and set the width and height like this pseudo funktion: x y w h DrawTexture(pDevice, 25, 25, 200, 100); …

Member Avatar for BigInNYC
Member Avatar for Fedhell

Hey guys, its been quite a while since ive posted here :-( Im making a game in java (nope not for school, just for fun) Anyway, ive created some logic for an enemySuicideBomber(spaceship game, prolly not what your thinking) to select the closest location. It works for the most part, …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for jeets1892

Hello, Please take a look at the below code - #include<iostream> #include<ctime> // for the time() function #include<cstdlib> // for the srand() and rand() functions using namespace std; int compInput; int userInput; int die1 = 0; int die2 = 0; int Dice () { // set the seed srand(time(0)); // …

Member Avatar for jeets1892
Member Avatar for ObSys

Ok so basically I want to know how I can paint multiple items to the screen without using all of my laptop CPU power. I was thinking that it may be possible to arrange the items as a bitmap and then paint that bitmap to the screen but im not …

Member Avatar for ObSys
Member Avatar for alvin.decker

Hey! I am an experienced programmer (php, javascript, mysql, some ajax) who is looking for an experienced and competent graphic and/or web designer with whom to create a text-based RPG. I will assume the financial risk and the programming responsibilities. I need someone to make the banners, logos, icons, and …

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for D33wakar

This is a simple hangman game that I wrote using my beginner python skills. Though this game is playable, there must be lots of things I must've been doing wrong or the methods I'm using here may be not so pythonic. So I want some suggestions on how to improve …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for toby.thomas.79

I have developed an Opengl based desktop game and wish to publish it in net. I want to host the final setup/installer of the game which is around 150mb, so that anyone can download it from the link. Can anyone please recommend services that offer free publishing of such applications? …

Member Avatar for Anddos
Member Avatar for cobbel9

Hello, I'm researching on android game development, especially the SurfaceView method to make simple 2D game. I've learnt about SurfaceView and a gameloop to call the overridden onDraw() function. My question is, using a game loop that constantly update and draw, how can I perform some procedural task, such as …

Member Avatar for hwoarang69

i cant seem to print imageicon in board.java. any ideas? i got two files. board.java and WorldBackground.java i have a WorldBackground.java where i am create background image import java.awt.Image; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; public class WorldBackground { static ImageIcon background = new ImageIcon(WorldBackground.class.getResource("Images/backg.jpg")); public static Image getBackground() { return background.getImage(); } } …

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Member Avatar for stamarab

Hello, please would anybody know if there's any game software where I could include words and sentences? Although I'm still new in this area, I'm very interested in creating some games for teaching purposes. Thanks and Regards, Silvia

Member Avatar for stamarab
Member Avatar for somedude3488

I recently applied for a PHP programming job and they required me to do a coding challenge. One of the challenges involved simulating the card game war which I found intriguing. I "over-engineered" it as they requested, but I still don't think it was good enough for them. Is there …

Member Avatar for masterdeveloper
Member Avatar for Bumpehh

ive been searching the web for a 2d free game engine compatible with c++, and i cant find any! So i would like to know, if there is any that you guys know about? most people direct me to lib librarys, but thats not what i want. btw, sorry if …

Member Avatar for myk45
Member Avatar for claywin

Hello everyone! I've been having some troubles recently trying to work with frame independent movement (based on 300 pixels per second) and having the object collide with another. I'm still pretty new to this idea, but I don't know how I should go about having the character move back from …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for alex.ashton.58

As a project after learning about classes, I'm trying to create a type of board game where the program tells you where all of it's pieces are, and then you tell it where you've moved your pieces, and then the AI moves its pieces accordingly. However I'm having a bit …

Member Avatar for alex.ashton.58
Member Avatar for Robert955

I've created this code which should look in the Songs folder and add any .mp3 file to a list. However when I test it it keeps saying File not found and pointing to the exact file it cant find with the name of the song while I dont mention this …

Member Avatar for Zhoot

Hey guys. Creating games is one of the best things you can do, am I right? However, nowadays you can choose between so many languages, gfx libraries and game engines. So lets vote! Whats your favorite programming language for making a game? Whats your favorite graphics library? Whats your favorite …

Member Avatar for vinnitro
Member Avatar for Thornx1

I am currently in school for video game design. I plann to make a mmorpg and although I will be creating the company I plann to do much of the work involved. I have noticed lots of mmorpgs have bots running non stop flooding the game and making gameplay annoying …

Member Avatar for WaltP

The End.