39,388 Topics
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I have a question about inserting images into a product page. I have 5 images (saved as longblobs in my products table) and would like to put them in my table like the id, name, quantity and price.... any idea of how i would do this? I have this so … | |
Hi everybody. I have a page with some post's title in it. I have put every title in an <a> tag. I want to click on each title and enter into an other page (single-post-page.php) to see the content of that post's title. The script of that page (single-post-page.php) should … | |
Hi, as you know i'm creating my own CMS. This is a part of my code: if (!empty($_POST["Title"]) && !empty($_POST["Author"]) && !empty($_POST["Content"])) { $sql = "INSERT INTO Posts (Title, Author, Content) VALUES ('$title', '$author', '$content')"; } I want the script to check if Title Field and Author field and Content … | |
I want to implement a website that has different types of users. I want that when a user posts something, the admin will be notified automatically. I have read about WebSockets and found some examples but mostly of them are about chat application. I just want a notification update. I … | |
My problem is why this codes dont work. i want to upload image with hide input type file but doesnt work. here are my codes.. <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div id ="settingmaincontainerright"> <input type="file" id="settingprofileimgfile" name ="settingprofileimgfile" > <input type="submit" id="settingprofileimgfilebutton" name="settingprofileimgfile" value="Choose Foto"> <input type="submit" id="settingprofileimgbutton" name="settingprofileimg" value="Upload Foto"> … | |
Good day! I dont know if this is the right thread for my problem but since I am developing the site with Php and MySQL Ive posted in here. My problem is, the **website can be pinged without www prefix** but when I browse it in the browser, I am … | |
Hi, This is my problem : foreach ($_POST['a'] as $b) echo $b; $_POST['a'] from my previous page, multiple selection list box (i get this data from my lookup table which user can add data on lookup table). The result from $b is 060100060200060300. Is there any function to split this … | |
Hi have this code to manage my main page. Everything works fine on my local server at home,i'm using easyphp. But on my webhosting server i got this error: Warning: scandir(D:\Hosting\12067690\html/,D:\Hosting\12067690\html/) [function.scandir]: Access is denied. (code: 5) in D:\Hosting\12067690\html\index_menu.php on line 65 Any ideas? thank you in advance. <?php $dir … | |
Hi all, I've been working with PHP, using procedural methods, for several years now, and have begun to explore the object-oriented side of it. While it didn't take me long to understand the potential advantages that come with working in this manner, I'm still having some trouble wrapping my head … | |
hya im following a video for a conversation system for my site and when i try to post a status the post button isnt going anywhere heres code for it can someone see whats going off ty in advance <?php $status_ui = ""; $statuslist = ""; if($isOwner == "yes"){ $status_ui … | |
Hu Guys, Sorry, my question might sound silly but how can I embbed a class inside echo "<tr><td><img src='data:image/jpeg;base64," . base64_encode($row['product_img']) . "' alt='' /></td></tr>"; I tried echo '<div class="img"><tr><td><img src='data:image/jpeg;base64," . base64_encode($row['product_img']) . "' alt='' /></div></td></tr>'; But it's not working. Looks like I am doing something now quite right | |
I the objective of the code that I attached this note is to Collect data in a form. Post to a PHP file where the collected information is turned into a JSON Write the JSON information to a file Return the JSON and print it to the an ID in … | |
$result = mysqli_query($con,$addtothedb); $cur = "USERS/"; echo $des = $cur.$email.'/'; if($result){ if ( mkdir($des,0777) ) { //http://pastebin.com/7J0BM5fD echo "<br/>"; echo "<br/>"; echo $file_name = $_FILES['file']['name']= 'mfix.png'; echo "<br/>"; echo "<br/>"; echo $file_tmp =$_FILES['file']['tmp_name']= 'mfix.png'; echo "<br/>"; echo "<br/>"; move_uploaded_file($file_tmp, $des.$mfix); echo "<img src='<?php echo $mfix ;?>' alt='Image' style='width:100px;height:100px'>"; /*echo "<img … | |
hello guys i'm new in php programming, currently i'm developing simple student information system, but whenever i try to populate school name and school code, i face this problem You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right … | |
