10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for Adolf_1

I am building a system that will take about 20 million records. I am confused, if I should put all these records in one table or I should split it among severals tables to speed up the performance.

Member Avatar for Adolf_1
Member Avatar for Dani

Why was `INSERT DELAYED` deprecated? https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/insert-delayed.html I used to use it and it was incredibly useful.

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for Dani

I have an InnoDB table called `articles_read` with fewer than 20,000 rows in it. It consists of 3 columns: member_id article_id timestamp There are two indexes: A unique index on (member_id, article_id) and a regular index on (timestamp). It is read from fairly more than it is written to, and …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for Akshay_5

I have a database with only one table which has around 2 Million rows and 60 columns. I created a php application with multiple search filters like name, country, state, surname, domain etc which will filter and display the result in HTML table. But the problem is, every text field …

Member Avatar for john_111
Member Avatar for shany0786

Hello every one i am having one doubt i have a set of links[url].Now there is pave ackages like 6 links,25 links package. if two user select 6 link each day and both will have same links[url] .now i when user log in then on adversitment page he visit each …

Member Avatar for shany0786
Member Avatar for Owais_1

i need help in the following code i am trying to create dynamic radio buttons from mysql db and want to insert into another table its not echoing data and not even inserting i am just beginner please help me out thanks in advance <?php $dbhost = 'localhost'; $dbuser = …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for k_manimuthu

SAMPLE TABLE 1 =================================== product Division sales % =================================== product1 divsion1 99 product2 divsion1 51 product3 divsion1 50 product4 divsion2 98 product5 divsion2 41 product6 divsion2 40 product7 divsion3 97 product8 divsion3 31 product9 divsion3 30 =================================== Expected output 1 =================================== product2 divsion1 51 product3 divsion1 50 product5 divsion2 41 …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Saad_8

HI, I have recently upgraded my mysql database to version 5.1.72 community log. I am having an issue that all my select queries are showing the columns as NULL if there is no entry added for a specific column. For exmaple I have a table table_employee and the employee name …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Jacob_10

Hi I'm new to php,i need a code for issue and edit in library management system can someone please help

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for surendar_1

Please help me .. how to calculate the binnary mlm calculation in php and mysql ... thanks in advances ...

Member Avatar for Nadosh

hello, i have one table in sql server and i made a form to editing this table from. so when i click edit in the table .. it takes me to the editing form with the chosen id .. what i need is to show all other feildes in the …

Member Avatar for Dani

I'm excited I just discovered a way to remove unused MySQL indexes and I wanted to share it with you guys. I'm following the tutorial here: https://www.percona.com/blog/2012/06/30/find-unused-indexes/ We happened to have already been using a Percona-fork of MySQL. It just so happens that Percona has been our database consultants for …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for haria_kishore

Hi I have a master table Company info where information like revenue, profit, expenses etc are captured. Now i want to retrieve companies who has made profit every year since last 5 years. Issue is some company have latest data of 2017 and some have latest dat until 2016. How …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for Mohammad_32

if a group of students pass out from their college or university etc. now how to create a database that a teacher can see his how much his student got success in life

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for amith_ami

I'm trying to generate barcode tickets after successful booking and it's working fine. But yesterday (08-Jan-2017) night at 11.59 pm, one customer booked 2 tickets but the ticket sl.no was duplicate. Tthat is both tickets sl.no was 1. Actually it should be 2. But the next customer's tickets sl.no was …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for vitaquous

there are five tables (personTb, addressTb,churchTb) each holds data pertinent to an individual; (personAddress,personChurch) each hold the primary key for the person table and corresponding table IE personAddress holds primary key for addressTb. ​ both snippets work, my question is;** Is my join correctly formatted? ** select concat(personTb.p_fName,' ',personTb.p_mName,'. ',personTb.p_lName) …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Mygar

Hello. I've been learning a bit of PHP for a small school project. The project is almost done just that 1 thing is missing. I need a way to output something I searched into CSV / Excel. I found a script which im using currently. It works beautifully I just …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Ahmed_80

Im creating a social network site and i was able to create a user folder each time a new user signs up but my problem is copying a default image from a folder to that user folder how can i do that? I've searched the web on solutions like using …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Lloyd_4

Hi everyone, I am trying to run a select query using the results from an earlier successfull query. See below - $stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM tab1 ORDER BY id DESC"); $stmt->execute(); $total = $stmt->rowCount(); $cstmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM tab2 WHERE otdc_ref='$stmt->otdq_ordernum'"); $cstmt->execute(); $total = $cstmt->rowCount(); while ($row = …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for SimonIoa

Hello i want to make a statement that increases a row on a table on MySql every time one visits the page. The $_GET['ID'] its ok dont waste your time with that. This is the statement require 'config.php'; $db = getDB(); $ID=$_GET['ID'] ; mysqli_query($db, "UPDATE table SET count = count …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for onimisi_2

hello fellow web developers, i am trying to develop a schools web portal, i need to design it such that students details can be submitted, retrieved for deleting or editing or printing, i already have material guides on how go above adding editing or printing, how do i display and …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Isidoros_1

Hello, I built a website on my personal server and everything work fine. But when I uploaded it on the production server there is a problem with the database - the character encoding is wrong so the text is unreadable (users submit greek words). The collation of the tables is …

Member Avatar for kalxas
Member Avatar for Dani

The other day I tweeted that MySQL unions are my new best friend. I just want to take that back. I just spent the past six hours (it's now 5 am) overhauling a MySQL query and removing one of the unions actually sped up performance. Dazah is really my first …

Member Avatar for Lee_15
Member Avatar for Dani

What is FIND_IN_SET() performance like? It it something that should be avoided at all costs? I want to search a column that consists of comma-delimited numbers for rows that contain a specific number.

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for Serena_2

I'm beginner to **php/mysql** (quite familiar with PHP, mysql), **novice** to **XMPP**. I have created my site in simple **php/mysql/javascript/jquery**. I'm trying to add simple Private Chat to my web site. Trying to integrate **[JSXC Chat](https://www.jsxc.org/examples.html)** into my website. Please Guide me how to create **chat database**, install **XMPP server**, …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Rajeshwari_1

Please help me out. I have a table with one row. I can add rows to it by clicking add button which adds rows through javascript code. I have 3 dropdown columns and one textfield and one more textfield which is not editable. So i need total of last column. …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for developer707

Hello, Recently I am dealing with bad performance in an php application that I have build, googling this issue I found out that using services like memcached you can archive a huge performance improvements. The weird thing comes when I try to find a very good and detailed example I …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for SunnySideUp

Hi, I am looking to create a MySQLi class(MVC pattern), I already have the following functions: Query, Execute, Results. Below is a PDO version of a Bind statement and was wondering if you could do the following in MySQLi or something similar in MySQLi: public function bind($param, $value, $type=''){ if(is_null($type)){ …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for davidjennings

Good afternoon all, The issue I am having is that when POST data values are looped through inside the while loop as each record is compared with the POST data and the database record for any changes. For this test the data from the post is exactly correct. The if …

Member Avatar for Nunix

I am trying to put a post feed on the homepage but I am with difficulties on it. I think my query it might be wrong, but I want to pick the username from 'blabs' table and see if that 'username' from the same table is the user or the …


The End.