871 Topics

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Member Avatar for tingwong

Hello everyone, this is my first help post on daniweb so please excuse me if I have done something wrong. So as for my question, I have to shuffle an array of card objects. This is the code I have come up with so far. public void shuffleDeck(){ Random seed …

Member Avatar for cael13
Member Avatar for maryyy

Should be written with the program which will be programmed lotto game in which the generated 7 random numbers in the range of numbers from 1 to 39 (valid numbers are from 1 to 39). Generating numbers must be stored in a vector. Design of the program will be: - …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for HoverportMedia

This simple game came from the children's story Goodnight Moon. If you've ever read it, the book constantly says "Goodnight" to an object or something in the room. This game is based off of that. All you need to do is post a Goodnight to something, someone, (pretty much anything …

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Member Avatar for Doctor Inferno

[b]TEAM A[/b]: includes members whose BC username start with A C E G I K M O Q S U V W [b]TEAM B[/b]: includes members whose BC username start with B D F H J L N P R T X Y Z [b]SCORE Board[/b] Team A: 4 Team …

Member Avatar for cproger
Member Avatar for nichom

Currently I am working on a project (on and off for two months) called Chrono Leap. The main idea is that you will be able to go from the past to the present to the future whenever you want. You will face creatures and all that jazz as you go …

Member Avatar for mikerock

I am developing game in HTML5, I have search lot of article of html5 game engines. some of them are paid, have pros as well as cons. Could anyone suggest me best HTML5 game engines (freeware)?

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for happygeek

Any other collectors of vintage video game consoles on DaniWeb? Or am I really the only person sad enough to have more than 1000 of the things in my house? My collection has even been loaned to a museum for a special history of video gaming exhibition before now. [attach]15691[/attach]To …

Member Avatar for ­V­­
Member Avatar for Barhoom

Here is the code, how would i go on about making the bullets fired (size 6x6 pixels) collide with the blocks currently on the map and with enemies (48x48 pixels) which are to be implemented? Desperatley need a solution! // inner variables var canvas, context; // canvas and context objects …

Member Avatar for Sh4dowz

Hello, I'm new to these forums and I was wondering if any of you guys know a programmming language that is more designed for Video Games than casual software. I want to make a basic 2D platformer or maybe a simeple RPG that has a moving sprite. I have tried …

Member Avatar for tuto.narahenpitiya
Member Avatar for hulkishungry

Hi, I studied Java last year in university but I found it rather difficult - mainly because I made it difficult for myself by not studying as much - but hey. I've been working on a console-based "game" with the language and I've just had a hit of inspiration to …

Member Avatar for mustafaneguib
Member Avatar for ObSys

Hey guys I recent wrote the deal or no deal game in Java for fun. It currently operates using a Command driven interface where users input numbers based on textual feedback. My aim is to develop this into a full GUI interface, however, I have not met GUI's yet in …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for myfootballfacts

[MyFootballFacts.com](http://www.myfootballfacts.com/index.html) has recently lauched an Android App. The Android reads data from excel files and transforms to data to tables on our App. The table has a feaature whereby the first column and row are frozen when the tables are large. We would like to do the same for IOS. …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for surya.putra.94849

can someone show me how to make an animation in turbo pascal? i'm a new and i'm stuck in making my first game. especially in the animation of the game.

Member Avatar for surya.putra.94849
Member Avatar for schroaus

I REALLY need some help. I ahve been writing a tic-tac-toe console application program in delphi. I had most of the logic finished for the program when I made a mistake. At the beginning of a class period the program was working fine, at the end of the class it …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Pashan

Hi guys I'm having major issues with this assignment of mine and I cant even figure out where to get started. Any help would be greatly appriciated. I must write a program that outputs that plays the game Hi Lo with a user until they decide to quit. The program …

Member Avatar for Pashan
Member Avatar for mwian

My son wanted an Nintendo DSi, so he can play games with his friends. The Nintendo can't.won't connect to the Internet. I emailed Nintendo support. Their advice was for me to enable DHCP. I checked that and it is enabled. Next on the list is to configure the Nintendo manually. …

Member Avatar for sean.dumler
Member Avatar for hasan bahadır

Hi guys. I am beginner at developing and currently learning c#. I was asked for developing a console based snake game by my knowlage of c#. So i have to develop the game by using classes( not structs etc) arrays methods.. I can use any ideas on that matter. Thanks.

