32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for judgemental

[CODE]/** * @(#)aboutUs.java * * * @author * @version 1.00 2010/10/7 */ import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class aboutUs extends JFrame{ private desPanel des=new desPanel(); public static void main(String args[]){ aboutUs frame=new aboutUs(); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.setVisible(true); } public aboutUs() { desPanel.setTitle("About us"); String desc="This Choose Your Flavor is a shop that …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for prem2

Hi all, Can any one say how to execute the below programs .I need some packages to run the programs .Kindly specify the packages and their links. URL: [url]http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/java/xmpp/overview.html#Sending_Instant_Messages[/url] Thank you, With Regards, Premnath.M

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for sciprog1

Hello Members, I have a JFrame, which creates a JDialog upon clicking. In the JDialog, I have a JCombobox. When I choose one of the options in the JCombobox, I should be able to change the background color of the JFrame randomly in an open ended loop. When I then …

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Member Avatar for sciprog1

Hello Members, Is it possible to write a Client/Server program between two PCs in a LAN? If yes, besides the IP address of the two PCs, what other information would I need? Thank you!!

Member Avatar for sciprog1
Member Avatar for nrue

I'm trying to do a q & a program which will read a question, 4 choices. Then read the answer and compare it to the correct answer. Then increments the player score, My problem is, I always get null when I run the program. Could you please help me determine …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for 080346

i have a problem i.e i want to add new line after the second text field; let say i have made one text field and for the second text field i want that it will come in the next row, now how i displayed it in the second row?? thnx

Member Avatar for kramerd
Member Avatar for LianaN

Hi guys! I have a JTable updated from MySQL. I can successfully insert a row in JTable using SQL statement "insert into...". However, when I execute a delete statement, then JTable is not updated. Please, help me to find an error. [CODE] public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { SystClasses.FilterClass.tableModel.initDB("", "employee_record", "liana", …

Member Avatar for LianaN
Member Avatar for mannyaz

please am writing my final year project on design and implementation of an xml database. pls i need any help i get. thanks.

Member Avatar for cale.macdonald
Member Avatar for pinkygirl

Please help me use this LookAndFeel in java. I have downloaded quauqa-5.4.1.zip I tried the following, but it's giving me exception in thread:- package ch.randelshofer.quaqua; class Account extends JFrame { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void main (String [] fisd) { Account acc=new Account(); acc.setVisible(true); acc.setSize(900,600); java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for hmdb

Hey :D I'm currently writing a software where users pick out seatings from auditoriums. The tables will contain seating statuses of auditoriums, which could update quickly. I was thinking of using a thread to repaint the contents, however as the software could be used by many users on the same …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for 080346

Heloo; when i drag the window; then how i stop changing the size of textfield and buttons, and how i fixed the size of window.i shall be very thankful to all of you kindly give me the answer...

Member Avatar for Dean_Grobler
Member Avatar for poornimashobana

hi , this is Poornima i am a trainee in java i want many questions for banking problems in java to get trained where can i get that plz help me else plz send some questions

Member Avatar for melessa
Member Avatar for prabhatsingh

i m bulding my first project as airport reservation..i want to know how do i link my project with any database...

Member Avatar for james.newell
Member Avatar for patil.vins

i want design application for ticket booking so please help from initial step

Member Avatar for Dean_Grobler
Member Avatar for suta123

Excuse me, is I am new to Java and want to do an attribute (final)and static. The problem is that first I need to instantiate and then, using a method to give its final value. I need something this: [CODE] public static final int MyConstant; public void createConstant(int pValue){ MyConstant …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for AngelicOne

I'm new to java programming language and i'm wondering what are the data sources that I can interact with.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for sj5536

hi i am jakir , i want to do web application in java so plz suggets some project topic topic must be different bye.

Member Avatar for bexyll
Member Avatar for AngelicOne

I'm want to learn java. What software could I use to work with java as it's obviously not available in microsoft visual studio.

Member Avatar for purijatin
Member Avatar for purijatin

Hello! Can someone please suggest a way to effectively copy the bytes from one array to another. In my program a user will call the method setDate(byte[] buf) which will set data continuously ie inside the method there is an array say buf2. for example if the method is called …

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Member Avatar for frankel81

hey guys, thanks for looking at this. I'm new to java and need help with this one problem. What i need to do is, 3) Write a program that calculates and displays a person’s body mass index (BMI). The BMI is often used to determine whether a person with a …

Member Avatar for frankel81
Member Avatar for nrue

How do I properly bubble sort through a text file by assigning the values to an array. In the code below I tried to assign the values from the text file to a string while there is still something to fetch. Then I used a for loop to assign the …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for TheSecOrg

The class Newfile has a red zig zaggy line underneath it, The type Newfile must implement the inherited abstract method ActionListener.actionPerformed(ActionEvent). What does this mean? My code ^_^' : [CODE]import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.*; import java.util.*; public class tuna …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for TheSecOrg

Uh, I don't think I'm on the right lines but is there a way to connect to the internet and send some variables to a database?

Member Avatar for TheSecOrg
Member Avatar for samuel17

Hi all, Having issues with my guessing game I made. For once its not a compiling error. For some reason my loop only executes once, and it wont re-execute when the wrong number is entered. Hoping someone can help me. Here is my code: [CODE]import javax.swing.*; public class Guessing Game …

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Member Avatar for Katana24

Hi - Im making a small and relatively simple game that use's the common feature of the scoreboard to keep track of the user's score. I have declared the main game frame in one class, the actual game on one panel in another and have decided to keep the scoreboard …

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Member Avatar for aMOEBa

I really need help(ideas) with a project I want to work on. I want to build a software that will be used for Financial Management in a bank with java. What I need is help with where to start and also pointers to resources that might help me get this …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for NewOrder

okay i have question about how to apply those to my code. first the Hashmap, i used the code it and i entered information inside dic.put(studentName, new Student( studentName, studentSurname, studentSubject, daysBookBorrowed, booksName)); this is what i put inside. now i want to extract studentName , i want the user …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for rocky86

hi guys, i need help!, how do i extract odd digits from a positive number, example: 1234567 then only 1357 will be extracted out from the value 1234567? I noe can make use of modules % to check for odd and even number however i do not know how to …

Member Avatar for kramerd
Member Avatar for Xufyan

In this program how can i overload the pop() method to use two pop() methods (int and float) in a program as i used two push() methods ? [CODE] class Stack{ int StackArrayI[] = new int[3]; float StackArrayF[] = new float[3]; int tos=-1; public void push(int value){ if (tos==2) System.out.print …

Member Avatar for Xufyan
Member Avatar for Xufyan

i've learned arrays, loops, Creating objects and classes, creating methods, Encapsulation, Polymorphism Overloading constructors, Stack what next should i learn ??

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The End.