871 Topics

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Member Avatar for poseidon32

hi guys,i get this error when i try to see how many computers are connected to my network,from the command prompt i type NET VIEW and come this error,or is there any way to see who is conected to my network and how can i block specific computers ...thank you

Member Avatar for roshurwill

Hi everyone, recentley new to programming and the language python. So ive learned an amount of python, i decided to start a projct. My project is to make a game, which the user plays using only commands, like walk foward, open the door etc, you are in the bedroom... whatever. …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for CurlyFried

Right, i'm REALLY new to this whole thing, coding and everythiong. But for my first proper project I've decided to make a Text Based RPG. I've got most of it done now, but am having problms working out how to make random damage from the enemies. At the moment, each …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for tammy12w

well i was watching a programing tutorial and when i copy the code i keep getting an error saying type of property 'bg' (UIImageView*) does not match type of ivar 'bg'(UIImage*__strong) i'm programing in xcode 4.2.1 in single view controller my code is: @interface ViewController : UIViewController{ UIImage * bg; …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for diamondfist

I managed to load the bmp file into my project, but it was giving dull and hazy kind of texture for some images .. any idea as to why this is happening ??

Member Avatar for diamondfist
Member Avatar for phoenix_2000

Heya, I've got a long-time problem with some of the games i've been running on my windows machine. When i play a game, my screen goes black for a moment, and then shows me an (usually) yellow screen with some light grey vertical stripes on it. I can't seem to …

Member Avatar for phoenix_2000
Member Avatar for Chuckleluck

Hello, I'm using SFML to make a game, and, as it has no built-in collision detection function, I made up my own algorithm. Here it is: [CODE] // Collision.cpp #include "Collision.h" Side CollisionBoxTest(sf::Sprite Hitter, sf::Sprite Hittee) { sf::Rect<int> HitterBox; sf::Rect<int> HitteeBox; // Initialize parameters for Hitterbox int BoxHeight = Hitter.GetHeight(); …

Member Avatar for Eagletalon
Member Avatar for Orange9876

I am using GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP to draw my terrain to the screen, however when I compile and run the program I get nothing. When I change GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP to GL_LINES it shows up and works. What can I do to get it working with GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP? here is my draw code: [CODE] void …

Member Avatar for oldezwe

I created a simple game in java. Could someone please link me to a tutorial or give me a basic run through on how to let other users connect and how to save their experience, etc... Peace and love, oldezwe

Member Avatar for Karlwakim
Member Avatar for simptive

I am figuring out game development and deciding whether i should develop a game as a final project of grduation. Although i learnt c++, C#, Java etc. but I didn't covered any specific course/subject in my academics for game development. I love Games but I am completely a newbie in …

Member Avatar for sross
Member Avatar for natehome

im working on a tron game with pygame and i cant figure out how to make my tail that the player's car makes disappear after somany pixels. i want the tail to start shortening itself after like 500 pixels. if you can, can you post the full code edited (im …

Member Avatar for natehome
Member Avatar for madhub2v

hi Friends can you pl help me to create a simple snake game. give me with step by step creation. thanks.

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for natehome

can someone help me make my code more simple. i uploaded the source to my website in a zip file with all the images because i used pygame and if you want to test it you will need the images. you can download everything here [url]http://2nh.co/Tk[/url] or here is the …

Member Avatar for natehome
Member Avatar for Halogen1

Hi: I wasn't able to find the exact solution to my problem on Daniweb, although there are several posts regarding the game of life. This situation came the closest: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/cpp/threads/242338[/url] My situation is a bit different because I HAVE to use a combination of functions and a class in the …

Member Avatar for Halogen1
Member Avatar for happygeek

If you've ever played a shooter such as Call of Duty, Battlefield or Halo in online multiplayer mode, then you will appreciate how difficult it can be to stay alive when everyone else has better weapons and knows the game maps so much better than you. But now there is …