Member Avatar for hasan bahadır
Member Avatar for happygeek

When [Exponential Interactive](http://exponential.com/), an advertising intelligence provider, analysed the actual behaviour of more than two million Brits viewing Grand Theft Auto content online, the [results](http://meteorpublicrelations.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/GTA-insights-from-Exponential.jpg) were rather surprising. ![ae2cdc7c96447a4e0d6acabda34a5cbd](/attachments/large/0/ae2cdc7c96447a4e0d6acabda34a5cbd.jpg "ae2cdc7c96447a4e0d6acabda34a5cbd") Here are the key conclusions: The GTA audience are 33% more likely than the average internet user to have children; …

Member Avatar for happygeek

According to research covering more than 100 universities across the globe from earlier this year, 58% of the academic leaders questioned believed COBOL programming should be on the curriculum. Yet only 27% could confirm that was the case, and only 18% had COBOL as a core part of the course …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for Seswing142

The program is supposed to ask the user for the range of the guesing game (1-10), ask them how many guesses they want, and then ask them for a guess. Then it prints out Cold if he guess is greater than 25% of the answer, print WARM if its between …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for smellon

**I need urgent help with a hangman game it needs to be really basic so i can understand but it needs to include an array and an onscreen keyboard please please please help!

Member Avatar for KenSquare
Member Avatar for Sockoiid
Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for patk570

This game is just like the Deal or No Deal Game on here with a twist. After an item is posted(i.e. Diamond Ring), you have to start the next item with the last letter of the previous item. Word was Diamond Rin(g), Next word is : (G)old Plated Spoo(n) the …

Member Avatar for AARTI SHRIVAS
Member Avatar for kian.popat

Hi, I am planning to build a budget gaming PC with the price limit of roughly £400. I have found a group of components that add up to make roughly £350 and I was wondering whether these components are worth there money, if it will be good enough to play …

Member Avatar for langdonb
Member Avatar for MasterHacker110

I am mainly into system dev, writing kernels and kinda just building everything from the ground up... But I also like game dev and is interisted in the whole concept. So I am going to make this easy, seing as a lot of things can change the output. A programmer …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Plazmotech

Basically - I'm looking for the best game structure. Here's the idea that I have # IDEA *Class* - **GUI** - Can be customised to contain buttons and to do specific things. This can simply have an event handler function that returns the index of which button was pressed. *Class* …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for akatoka

Heya. I brought a desktop almost two weeks ago sortof for entertainment purposes and have loaded FS2004, The Sims 2 inc. expansion packs Apartment Life + Bon Voyage and also Simcity4, and everytime I try to play the games, within the first few minutes, it crashes. i.e screeching noise followed …

Member Avatar for mblan180131
Member Avatar for happygeek

First there was a year of hype surrounding Project Natal, but the reality that is Microsoft Kinect has been in my family home for a week now. Everyone from my 10 year old daughter to my retired mother-in-law have played with it, so what's the verdict? Is this the future …

Member Avatar for william.goo.3
Member Avatar for GeekPlease

Good day folks, I hope you can help me with this one, I want to create a game. Can you tell me where to start, what softwares I need to study and what particular knowledge I should have. I'm not new to programming so do you think it will be …

Member Avatar for kal_crazy
Member Avatar for happygeek

A couple of years ago, a 17 year old was arrested for his part in a denial of service attack against gamers playing the online multiplayer version of Call of Duty: Black Ops. The teenager was accused of selling cheat software called 'Phenom Booter' which prevented others from playing (it's …

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The End.