871 Topics

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Member Avatar for dirzy

Hi I have a problem with dice game. So I have a dice game , but I want to see the picture of the dice every time the player throws the dice not only the number.. I dont know how to make it, do I need to rewrite the random …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for Soben

I want to make a simple online multiple player cards game using PHP/Ajax. I guess I need socket programming (I want it to be real time). I've worked with sockets before in Java, but not for an online program, just a network game. I searched but I didn't really find …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Webmastergrace

Hello Everyone, I'm new in Internet Marketing.I want to design Google Friendly site for my business.Give me some important tips to how can I make a informative site?

Member Avatar for torbatt
Member Avatar for Sommy

Hello, I'm writing a small game for a class. The problem is when i run it it starts consuming the computers resources, i bet i've done something very wrong but i just can't find it (haven't even added bouncing back from the paddle to the code, or game over for …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for rfrapp

For my final project in school, I want to create a platforming game, and I want to create UML for the game before I actually do any coding. However, I'm not sure where to start, as I haven't done much with UML. Any suggestions to help get me started?

Member Avatar for jaskij
Member Avatar for Bungie

For My basic programming are using python. I want to create a game called rocket race where two rockets are racing side by side dodging meteroids. I just need some help knowing where to start. I made the rockets and the meteroids in paint already. So could you give me …

Member Avatar for slate
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

A few friends and I made a bet to see who could single-handedly (we defined that as a team of up to 10 people, all of whom must be personal friends) make the best video game over the course of two years. I am planning on making a first-person horror …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for Chuckleluck

I've already got a game project going, using C++ and SFML. I'm planning on releasing it digitally online using PayPal. Question is, how do I keep the game from being pirated? Someone could easily just make a copy of the game and its files, and they've got two versions of …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for rfrapp

I'm trying to finish this assignment for class, but I've got a problem.It seems as though my code will always make the new generation blank, and I'm not sure why. If you could read my code, then I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks! [CODE] // Life.cpp : Defines the entry point …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for ohblahitsme

So I have a function called start() and it has multiple if statements and I want all of them to run. [code=python] def start(): print """You have just woken up from a very long nap. You find yourself in a dimly lit cave. There is a patch of light in …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for ngagne

Hi guys, I've been a longtime reader here for a while, but this is my first post. I just submitted a game I've been working on for the past month, called Labyrinth of Zarus, to the Pokki HTML 5 game contest. I'm in the running to win a laptop and …

Member Avatar for ngagne
Member Avatar for thecoolman5

Hi, I am looking for the worlds most realistic open world racing game. My definition of realism is: 1: when youre going 200 miles an hour, and when you crash into a wall youre car is all smashed (need for speed has a huge problem with that). 2: Realistic driving …

Member Avatar for Highave
Member Avatar for FUTURECompEng

Hi, I created a game in which players take turns entering their symbol by clicking on a box that is implemented on a grid window. I am having a hard time being able to check if the player has four symbols in a row diagonal or up or down or …

Member Avatar for FALL3N
Member Avatar for Tashalla

I have a battleship python assignment due in an hour and I can't figure out where the error is in this code. It seems like when player 2 plays sometimes the coordinates saved in Board.remaining_ships can't be deleted because they aren't there. Please please please help Here is the error: …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for rfrapp

My assignment is to create the Game of Life. I know that it is very easy to find out how to do this online, but I don't want the answers fed to me. Here's what I have so far: [CODE] // Life.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console …

Member Avatar for travelingt93

So i have a program i am writing,and i have come to problem. I want to be able to pass a set of three strings into a function, which should then take them and add them to a Vector. All good so far, now is where my problem develops, how …

Member Avatar for Ab000dy_85
Member Avatar for Killuminati11

Hello! i am looking for coders to help with making a online mafia game, i myself cannot do it yet but am trying to learn, and have realized how much money can be made once you get active players!!! i am willing to put a lot of time into this …

Member Avatar for Killuminati11
Member Avatar for connect4

Hello everyone, By the way im portuguese so , sorry for my english and im new in VB.net so sorry if i dont understand somethings. I really need everyones help, you may think that my question is kind off easy for you , but for me its a bit hard …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for tomtaila

Ok so my university has assigned me the task of creating a brick breaker game for android phones (full spec below). What I would simply like to know is[B] which design pattern I should be using to structure my program?[/B] If I should be using more than one which should …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for neartoyou

Forgive me if this thread was repost. :( I am a novice in database system for game development. Can Mr./Mrs. (Master) in here give me an example of a saving system for game? or it just use a database?(Like SQL?):idea: Like a feature for "Save the Games" and sometimes the …

Member Avatar for neartoyou
Member Avatar for zios007

I have to write a program that prompts the user to select (but not disclose) a number between 0 and 31 and then asks exactly five questions to determine the number the user has selected. Each of the five questions is posed by presenting a group of sixteen numbers, asking …

Member Avatar for zios007
Member Avatar for skorm909

Hey, I was about to get started just making a simple text game and was wondering how to make it so the game came up in a different window other than the CMD? Like how can I make it come up in say.. A 400x200 Window? Where I could customize …

Member Avatar for DeanMSands3
Member Avatar for poseidon32

hi guys,i get this error when i try to see how many computers are connected to my network,from the command prompt i type NET VIEW and come this error,or is there any way to see who is conected to my network and how can i block specific computers ...thank you

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for Joniniko

Alright so basically i need to create a simple maths game in C. Involving addition subtraction and multiplication of random numbers. But i also need to add a timer to that. So lets say you are given 10 seconds to answer the question and every correct answer adds you 10 …

Member Avatar for JilMakias
Member Avatar for sharksaw40

I am learning directx from [URL="http://www.directxtutorial.com"]directxtutorial.com[/URL] and when I have compiled one of the samples and run it then close it I get an error message saying "Unhandled exception at 0x010a1883 in test.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000000.". What does this mean? I have checked that I have typed …

Member Avatar for Bis!

hey everyone! I am working on a project in which i will be using cocos2d for developing a game for android. I am new to cocos2d. Can anyone tell me how to write a simple Hello World app on cocos2d using Eclipse( for Android ). I have already installed Android …

Member Avatar for FUTURECompEng

Code attached in the attachment is not my own and was supplied by an instructor. I am to create a word morphing game. The computer will provide a starting word and an ending word. I am to enter a new word, that either adds or removes a letter from the …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Gr8fultom

Trying to determine if my Linksys router is bad or not. Internet through Insight Arris cable modem with Linksys router. PC connects to internet fine through wired connection from router. PS3 game system won't connect via wireless or wired connection. DNS error. Phone won't connect to wireless. Used to work …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for H. B. Duran

Ah, sunny California. Brent Fouch's day starts like many other business owners'. He gets to work, drinks his coffee and slips on a high resolution, neuro-signal acquisition and processing wireless neuroheadset. Flipping on his PC, Brent moves the cursor around his computer, opens programs and goes about his day - …

Member Avatar for dangerstick
Member Avatar for bleedi

Hiya, I wasn't really sure if this goes under Java or Game Development forums, so I decided to post it here. I'm making a simple "Scrabble" game, which checks letters placed on the table and tries to find if they form proper nouns. I have a list of words, and …

Member Avatar for bleedi

The End.