1,766 Topics

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In 2002, IBM scientists managed to produce a magnetic data tape capable of a storage density of 1 billion bits per square inch. This week the [URL="http://www.almaden.ibm.com"]IBM Almaden Research Center [/URL]boffins have done it again, in conjunction with Fuji, to the tune of 6.67 billion bits per square inch. That …

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Remember this week, for it was the week that we lost the fight against spam. On May 5th I reported how militant spammer PharmaMaster had brought down the Blue Frog anti-spam vigilante service. I wondered then if it was the end of the toad for Blue Security, and sadly this …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Just when you thought the spam problem couldn’t get any worse, comes the news that spammers are fighting back against the pro-active anti-spam community approach using tit-for-tat Denial of Service attacks and intimidation. The [URL="http://www.bluesecurity.com"]Blue Frog[/URL] anti-spam approach is a relatively simple one of ‘hit them where it hurts’ and …

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A couple of years ago, I thought I would never have seen an "Intel Inside" sticker on Apple hardware. Looking at the news today, I was surprised at the revelation that Intel Macintosh hardware can now run Win XP SP 2! Somebody please check if hell froze over. WOW. Go …

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Part of my new job as a Linux Engineer is to evaluate different Operating Systems. I am most familiar with RedHat, having grown up with their OS since 5.2 back in the mid-90's. Wow, have things changed. So, I looked at a linux that a lot of people are talking …

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The Washington Post, among other news agencies is reporting a "severe" security flaw that affects Microsoft Windows 98 - XP. According to the article, the flaw allows computer virus and spyware manufacturers to disribute malicious programs designd to take control of affected computers. Macintosh and Linux users are immune to …

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Lately, it appears that computer certifications are becoming one of the most important credentials that employers are looking for. It seems that while employers are looking for this key asset, corporations are starting to put out more certifications for people to get. Microsoft and Red Hat both have a 3 …

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Microsoft's new Visita OS -- expected to ship mid-2006 -- was recently reviewed by the Gartner group. The original document is available at Gartners' website for $95... unfortunately, I'll have to reference comments from others concerning it, instead of comments directly from it. The Windows Vista beta was released in …

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Files, emails, and folders. Even the best of us sometimes misfile or loose things. Then, we need to locate that document in a hurry. Where did it go? Does this sound familiar? Microsoft launched this week a new tool called Windows Desktop Search ([url]http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/web/desktop_search.mspx[/url]) and it works to help you …

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Earlier this week, Apple announced a new Australian iTunes Music store. This means that Australian Windows and Mac people can download and enjoy music on their computers and iPods just like those of us in the states. According to internet sources, Apple typically pays AU $.99 per song, and sells …

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Early in November, Microsoft began a free web-based Virus Scanner, allowing members of the general public to come to their website, download a tool, and then proceed to tie up your box and scan it for all of the creepies that have infested your computer while on the internet. What …

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Accusations are nothing new to Microsoft -- they continue to battle various groups in Europe and Asia for various antitrust violations. That is nothing new. What is new is that South Korea continues investigating, and Microsoft replied with a threat. "It might be necessary to withdraw Windows from the Korean …

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Operating System software is an entity that lives and breaths on it's own. It requires little tweaks and enhancements here and there to make it better, and to fix problems. Such is the case with Apple's Tiger OS X, 10.4, and the release to 10.4.3 Let's look at some of …

Member Avatar for kc0arf

Microsoft this week updated Microsoft Works -- the consumer-level "home" edition of Microsoft Office. Microsoft Works Suite 2006 is now available for SRP $99.95 Microsoft Works is an integrated word processor, spreadsheet, database, calendar, and email client wrapped up into one large program. The programs are sufficient for most home …

Member Avatar for Catweazle

Yes, it's finally out of Beta and into final release. New [url=http://www.openoffice.org/dev_docs/features/2.0/index.html]features[/url] are plentiful, and add both functionality and improved MS Office compatibility. Discussion of this upgrade to the excellent and well known freeware office software suite has been plentiful during the period of Beta release, so there's no need …

