871 Topics

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Member Avatar for gamingthinktank

Make money from games using Choke Point strategy. Something you are already familiar with, explained here from a different perspective.

Member Avatar for Azmah

I'm looking for a really good 3D and/or Game engine to work with? I currently use C++, though I am willing to switch if the it's worthwhile :) Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for 3dwalkyan
Member Avatar for Liam_1

I'm making a simple text based game in python, which works fine until I activate "debug" mode (in game, with /debug), which is supposed to change this: # # # # # # # # # # # # # . . . . . . . . . . …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for robotakid

Hey there! I'm currently trying to get my first text-adventure-game in python started,and I wanted to import some features that are totally unnecessary. just for the lulz. So,I want to start a timer,that starts when the game starts,and ends,when the player is dead or won the game. I want it …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for robotakid

Hello everyone, I just started with the book 'Learning Python the hard way' by Zed A. Shaw,and I have to say that it is really fun to learn code. I thought that it would be a problem because I'm 15,but I'm understanding it pretty well so far. Anyway,enough of the …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for happygeek

Konami, the Japanese games developer responsible for such genre defining classics as Metal Gear Solid and Silent Hill, has confirmed that tens of thousands of customer accounts have been put at risk due to a breach of the Konami ID portal site. During a period between the 13th June and …

Member Avatar for Cody_2

Hey guys i really want to start playing wow and we are getting internet again soon. I already bought the game and expansions but my computer doesn't have enoughspace so im going to download the game on a usb or external hard drive and idk what to get...does anyone know …

Member Avatar for Cody_2
Member Avatar for GeekPlease
Member Avatar for m_ishwar

Here is a code snippet that calculates the probability of the outcome of a two sided game based on the capability of each side. I used it in my football league simulator program Could be used in any number of simulators which involve two parties. For equally strong parties, the …

Member Avatar for jasonmark238

Hi, There are so many games in the online. What are the advantages of online games and also disadvantages of online games. Please share your views. Thanks & Regards Jasonmark

Member Avatar for GTechnologies
Member Avatar for dualresh

Hi there! Im studying web aplication development and I was looking arround the Internet for information about game development in browsers as im interested in that area, however, I didn't found much that could help me advance in this so I decided to ask in this forum in order to …

Member Avatar for Simon180
Member Avatar for Start4me

I've wrote a game. But when I compile, and run the main method, there is an error, saying: No main methods found or something like that. I have one class called Game.java, which is supposed to be the main one, and gameLoop.java. For unknown reasons, gameLoop doesnt want to compile. …

Member Avatar for Start4me
Member Avatar for AppleR

So basically im creating this python adventure text game. And so far its good. But i have this problem with class instances(Is that the right term?) Say for example i have this class, class monster(object): def __init__(self,health,attack): self.damage = damage self.health = health So then I create a class object(again, …

Member Avatar for AppleR
Member Avatar for dragonofspam

I need some help figuring out where I have gone wrong on my program. It is a classic classroom program, where the program creates a random number and gives high, low response untill the user enters the correct number. I have the GUI working and I know the action to …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for reddsoxy

I am intereseted in writing a game or two for the android platform but am much more comfortable and knowledgable about python than I am about Java. I was curious if python is used for android games and if so some basic points of advice.

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for schroaus

I am making a game in microoft visual basic. It is virtually finished, but I am having a problem. When you hit the start button a timer is activated making the character in the game equal mouse position. The problem is that the character is not actually going to the …

Member Avatar for schroaus
Member Avatar for nomorelogic

so i have a mini text adventure game where i can go through the rooms and have made a start trying to implement a inventory, i can type things in and store them in a text file, but i want to be able to find an object in a room …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for Sava01

just wondering what resolution is better for my xbox 360 if you could put as much information into your replies as you can then that would be great

Member Avatar for BigPaw
Member Avatar for Necrozze

I have a qucik question for you guys. Is there a way to change the taskbar icon? Im done with my game and im gonna show it in class on tuesday 14 and I just thought it would be cool to have an icon that represents the game and not …

Member Avatar for Necrozze

I have a serious problem with my game right now, after each kill I get the game starts lagging more and more. I thought it was because he was drawing the same thing twice and stuff and went trough some functions that was useless. But I cleaned it up as …

Member Avatar for Necrozze
Member Avatar for Necrozze

Okey so I need help with how to make a health bar that starts out full with green color but then when I lose hp it get's smaller and smaller. I have now that my hp is 100, and then when I get hit by a bullet from the boss …

Member Avatar for Necrozze
Member Avatar for nomorelogic

i would like to have the ability to tell the player they cannot go that way if the exit does not exist the rooms are in a text file that is read in, i know i should use a if function but dont know where to put it, any help …

Member Avatar for spuriousgeek
Member Avatar for schroaus

I am currently creating a game. Everything in this game works great. To reset the highscores you click on a button and an input box pops up asking for your admin number. If the number is entered correctly the text files containing the highscores are deleted and blank ones replace …

Member Avatar for schroaus
Member Avatar for Necrozze

Im making a 2D platformer-ish shooter its really simple and not much effort put in it, it is my first game Im making in python and its for a school project and needs to be finnised really soon. Everything is working just fine but Im having problem with some collision …

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for aVar++
Member Avatar for ralph.d.abernathy.1

Hello everyone! So I wrote a program that simulates a dice game, almost like the game of Craps. I want to turn this normal console app into a dialogue based MFC. So I would create a button labeled "Roll" and the window would show two die being rolled. Here is …

Member Avatar for ktsangop
Member Avatar for Necrozze

Im doing this game for school and it's supposed to be finished real soon and then of course al the problems start coming up, the game now crashes, sometimes after a few seconds and sometimes directly on start. Don't really know why, a thought is that its doing to much …

Member Avatar for Necrozze
Member Avatar for oalee

I'm planning on building a new desktop probably in about a couple of months or so. I haven't been as updated with the newer parts and technologies as I was a few years ago due to changes in priorities (haven't lost love for computers though). I need suggestions on what …

Member Avatar for aVar++
Member Avatar for funkey100

Hey! I am making a new gaming computer (http://pcpartpicker.com/p/QLYy) and I have heard that nVidia is much better. I'm not going to use more than one monitor, and if I do, it'll only be two so the lower memory is too important. Which nVidia card should I get that's around …

Member Avatar for funkey100
Member Avatar for Doogledude123

When I run the game and try to use the Arrow keys to control the movement of the selection box, nothing happens. I'm pretty sure the game is redrawing itself properly because the ticker text is updating. Aswell, I tried doing: selectVal++; in the update function in TankShooter.Java, which made …

Member Avatar for Doogledude123

The End.