1,588 Topics

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Member Avatar for chula8141

Hi I was wondering if someone can help me I've been having problems with the usb on my computer and everytime i want to use the mouse it will freeze constantly I had to reinstall my OS on my computer due to Spyware and I figure that by then the …

Member Avatar for binoj_daniel
Member Avatar for jackieclaire

i have a bluetooth mobile and my computer is not bluetooth so i got a dongle so i could get my photos off my mobile but i cant get any thing to happen it keeps coming up with error i love some help with this please as i am going …

Member Avatar for pauliwood

Recently purchased a new Dell. Bought a Samsung MP3 Player which came with a 6 month trial of Rhapsody. Installed the driver for the Samsung, then installed the Rhapsody software from Rhapsody's website. Plugged in my MP3 to charge (charges by USB only). Opend up and browsed through Rhapsody. Later …

Member Avatar for evilmonkey29

I just got a wireless mouse a few days ago. I was playing battlefield 1942 when all of a sudden it started responding extremely slowly. It's not the mouse sensetivity on Windows or in the game. It's like the LED on the reciever barely even lights, even when I click …

Member Avatar for tariqrfq
Member Avatar for LIMS2LIMS

I have a barcode label I2of5 that is coming directly off the printer (tharo H-434 barcode printer) it is a device font. When I run a report and use the TT (true type) font offered in Crystal reports, our scanners (Symbol) do not recognize the font. Thoughts? thanks

Member Avatar for hxzero

I was sent a file by email, and downloaded it into a folder. Ever since, then, every time I attempt to left-click, all icons/files to the left and above it become highlighted. For example, if I have a folder open, and I click on the icon in the bottom right, …

Member Avatar for Ice4fire

Hi people, For a while now, when i try to burn either a film to dvd, or music to a cd, as soon as i went to actually burn, my pc would restart either before the burn, or after the burn, and keep restaring until i ejected the cd/dvd. I …

Member Avatar for zebaroth
Member Avatar for -CCR-

[b]Problem:[/B] I am a gamer who like any gamer likes to ensure that he has the right tech peripherals to maximize gameplay. Sadly, I have come across a game that requires a rather interesting feature: merely the ability to register all four arrow keys when pressed down. I'm in need …

Member Avatar for digo_h

Hi, I have a sony vaio VGN FE670G and my computer has the "ESC" key activated almost all the time. I even installed a keyboard mapper to make sure it was the ESC key that was "stuck". Physically the keyboard is fine, but out of nowhere is like the ESC …

Member Avatar for lavie
Member Avatar for liaison151

Hi, I have an acer laptop, with Windows xp 2003, pro reinstalled a few days ago. I tried to connect my camera and palm with it, just yesterday, but it is not recognizing any of the ports. I went to the BIOS utility, but simply couldn't find the status of …

Member Avatar for poonie83

I got a new set of speakers (the z-5500 by the way:) ) and now they take up all the plugs in the soundcard. Is there anyway to still use my mic or should i go buy a new one...if so any recommendations. I want a fairly cheap one...I just …

Member Avatar for Serunson
Member Avatar for drone_wolf

Okay well about a two month ago i got a mic it worked fine for a month then one day i left and came back and when i talked no1 could hear me but i could hear, now i asked a guy and i had left my computer on for …

Member Avatar for Dysslution

Ok, so i have a friend who just bought a new computer and printer, the computer is running vista, and the printer is a HP L 7650(i believe). But the problem isn't he's running vista...when he was setting up the printer/scanner/fax machine. It doesn't scan. we tried going through all …

Member Avatar for TonyGo2

I am running WinXP Pro SP2 withh all the MS fixes. I have a Pantone Spyder USB device which I have mucked up by mistakenly running an upgrade for a later device, Spyder 2. I have uninstalled all the software and drivers and have tried to reinstall my original software …

Member Avatar for ZxUniden

I have a problem with a Zebra TLP2742 thermal printer that has been bugging me. After an exhaustive seach for the correct drivers, the printer now prints, but it seems to print on two labels when it should only print on one label! I have checked all of the settings …