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Apple has had a busy month -- a new iPod, new iTunes, new iMac G5, and now, 3 new ultra-cool Powerbooks! Available in the standard 12, 15, and 17" models, these new laptops have new features and performance levels not seen before in Apple's line, and after taking a look …

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Last week, Apple released a new iMac and a new iPod. I forgot to tell you about the third component released: iTunes 6. Apple has expanded the iTunes functionality to now include Music Videos and TV shows available for downloading. This new functionality supports the new iPod described last week. …

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Various internet sources are reporting two Microsoft patch concerns -- a failed "real" patch released by Microsoft, and a third party assembling various hot-fixes, and calling them "Windows XP SP3 Preview Pack". There is no official "Windows XP SP3"... the third party preparing them clearly mentions that on their website, …

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Sleek. Powerful. Graphic. Capable. Stable. Portable. Clean-design. This new iMac G5 Rocks. At a special event today (Oct 12, 2005), Apple Computer released two new awesome pieces of hardware -- an iPod that can play video, and a new awesome iMac G5. Let's talk about this new G5 and why …

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To the average consumer the ‘Digital home’ has little to do, really, with internet-connected intelligent refrigerators that do the grocery ordering for you, or robotic valets who ready the ‘pipe and slippers’ when you walk through the door. It simply means a way to manage the home entertainment and avoid …

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Launched September 5, 1977, the Voyager 1 spacecraft has crossed the Termination Shock* of our solar system, and has entered a new region of space at extreme distances from our sun. According to researchers at the University of Maryland, Voyager made this transition December 16, 2004, and it took researchers …

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There will doubtless be a lot of disappointed gamers, but it seems the Nvidia 6800 Ultra and the ATi Radeon X850XT are the 'end of the road' for AGP gamers. Those who have been waiting for updated and improved cards to arrive have been waiting in vain, it appears. Although …

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Microsoft's new Digital Locker system allows users of Windows computers to download computer software from a variety of vendors. A number of software vendors already provide this functionality -- Microsoft's system brings those vendors under "one roof", manages the financial transactions, and then stores the license information for later use …

Member Avatar for MartyMcFly

Most people have had experience of, or currently use Microsoft Office, either at work or home, but I would think most people would find it hard to spot the differences between Office 2000, XP, and 2003. Apart from updated aesthetics on the latter, not much has changed through the generations, …

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OpenOffice.Org, the creaters and maintainers of the open-sourced OpenOffice, have just released version 1.1.5 of their office software suite. The update addresses a security problem concerning a buffer overflow; there are other issues that are repaired since version 1.1.4, such as porting updates (OpenOffice was developed for Linux first, and …

Member Avatar for Catweazle

Microsoft is currently reorganising itself into three main divisions, in an effort to streamline the processes of decision making and bringing products to market. The three divisions will be: [b]Microsoft Platform Products and Services Division[/b] Responsible for Windows products, corporate server products and MSN web services. [b]Microsoft Business Division[/b] Responsible …

Member Avatar for Catweazle

Along with the increased availability and use of fast internet, the popularity of onlline, browser based games has risen dramatically in recent times. [url=http://www.millionsofgames.com/]Millions of Games[/url] is a new website designed to make the task of finding games an easier one. 'Millions' may be an overstatement, but at the time …

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Windows Workflow Foundation, Microsoft's framework for managing workflow, is reportedly ahead of schedule and could well be available for Windows Vista next year, rather than not ready until Longhorn Server is released in 2007 as previously believed. WWF will also be made available for Windows XP Service Pack 2 and …

Member Avatar for kc0arf

Microsoft messed up Update Rollup 1, that caused compatability problems with several vendor applications such as Citrix, Sophos, and some parts of Microsoft Office. Programs were unable to access floppy disks, or even crashed more often, or simply didn't work. Microsoft earlier remarked that only a handful of applications failed …

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Massachusetts has a new state policy that requires state agencies to use an "Open Document" format in their business applications. Not surprisingly, propriety software giant Microsoft has filed complaints with the state concerning the policy. Back in 2003, the Massachusetts Office of Administration and Finance directed the state agencies to …

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The End.