871 Topics

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Member Avatar for yellowbelly

I have found a website where you can play Super Nintendo online for free. It is: [URL="http://www.playnintendo.org"]PlayNintendo.org[/URL] One of the best things about this site is you can also save your game progress.

Member Avatar for Diamonddrake
Member Avatar for azzman

This is what I have so far. This is a two player game. I need to make it a one player game (player vs. computer). I am also trying to make the computer smart.. for example, if there is an open corner, then it should take that spot. Basically, the …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for Frensi

Hi guys, I've had this problem with my computer. Every time i play a game my whole system crashes and blue lines come down the screen, it happens about 10 - 20 minutes into the game. Thing is this happened about 6 months ago, one day when it crashed i …

Member Avatar for Rik_
Member Avatar for Spudgunner

Hi I'm beginning a new game project involving Event data cards. Most have common types of data. They fall broadly into three types: terrain, movement or fire. Although there are some special event cards or modifier cards but on the whole, similar data on the most part. Except the fire …

Member Avatar for Spudgunner
Member Avatar for jcurrie33

I am a budding game programmer trying to get into the industry programming for PS3, Xbox 360. The main problem I see is the need to demonstrate my skills to a potential employer, but without access to Dev kits for the PS3 or Xbox 360, doing this directly is impossible. …

Member Avatar for InfiniteUnity3D
Member Avatar for happygeek

If you have never played Angry Birds before, here's the skinny: use a giant rubber band to slingshot a variety of birds (some of which explode, drop egg bombs, multiply in flight, speed up like a rocket, well you get the idea) at a bunch of pigs hiding in a …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for yari

I really need help with this...i'm trying to make a game that where user guesses a word and it tells the user 1: the right number of letter in the right place 2: the number of letter that is right in the wrong place but when i test it out, …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for hateme_devon
Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for jamesyrawr

Ok for my uni project im wondering if its possible to make a simple game where by the user must click a button ten times to win. the button has to move after every click to a random point on the screen. Does anyone know if there are any tutorials …

Member Avatar for sharathg.satya
Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

[ATTACH=LEFT]17025[/ATTACH]If there are two things I enjoy in life, it’s mob movies and shooting people in video games, so naturally, I was excited to play [I]Mafia 2[/I], the recently released mobster offering from 2K Games. This excitement was soon shot down like Spider in [I]Goodfellas[/I]. You play as Vito, the …

Member Avatar for PCSAWICK829
Member Avatar for PCBrown

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16747[/ATTACH]Sony’s impenetrable fortress, a.k.a, the PlayStation 3, has been compromised. OzModChips.com just announced their version of a “jailbreak” for the PS3. What they claim to have is a plug-and-play modchip in the form of a USB stick. When plugged into the PS3, it allows an impressive amount of access into …

Member Avatar for rajesh langeh
Member Avatar for sirlink99

[code] c = new Console (); int lvl = 1; double exp = 0; int x = 1; double monsterhp; int monslvl = 1; int a = 1; while (a == 1) { int lvlup = 10 + (lvl * 40); if (exp >= lvlup) { lvl = lvl + …

Member Avatar for sirlink99
Member Avatar for Brokenpwn

So I have this problem, I have just started learning DirectX 9 with the Strategy Game Programming with DirectX 9.0 book, I have a header including this code: [CODE]class TileClass { private: int*m_iValue; int m_iNumLayers; float *m_fRotX; float *m_fSize; public: TileClass(); ~TileClass(); int iGetValue(int layer); void vSetValue(int value, int layer); …

Member Avatar for Brokenpwn
Member Avatar for eri24

i'm new to c++, but am taking a intro to computer science class. we have to write a 2 player game. Game Rules: There are three stacks (A, B and C) of sticks on the table. Each stack is initialized with a random number of sticks between 3 and 10 …

Member Avatar for eme21
Member Avatar for samurai14

Hi..We do have a project in school using visual basi 6.0 named "Memory Game". I have started to do it however i cant finish it. I have attached the interface of the program. Click image to match in pairs Card will randomize each test Each match will give 10 points …

Member Avatar for killbill07
Member Avatar for totalwar235

currently i am writing a text based RPG but, when i call for the fight my rand() either does not seed each time or it glitches to continuously gets the "Boar". if you could please take a look at it and see if the problem is in the coding, i …

Member Avatar for totalwar235
Member Avatar for Elihu5991

My friend downloaded Unity3d to get started in 3D game development for our site; but found out it costs. We are tight on budget and need a free solution for the time being. Thankyou so much for your help.

