871 Topics

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[ATTACH=right]16927[/ATTACH]Famitsu magazine, Japan’s #1 gaming publication, released an interview with a man you may not know, but who’s work you have undoubtedly used at some point in the last 15 years. His name is Teiyu Goto, and he is the designer of the original PlayStation console and the controller that …

Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16899[/ATTACH]Long gone are the days of [I]Double Dragon[/I], [I]Ninja Gaiden[/I], and [I]Final Fight[/I], the classic side-scrolling beat-em-up titles I grew up on as a kid while sitting in front of my TV in Mario PJs. The torch was passed to a newer generation of titles, allowing for players to take …

Member Avatar for SMG_

Right, so for a project at my work experience placement, I have to make in vb.net a game in the style of the classic "Lights Out" ([url]www.ebaumsworld.com/games/play/1111[/url]). I'm still getting used to vb.net, and I've come across a very basic problem that I need a bit of help with, I'm …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for PCBrown

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16784[/ATTACH]Polyphony Digital has been working on Gran Turismo 5 for nearly six years, and finally, the game’s November 2010 release date is just around the corner. When the lead designer, Kazunori Yamauchi, told press at E3 that, "We've actually reached a point where we can probably release [GT5] anytime, except …

Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16400[/ATTACH]Today [URL="http://uwnews.org/article.asp?articleID=59530"]University of Washington researchers scored a triumph[/URL] in the ongoing battle for domination of the planet by demonstrating that sometimes humans are better at video games. The announcement came from David Baker, a biologist at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and Zoran Popovic and Seth Cooper, computer scientists at …

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[ATTACH=RIGHT]16768[/ATTACH]Last year World Cyber Games brought us a television reality show that crowned the best all-around video gamer [URL="http://wcgultimategamer.com/"]WCG’s Ultimate Gamer[/URL]. Tonight WCG UG Season 2 starts on SyFy and promises bigger challenges, a faster pace, new games and more drama. The winner gets $100,000 cash, a complete Samsung electronics …

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[ATTACH=RIGHT]16699[/ATTACH]EA's presentation at Gamescom 2010 today was full of new footage for sequels to some of their most popular titles. Bioware had some big reveals for their fans. For starters, here is the first official trailer for Dragon Age 2, for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360. [youtube]_lqS1jNJBiE[/youtube] Next, they released …

Member Avatar for Niki_Fears

Imagine taking your favorite games with you wherever you wanted and being able to play whenever you wanted. That is the selling point behind Microsoft's latest move today at [URL="http://www.gamescom.de/en/gamescom/home/index.php"]GamesCom 2010[/URL] in Germany where they announced a massive line up of game titles to be released on [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/en-us/cmpn/windowsphone7/default.mspx"]Windows Phone 7[/URL] …

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[ATTACH=RIGHT]16693[/ATTACH]Kotaku reported a convincing rumor this morning that the new president over at LucasArts, Paul Meegan, has cancelled [I]The Force Unleashed 3[/I] for all platforms. This is an extremely bold move considering his limited, two-month employment at LucasArts. The game was already in production, and it’s likely that the favorable …

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Hello world! My name is Allen and i'm new to the internet world, hopefully i can learn some tips and tricks from some of you. I've just started a new blog called The Weakest Link. Maybe some of you could give me some pointers in SEO. Nice to meet you …

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[ATTACH=right]16654[/ATTACH]Ha Ha (serious face) Is joke. Listen, my Gaming Comrades, Piston Games of Russia says they have [I]just[/I] the game for those times when you're busy. Too busy to play a video game? Never! Piston Founder, Anton Gladkoborodov believes you [I]always[/I] have time for gaming. "Some people said, that games …

Member Avatar for yup790

I have noticed that there isn't a thread where you are given puzzles. So i going to change that! Your puzzle is to make an exacutable c++ program that outputs "hello world" 20 times (try to be exciting). Rules: it has to be c++ it has to work I look …

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[ATTACH=RIGHT]16267[/ATTACH]Indie game developer Jeff Vogel (head of Spiderweb Soft.) wrote a thoughtful [URL="http://jeff-vogel.blogspot.com/2010/07/sometimes-its-ok-to-steal-my-games.html"]piece[/URL] on piracy on Wednesday, for his blog, [URL="http://jeff-vogel.blogspot.com/"]The Bottom Feeder[/URL]. As an industry veteran and most important of all, human, he explains why piracy isn't always a bad thing, and can often be downright justifiable given the …

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As is a custom now with the video game pre-orders, Activision released the first pictures today of their Hardened and Prestige collector editions of [I]Call of Duty: Black Ops[/I] today (August 12th). The $79.99 [I]Hardened Edition[/I] includes a copy of the game, a limited edition Black Ops Collector’s Medal with …

Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16601[/ATTACH]According to a report released by the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) yesterday (August 10), the video game industry put $4.9 billion dollars in the U.S. economy’s back pocket in 2009, laughing in the face of its financial ruin. The statistics, featured in [I]Video Games in the 21st Century: The 2010 …

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[ATTACH=RIGHT]16431[/ATTACH]Blitz Arcade, the downloadable division of Blitz Games Studios found themselves a World Record holder today, despite having accomplished this feat last year. With the creation of[I] Invincible Tiger: The Legend of Han Toa[/I] in 2009, Blitz now holds the Guiness World Record for the very first stereoscopic 3D console …

Member Avatar for aakaashjois

hello guys, Can any of you help me create a game in java?? There has to be two paddles, one at the top and the other at the bottom. The paddles have to stop the ball from getting out of the screen. The ball cannot leave the screen from the …

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Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=LEFT]16359[/ATTACH]When PopCap Games released a disco-themed version of its [URL="http://www.popcap.com/games/pvz"]Plants vs. Zombies[/URL] game this July, it didn't expect any controversy. After all, what's less offensive than giant blossoms battling the undead? But PopCap's decision to include a zombie Michael Jackson led to[URL="http://multiplayerblog.mtv.com/2010/07/27/michael-jackson-estate-forces-plants-vs-zombies-update/"] quick action on the part of the Jackson …

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For those of you living with sheets over your windows for the better half of the last year, the record-setting opening day release of Modern Warfare 2 would only be a sign of things to come for a game that would go on to gross over $1 billion dollars since …

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Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

Soundgarden, one of Seattle’s seminal grunge acts, is breaking new ground in the midst of a comeback, and I’m not talking about headlining the main stage at Lollapalooza this Sunday. With the release of their first album in over 10 years on Oct. 5--[I]Telephantasm: A Retrospective[/I]--the grizzled 90s vets are …

Member Avatar for apolochaves

i wrote this code for a simple life game loosely based on Conway's. I wrote an 40x40 integer matrix with random numbers and a 40x40 char matrix based on the previous one, where the numbers 0 to 3 generate an X (alive cell) and the numbers upper 4 generate an …

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Member Avatar for light766

Hello everyone! If you need a game needed to be made for you or a busniess, I got experience on Javascript, Unity 3d engine, Virtools, and 3d studio max. I specialize in making 3d web based games. I could make you a full game and depending on how big it …

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Member Avatar for PCBrown

As more Q1 fiscal reports keep rolling in, it's clear that Sony stands out among the gaming pack, thanks in part to a significant rise is PS3 Sales. Unfortunately, Nintendo and Capcom didn't fare so well. [ATTACH=RIGHT]16254[/ATTACH][B]Sony[/B] Sony bounced back from a 1st quarter loss of $426 million last year, …

Member Avatar for monstercameron

cant decide which is best, caanoo has the best specs, dsi has the most fun games, and the psp go looks the slickest...can you see my dilema.

Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16160[/ATTACH][URL="http://www.gamestop.com"]GameStop[/URL], the world's largest game retailer, has acquired [URL="http://www.kongregate.com/"]Kongregate[/URL], a free online game aggregator that aggregates independent games, as well as producing some of its own, such as the steampunk MMO [URL="http://remnantsofskystone.com/"]Remnants of Skystone[/URL], developed for Kongregate by Flipline Studios. Kongregate's 10 million monthly visitors socialize and compete via its …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony

Here is my practise with [URL="http://www.boggled.org/"]boggle [/URL]letter square non-overlapping word finder after some drastic debugging and cleaning. I think it is reasonable speed also. Comments wellcome.

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First there was the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story285531.html"]Google Pac-Man game[/URL] to waste a bit of online time, now Google has dropped an Easter Egg game into YouTube in the shape of the classic Snake. Yes, you can now play Snake on YouTube right in the middle of watching a video, right there in …

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I'm trying to get my Wii online. I'm trying to enter my router. I have the address as When I enter that, the window comes up. When I leave the user blank and the password as "admin," it does nothing. After 3 tries a window pops up and says …

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A Halo: Reach branded console was unveiled yesterday at Comic-Con to the rejoicing of millions of people still driving their mom’s minivan and living off three-year-old caches of Mountain Dew’s Game Fuel. [ATTACH]16053[/ATTACH] For $399 USD and £249.99 respectively, the Xbox 360 Limited Edition Halo: Reach Bundle includes a custom …

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[ATTACH]16085[/ATTACH] Capcom held its Street Fighter IV press conference an 12 PST today at Comic-Con San Diego, and as expected, confirmed and debunked a few rumors. In the end, it was a great conference for Street Fighter fans, and a reality-check for fans of the ill-fated Darkstalkers series last seen …


The End.