Hi, I am displaying brochure from db under that there is a link for all ,called download, if i click that link I want to download, which I clicked, | |
Hi.. I am using Google map to show the route path between the longitude and latitude points. Here the default stroke color of the route path is blue. I want to set it into different colors. That is,from point A to B is reb,B to C is green,C to D … | |
I have some break times available in my module. In one for loop i need to remove break times. I have three break times 11:30 am to 11:45 am and lunch break 01:30 pm to 02:30 pm and tea break 04:30 pm to 04:45 pm <?php $start = new DateTime("09:30 … | |
Hello, I am wanting to collect the IP address of anyone that visits my site and submits a form (Saving it to my DB). I have been researching this and have found the following: ` <?php if (getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')) { $pipaddress = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'); $ipaddress = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); echo "Your Proxy IP address … | |
Hello again. I have insert title, author and content data into table with admin-are page and now want to create a user-view-page.php that everybody enter into that page and see all posts one after an other, something like this model: first title by first author first content seconr title by … | |
i am new to php i need to create php code for automate monthly wise uploads files 2014 under sub category like months january(2014) under this uploads are grouped january month for example http://www.journalijdr.com/past-issue | |
<?php $con=mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","uplod"); if (mysqli_connect_error()) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } else{ echo work $sql ="UPDATE tea SET name = ' 8req' WHERE id = '3 ' "or die ("cant update" . mysql_error()); if($sql) echo"working"; } ?> Who can tell me which is error is the … | |
Hello, I want to check difference between 2 arrays I have two array with key value pair. I want to check diff between these two. If there is diff then I will insert. But in some cases, i have extra size in any one of arrays or both array can … | |
I'm trying to make a curl through php below is the command line : curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -d "{"username": "divmesselibrary", "password": "677Sure1@"}" https://openlibrary.org/account/login Please I need your help | |
I currently have a search form on one page that will look up various restaurants within city limits. Once submitted, you will be directed to a second page with the results displayed within a table. I need to filter based on the results that are produced from the overall search … | |
Hello, I am currently using bound parameters in regards to user input on my form. I have read about escape strings also and thought of using both together. Is this possible and, importantly, is it necessary considering I am already using bound parameters? I would like to use both. Thank … | |
I want to Create a Forum For My Project But I don't Know The Process And Please Suggest Me Any Free Template Thank You | |
My PHP code starts like this, <?php // Standard Receipt Data $amount = null2unknown($_GET["vpc_Amount"]); $vpc_message = null2unknown($_GET["vpc_Message"]); $cardType = null2unknown($_GET["vpc_Card"]); $receiptNo = null2unknown($_GET["vpc_ReceiptNo"]); $merchTxnRef = null2unknown($_GET["vpc_MerchTxnRef"]); $transactionNo = null2unknown($_GET["vpc_TransactionNo"]); $txnResponseCode = null2unknown($_GET["vpc_TxnResponseCode"]); $authorizeID = null2unknown($_GET["vpc_AuthorizeId"]); I checked the previous pages for these GET variables ie., vpc_Amount etc., but I could … | |
This is a novice question and I hope some one can help. So far I have written 2 forms and a 3rd file. The first pulls every record from a table where the user can choose to modify a particular record. On the second form the user modifies the record … | |
My memory informs me that this is the third time I have tried to upgrade to a 5.3 version of PHP and failed. As best as I can tell, I am not downloading the correct combination of PHP and most likely the Apache server to get a working developing environment. … | |
hya im following a tutorial through a video and im having issues in the following line its showing a error in my editor $pm_ui .= '<button id="pmBtn" onclick="postPm(''.$u.'',''.$log_username.'','pmsubject','pmtext')">Send</button>'; see full code below including this line if anyone can help be much appreciated <?php // Protect this script from direct url … |
The End.