Member Avatar for Elihu5991
Member Avatar for gatehrdy

[B]Hello, I am new to programming. I am trying to make a dice game called 10,000. Here is the outline or pseudo code. it kind of works. It will roll and keep score, but sometimes it will roll multiple times. [/B] pick a player player one or player two player …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for newsguy

There's a really interesting [URL="http://www.blahblahtech.com/2008/10/but-video-games-are-bad-for-kids-right.html"]blahblahtech[/URL] posting that has popped up to address what it refers to as the "myth that video games harm children both socially and intellectually." It approaches the debate from parental questioning perspective, which seems as good as any to be fair. Some of the research it …

Member Avatar for Jehnavi
Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

After [I]Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2[/I] set the bar as to what the franchise could achieve, nobody envied the shoes that Treyarch had been asked to fill with producing the next installment. Their previous involvement and lackluster contributions to the franchise were what Aquaman brought to the table for …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for blaxarbush911

I have created a program that is based off the guess the number. But what ive added is a menu with four options 1 - 1 player 2 - 2 player 3 - high scores 4 - end game. Now I have the two combined at which im sure it …

Member Avatar for blaxarbush911
Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

[ATTACH=RIGHT]17297[/ATTACH]This is it. You’ve aged that cache of Mountain Dew Game Fuel in your finished basement for three years since [I]Halo 3[/I]. You bit the bullet on your purchase of [I]Halo: ODST[/I] to find out it was as tame as you had expected. You took another one on the chin …

Member Avatar for Tauseefkhan
Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

[ATTACH=LEFT]17229[/ATTACH]In my recently reviewed [I][URL="http://www.daniweb.com/reviews/review307026.html"]Shank[/URL][/I], I talked about how the title was a throwback to a genre neglected in the modern gameosphere. The once lively and marketable side-scrolling beat-em-up seemed to have died with 8-bit/16-bit consoles and the arcades, left to only shame itself with pitiful modern iterations of [I]Teenage …

Member Avatar for Glass_Joe
Member Avatar for jeffcogswell

I'm here at the IDF 2010 conference in San Francisco, and during this morning's keynote session, I had to the opportunity to see some pretty cool technology. One of the things that they demonstrated was essentially the next generation of handheld game controllers. Think of the Wii remotes, but with …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

Xbox Live is a breeding ground for hateful, inflammatory remarks of all genders, races, creeds, and sexualities, where aimless insecurities are flung around like rocks at street signs. Who would have thought that it would be Microsoft doing the discriminating for once? [ATTACH]17108[/ATTACH] A 26-year-old gamer from Fort Gay, West …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for PCBrown

[ATTACH=RIGHT]17059[/ATTACH]When it was announced at E3 in 2001 that Retro Studios would be developing the (then) next installment in the Metroid series, Metroid Prime, it was shocking to hear that the game would be played from a first person perspective. Considering it was being developed by a third-party studio, rather …

Member Avatar for Empireryan

I am writing code for a guessing game program. The game is supposed to generate a random number, 3 digit number and let the user guess what it is, providing feedback for every wrong input. It is also supposed to perform 10 iterations, keeping track of the number of guesses. …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for ultrakiwishells

Hi there, im Carl, im from new zealand, am a baker by trade (due to finish my certificate as soon as i finish my last couple of books) but have always had a personal passion for computers and IT work, love setting up new systems, as well as tinkering with …

Member Avatar for MooGeek
Member Avatar for Emily Banks

What might be the most convincing way to get people to look at your Web site? Tell people they could get $10,000. Or, in the case of two Brooklyn artists, produce a series of videos, post them online and tell people the videos hold clues to the location of a …

Member Avatar for Levort
Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

[ATTACH=LEFT]16935[/ATTACH]Used video games sales are a booming business. When it released last week that GameStop’s earnings had risen 4.2 percent to $40.3 million, up from $38.7 million from 2009--numbers which accounted for 31.7 percent of their annual sales--analysts weren’t the only ones eagerly awaiting the figures. After it was announced …

Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

The End.