2,935 Topics
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I was wondering if it was possible to this: example [CODE] if exists(Select * From table) select item from table set returnValue = 1 Else set returnValue = 0 [/CODE] Or if there any other way of doing this this | |
Hi all, I wanted to execute the query stored in a table with given intervals. I have a table called "calculations". it has the following structure: id | period | sql | result | now, in the sql field, I store the sql clause to be executed. In the period … | |
I started to learn SQL recently. I downloaded some kind of assignment, where the goal is to design small database. I have two tables listed below: [CODE]create table SEA ( SEA_NAME varchar(50)constraint sea_prj_key primary key, AREA numeric(18, 0), );[/CODE] and: [CODE]create table NATION ( CTRY_NAME varchar(50)constraint sea_prj_key primary key, AREA … | |
Can anyone tell me the complete process of connecting a website of basic html with SQL 2008. | |
Hi all, I faced up the following problem: I have a table: ID|server | target | action ---------------------------- 1 |a | b | attempt 2 empty row 3 |a | b | success 4 empty row 5 empty row 6 empty row 7 |b | a | attempt Does someone … | |
I have a huge database which contains certain categories of products and their sales figures. I want to find CATEGORYWISE sale per Month. I have written a query for that. but I had to write 12 queries for 12 months. This is a sample Query for Month April I am … | |
I have a scary query on MSSQL 2005 here... Got a wiew that returns 2110 rows... and a table of cca 1 500 000 rows. Now, when I run this query [CODE] SELECT TS.col1, TS.col2, count(*) AS Number FROM view_scary VS LEFT OUTER JOIN table_scary TS ON VS.IdContact = TS.IdContact … | |
how do i translate group by and having into relational algebra? [code=sql]SELECT employee-name FROM EMPLOYEE, DEPARTMENT GROUP BY EMPLOYEE.suburb HAVING EMPLOYEE.suburb = DEPARTMENT.suburb;[/code] thanks. | |
HI Tuning sql for high performance is my project title... can any one explain wat is the exixting system and tell some of the ideas regarding project... <EMAIL SNIPPED> help plz.... | |
Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to update one table with another tables values depending on a where condition, such as a insert into or using a join as a subquery. I have successfully got a windows application to do what I want it to do but it … | |
Hi Gurus, I am attempting to install KB970892 on SQL Express 2005SP3, and I am unable to do so, due to a SQL suspended installation. When I try to continue the installation (which I have no idea what is it trying to install - I have inherited this server the … | |
Hope someone here is more experienced than our current database programmer (no offense to him). We have a business search and directory website that just launched. It was developed using flex with msSQL as the database. Here is the problem... We want the keyword field to be searched so that … | |
Hi everyone, I have a problem in MS SQL. Due to academic nature, I am supposed to use a query to find out the present applicable tax rate (GST, Good & Sales Tax) without altering the table. The table has 3 tax rates, 1: WEF (With Effect From) 2004 Jan … | |
I would like to insert to some table's columns input in UTF-8 characters. 1. what property of the column should I change to support this action, should it be 'Collation' or other property (like 'encoding' as well)? 2. I am using Microsoft SQL Management Studio. How can I change property … | |
Hello, I am trying to make this code to combine the varchar string using fetch technique. The purpose for the code below is to combine all of the results and display back as 1 record instead of multiple records. We have SQL 2000 server. Thanks guys [code=sql]CREATE PROCEDURE get_all_clumns_name ( … | |
Dear everybody I have a question! I have a database with a invoice table for storing invoice data. In this table i use the InvoiceID as my invoice number. My problem is that if a user makes a mistake and the invoice is deleted in order to create a new … | |
can someone kind give me a sample code it will be highly appreciated thanks! | |
![]() | Hey! 3 days ago i recieved mail from insitute about my project. My project is about Flat Booking System. After handwork if i am not wrong next step is DataBase. I Have no problem till yet about DataBase. But my teacher told me to show him "DataBase Plan" in next … |
hi friends, how can i store video files in the server or database like mysql, if u r having any related docs or code. please send it to my mail-id. otherewise tell me the way how can i store. i am waiting for ur replies... ok bye.. thanks in advance. | |
I'd like to ask a lil help from everyone. I have this problem. I have like items in column 1 & 2: COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 0001 0043 0001 0056 0001 0078 0002 0043 I just need 1 row per distinct item in column 1 but I need the items … | |
In SQL 2005, if i update any value of a column in a table..... how can i get the column name(it should only return column names when any of its value is updated) | |
Good day guys!, I have a table named cake_catalog and it has some data as follows- 5 columns cakeCatalogId,prod_code,size,flavor,price respectively: 81 100050 JUMBO BUTTERMOIST 2530.00 82 100050 JUMBO CHOCOMOIST 2530.00 83 100050 JUMBO MOCCA 2230.00 84 100050 JUMBO VANILLA 2230.00 85 100050 REGULAR BUTTERMOIST 1970.00 86 100050 REGULAR CHOCOMOIST 1970.00 … | |
ADODB Error: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified i downloading odbc driver for php...i paste that drivers in php ext directory....then also i m getting this error...anybody help me | |
hai friend's i am having a table in that i have the field like ( id , name , date),in that i stored id name date e123 raj 12/08/2009 e123 raj 12/10/2009 e123 raj 12/12/2009 e124 ram 12/08/2009 like this while fetching the select id ,name,date from tablename where id="@id" … | |
hai friend's ny question is about the database storage , in my project i created database for school , in that i create table for attendance for the school so while they enter the atttendance per day it may be 1000entry per day so for a month i will be … | |
could u please explain me d difference between 'not exists' , 'not in', 'not all' in detail. Thank You. | |
I have a database created in Microsoft SQL 2000 Enterprise Manager. I need to change the datatype for a column name EngrMultiplier in the table ProjectReCapParameter. The current datatype is INT and I would like to replace it to FLOAT. What should I do? Write a query or change the … | |
This code demonstrates how age might be calculated and filtered using the DateDiff method in SQL. Also, note that both the parameters are set to NULL by default, hence making them 'optional' to a certain limit. | |
I have a users table that has a table titled 'DOB', of format DateTime in MSSQL. Now, I would like to filter rows for all users who are over 30. till now i used this code: [CODE=SQL] SELECT * FROM [User] WHERE [User].DOB > = DATEADD(YEAR, @ageFrom, GetDate()) [/CODE] this … |
The End.