Member Avatar for adrianai

Soo i need help.. Im taking Spanish online and in order for me to pass, I have to speak into the microphone and say things, then submit it so the teacher can hear it. Well, my mic was working perfectly fine till like 2 days ago. My teacher says she …

Member Avatar for Serunson
Member Avatar for compnutt

I purchased a 5.25 usb external case which i can install a 5.25 optical drive or a 3.5, 2.5 hdd to backup data. My problem is when i installed a LG brand 5.25 dvd rewritable drive in the external case i turned it on & it came up w/ a …

Member Avatar for compnutt
Member Avatar for Matt2000

Hi all i've just bought an old Wingman Force joystick (the big grey one) from eBay and i'm having big problems getting it to work on XP. whenever i plug it into my USB the PC blue screens and restarts. the joystick works fine in windows safe mode. from this …

Member Avatar for Matt2000
Member Avatar for Blue house Bill

Help please! looking for hidden problems. Computer is about a year old, has recently started running slower. Takes a while to startup - much more than it used to. Yesterday, the mouse (kind with the mini DIN plug) froze on startup and won't respond (?). This is something new. I …

Member Avatar for ProgrammersTalk
Member Avatar for Thumpette

Okay. When you turned it on the [U]volume[/U] is always set at medium, but when I try to turn it up or down the volume goes all the way off and will not come back on. It's like the scrollbar isn't working right because I'm also having trouble scrolling through …

Member Avatar for kfreund

Some months ago I bought a Genius Netscroll mouse to use on a computer running windows XP. It would not cover the entire screen and from what I remember, it moved vertically and horizontally. I put it away but have just had cause to try it on a computer with …

Member Avatar for Chery

Hi hope I'm in right forum. I replaced the hp with epsom. I was using hp director to edit scanned documents that I don't have the original source for. My Epsom cx4700 software only scans pdf as image. My Hp Director I used to use, does not show my epson …

Member Avatar for Sandra Henry

Have new GE wireless keyboard and mouse. Keyboard routinely skips lters or adds too many leters, even spaces or returns are often ignored or multplied. Have gone to properties and tried several adjustments in key delay, or speeeed to no avail. Any answers anyone?

Member Avatar for Sandra Henry
Member Avatar for Bomba

I just got a Seagate 250GB FreeAgent Desktop USB External HD. The problem is that I don't know what to do with it now. Someone told me that I need to format and make partitions on it before I can use and start moving files out of my overload C …

Member Avatar for DenisOxon
Member Avatar for McWaffle

On my keyboard the f5 and 6 keys are tapped constantly at ridiculous speed. The buttons are not physically stuck. The problem is that this is a laptop, so this makes my computer pretty much unusable (any text box fills up immediately with sixes and windows constantly refresh). I've found …

Member Avatar for DenisOxon
Member Avatar for sawant_nitesh

I am not able to use my usb pen drive in My Computer. I have windows XP sp 2 installed. Whenever I plug my pen drive, it directly shows "safely remove" icon in the taskbar. My Computer does not show USB drive letter. If I want to access the Pen …

Member Avatar for sawant_nitesh

I am not able to use my usb pen drive in My Computer. I have windows XP sp 2 installed. Whenever I plug my pen drive, it directly shows "safely remove" icon in the taskbar. My Computer does not show USB drive letter. If I want to access the Pen …

Member Avatar for ascotsguy

I'm trying to help out someone who is having problems with their webcam. It works fine on yahoo messenger but they are a member of a site and this is where the problem starts. They can talk to a number of people with their webcam on and it is fine …

Member Avatar for DearPrudence

I'm trying to install an HP DeskJet640C printer and have the installation CD and instructions. This is what it tells me before the prompts even come up to start installing and configuring. When I select to run the CD through the Run window, it says "[B]This driver is not supported …

Member Avatar for DearPrudence
Member Avatar for Mr.UNOwen

If anyone is familiar with the video game console Wii, I'm having trouble trying building an infrared bar for the controller to work on my pc. For those who don't know, the IR bar works as a reference point by constantly emitting IR light. Currently I'm getting a weak signal …

Member Avatar for Mr.UNOwen

The End.