871 Topics

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Member Avatar for chrisvj11

I am using Python and wxPython to attempt to make a 2d game. When w is pressed, the tiles (except the character) should move so it looks like you are moving. The problem is, when the key is pressed, nothing moves. I added a line of code(no longer there) to …

Member Avatar for chrisvj11
Member Avatar for jarograv

Currently I am making code to be used to make my playing of an online conquest video game easier. The first program the user would run is the initialize program. This is how the program looks: [CODE] #initialize import csv x=1 y=1 n=0 citiesx=[] citiesy=[] city_names=[] total=input("How many cities do …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for sacros

hey there i just started learning informatics and im currently learning pascal and im liking it a lot, its my first time with programming too, only problem i have is we dont have any computer in the classroom to try the code and unfortunately i dont have a laptop or …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for adixovi

Hi, this is a clue game in prolog. [B][U]I'm posting it to thank everyone that takes the time to post and help people, like me.[/U][/B] The program is spanish, cause in from México, but it's a clue game. Features: Write and read *.txt files, and use their content to compare …

Member Avatar for fin4424

Hi so basically im pretty sure i have all my code right and its compiling but for some reason when i run it the frame will load and then quit on me without saying anything i dont know why here is my code [CODE] import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; …

Member Avatar for fin4424
Member Avatar for Usmaan

Hi there, I'd firstly like to thank some of the daniweb members for helping me with my Hangman project. It's finally complete and I have uploaded it on my YouTube. Special thanks to [B]ddanbe, Xcelled194, Mitja Bonca and Momerath[/B]. Right, on to my next project. I'm making a Naughts and …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Taimoor Rana

Hello, I'm currently looking for a book the covers "how to develop a game". I have basic knowledge of Java. I know: arrays,classes,GUI,basic animation with Timer class,basic graphic. I want to move on and start learning threads, collitions, keyboards and mouselistener and all other game related topic... I was wondering …

Member Avatar for Taimoor Rana
Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for yancouto

I'm creating a silly game, and the first thing I want to make is to tell you "You Lose" if the all that you control with the mouse is not inside the frame. I created a JComponent and every 20 milliseconds it is repainted (A thread does that). Inside it, …

Member Avatar for hanvyj
Member Avatar for loafie55

I'm having a lot of trouble with a project for school. The project calls for me to create a random guessing game with three different levels. Each level should consist of a random number between 1 and 30. I have set my code to show between 1 and 5 for …

Member Avatar for loafie55
Member Avatar for ladybug24

Hi Daniweb community! I started learning javascript in school, and the best way to learn is to get into it. So I found a Sudoku game online "http://iphone.janjanousek.cz/isudoku/" and download the files on to my hard drive with much success (all the scripts). The game and site is very well …

Member Avatar for debeloglava

I have never programmed a client / server before but I would like to create a game where objects can be passed back and forth between two players who reside on separate machines. An example object would be a game piece and the reason it would be passed is because …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for happygeek

Having just written [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/reviews/review345593.html"]a glowing review of the new Microsoft Arc Touch mouse[/URL] in which I was struck by the sheer beauty of the thing, I thought it only right to take a look at what is quite possibly the ugliest mouse in the world to get my reviewing karma …

Member Avatar for cisco3750
Member Avatar for Khoanyneosr

I know alot of you are gonna get mad that i started a thread on directX books when clearly at the top there already is a thread on direct X books, but this is different. I need books on Vector Algebra and Matrix Math/Algebra. I'm learning DirectX9/10 and i have …

Member Avatar for Sodabread
Member Avatar for happygeek

So you think you qualify for the epithet 'Number One Fan' when it comes to Angry Birds, do you? OK, you've completed the entire main game as well as the seasonal variations and done so with a full compliment of three star ratings. You've even unlocked all the hidden golden …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for BigTito89

Hello, I'm creating a game editor and I'm at the current stage that I would like the ability to attach scripts to objects (by selecting the string of the method name to be called). That would be saved into the object's scripts to load / run array. That shouldn't be …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for alliance

In a certain sports league, a group of teams plays through a Schedule of Game. At the end of this Schedule, they want to determine the winner. To determine the winner, you will have to determine for each team how many Games they won, lost, and tied. Assuming 2 points …