Member Avatar for jammerjoe
Member Avatar for Triarius

Hi! I'm making a console game with cars. I am stuck trying to make the enemy car approach. If you have any thoughts or ideas, let me know! I'm thinking of using classes, but i dont know how to make them :) Is this legal? It probably isn't but here …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for zekstein

Hello, i need to 'query' a half life server. The info about query is here [url]http://int64.org/docs/gamestat-protocols/halflife.html[/url] and i want to query the server with the packets : ÿÿÿÿrules for example. The ip is and the port 27015 with udp connection How to do that ? I want C# or …

Member Avatar for WASDted

[ATTACH=RIGHT]17940[/ATTACH]Steve Wozniak (or Woz to his friends and admirers) not only founded one of the most important (technology-wise) and influential (culturally) companies to date but he also practically invented the personal computer. His design, that of interfacing with a computer using a keyboard and screen, is still the standard today. …

Member Avatar for richardtj
Member Avatar for jankeifer

can anybody help me making this program? i've based my game from this site. [url]http://www.education.com/activity/article/Tick_tack_toe_Added/[/url] hope that someone can help me.. i've been stuck coding that for almost 6hrs but still no progress. thank you!

Member Avatar for jankeifer
Member Avatar for natehome

Hello, im currently taking a python programming class at my high school and we have an assignment to create a falling sand type game using pygame. im totally lost on how to start could someone please help me get started. if you dont know what the falling sand game is …

Member Avatar for carmstr4

Hey guys, Is it possible to change the color of characters in a list if they do/dont meet certain conditions? So here's my code: [CODE]def checkWord(real, guess, remReal, remGuess, wrongSpot): # Format the letters so user knows whats wrong/right fullWord= real # Create copy list of real word realWord= list(fullWord) …

Member Avatar for carmstr4
Member Avatar for carmstr4

So after a lot of work I got functions to compare one word with another one. Now my problem is formatting the output. I have one function that locates letters int he wrong position, one that finds matching letters and one to compare the results in order to format the …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for jankeifer

guys, can you please suggest a 2 player game? any 2 player game as long as the difficulty of coding is at an intermediate level. thanks! :D hope for some replies soon.

Member Avatar for Sgt. Pepper
Member Avatar for carmstr4

So for my intro to programming class our final project is designing a simple game in Python. i picked Lingo but I'm running into a huge problem. Lingo is played by the computer picking a random 5 letter word (from a .txt file) then the user guessing 5 times until …

Member Avatar for carmstr4
Member Avatar for ayocam

Hello, I have been working on learning Python and I have been writing a game(CLUI not GUI) that has gone through a few phases. It started out as a 3-4-5 variant assuming 3 rows with 3 objects in the first row, 4 in the second, and 5 in the third …

Member Avatar for IcyFire

I have an assignment to make a craps game in c. The program i wrote runs but it always ends before it should. I think that the while loops in main have a problem but im not exactly sure wat the problem is because ive reviewed this code over and …

Member Avatar for IcyFire
Member Avatar for vivosmith

Hi, I am trying to figure out allegro, and so far, so good. But I ran into this one snag in this code: [CODE]const float FPS = 60;[/CODE]Does this set FPS? Someone on another forum said no, but it seems like that it is a predefined function that changes the …

Member Avatar for lupacarjie

Hello, I created a simple number guessing game which thinks of a secret number from 1 to 100. It tells the user if his guess is high or low and finally stops after the secret number is equal to the user's input, it also notes down the number of tries. …

Member Avatar for lupacarjie
Member Avatar for ChanelN19

hello, all! I am an absolute rookie in the world of C++ language, and not a good one either... I have an assignment to create a random number guessing game, and I am struggling with it. I have most of it done, but we have to generate the number of …

Member Avatar for frogboy77
Member Avatar for gorosh

Hi to all I would like to ask for help with my C# project. It is a Memory game involving pictures. First the user clicks a picture box and the image shows and remains displayed, then the user clicks another picture box to find the first's pair. I'm having problem …

Member Avatar for mazzica1

The End.