Member Avatar for audiomatic
Member Avatar for raflos

Hey guys, Im using this laptop for 2 years and had minor problems which i could fix but this has me helpless.. I was playing dead space 2 when suddenly my screen went black, i alt tabbed out of instinct and it just mocked me. I could barely see the …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Enzo85

Hello everyone I am new to this site. I have a university assignment in which I need to program a 2 player pacman game, using C and the Unix operating system. If more than 2 users have typed the command to run the program/s the users must wait in FIFO …

Member Avatar for GeoMarine

[B]Hello, I'm very new to this whole buying components and created your own gaming PC. I've managed to come up with a list of components and am looking for advice on what to buy. [/B] [COLOR="Red"]Here's what I've got: - Coolermaster Elite 334 Case - Corsair 4GB(2x2GB) RAM - BeQuiet! …

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for sirlink99

I have two graphics methods in my program. One for the menu and one for the game. I have previously written all of my code in one graphics with a bunch of nested ifs. Now I am trying to separate the two. Is there a way to call the gameGraphics …

Member Avatar for sirlink99
Member Avatar for epicbeast9022

Hi, I'm trying to make a pong game on Xcode 3.2 with SDL but nothing displays, just a black window. Codes: [CODE]#include "includes.h" #include "constants.h" #include "functions.h" int pscore=0,cscore=0,ppaddle=185,cpaddle=185,ballSpeed = 0,cpuPadSpd = 0,frame = 0; SDL_Surface *screen=NULL,*secondary=NULL,*playerscore=NULL,*cpuscore=NULL,*cpuwin=NULL,*playerwin=NULL; bool gameEnded = false,selectedDiff=false; TTF_Font *font,*humungo; SDL_Event e; //PongBall ball; void cleanup() { …

Member Avatar for jackmaverick1

Hi, I've been looking for a while for things that would give me random numbers under a value that I can specify (for me it's 5). I've seen [ICODE]rand();[/ICODE] and [ICODE]srand();[/ICODE]. I also know that[ICODE]srand()[/ICODE] is the seed and [ICODE]rand()[/ICODE] is the random number itself. Even the example programs don't …

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for VanessaRyan

[ATTACH=left]19550[/ATTACH]Tap Me, Inc. launched the industry’s first [URL="http://tap.me/wp/how-it-works"]in-game advertising platform[/URL] this week. This platform gives designers the ability to place ads that are in context with the game being played, rather than disrupting it. Gamers will no longer have to get rid of banner ads or pop ups in order …

Member Avatar for VanessaRyan
Member Avatar for sirlink99

I have a little problem with my if statement. I have a code where I am comparing if a sprite has moved far enough for another one to generate behind it. Here it is (the dots are choped out code): [CODE]if (unit > 0) { if (moved > speed + …

Member Avatar for happygeek

If you have not used one of these 'universal' programmable remote control devices for a while then prepare yourself for a shock of stellar proportions: this thing is really easy to use. No, I mean it, really easy. One For All rightly claims that it is just a three button …

Member Avatar for Robinton
Member Avatar for benjybob

hi, i have a small problem with the rand operator. at first i tried using it without srand but gave me the same value each time. i have inserted srand(time(0)); but my compiler throws me up these errors: 1>c:\users\ben\documents\university work\year 2\c++\code\myc++\spritelab\asteroidsgame.cpp(17): error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: …

Member Avatar for benjybob
Member Avatar for looorin

When I was surfing on an internet I have found four c++ multimedia libraries, which can create games and GUI aplications (SDL, ClanLib, SFML, Allegro). I would like to learn one of them, but i don't have any experience with it. Can you recommend me one of them? I have …

Member Avatar for mangopearapples

Hey guys, I have Windows XP SP3 and 502mb RAM (Rubbish right?) and 1.60ghz dual core processor. What's a fun game that would hardly lag at all with this sort of specs range? Thanks. P.S I know that Cube 2 sauerbraten is a good one for my laptop, so something …

Member Avatar for striker_1
Member Avatar for khess

I saw a report that read, "Video game sales plunge in April." Software sales dropped by 22 percent and hardware sales dropped by 37 percent. What's the story, folks? Do you have all the gaming miscellanea that you can afford? Are you satisfied with your current array of video games? …

Member Avatar for Heyzaneretro

The End.