39,388 Topics
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my question is, how do i use python to check a web site to see if it has an rss feed link and return that link | |
hey there guys I need a PHP class to fetch news from different sites, I use rssphp.net class and its great if I need the **title** of article and the **short description**, but what I need is the full story somthing like ?type=rss2 in vBulletin forums the main output of … | |
To begin with thank everybody for any help. I am trying to convert an html site into a Joomla site for a client, but I am having trouble converting the homepage slideshow into a working Joomla module. As far as I can see I have everything that I need, but … | |
I am using the below code ( PHP - Ajax ) ..It works fine on firefox,chrome, Bu not works on IE... Please help me as i am new to PHP-AJAX Thanks in Advance =============== var xmlhttp; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else … ![]() | |
Hey, I have been trying to create a chat with php, I keep ending up with a lot of problems, such as no refreshing, not allowing users to post. Can someone please help me create a chat? thanks! | |
I am developing a social networking site.. and implementing chat function. it worked perfectly when tested outside, but when i integrated with my site page, it causes a css class disable. i am putting Code: <script src="jquery.js"> </script> link at end of page, b4 < /body tag. following is the … | |
Hi everyone, I am developing a website where users can download songs from a particular page and just wanted to know if anyone knew any existing scripts that could be used for the downloading songs feature on this page? Many thanks, Gordon | |
In a local database: I have a field content in a table where I store numbers and symbols in the following format {1,2,1,3,1,4,1,1,1} ∪ {1,2,198,776,455,666} When I ran the query in my php code SELECT * FROM table and echo it in the web browser only {1 is displayed I … | |
Help me look at the codes below. It has T_IF error and T_WHILE error. The errors are on line 7 and line 18. I hope anyone can teach me to repair it and the code function is still same. <?php require_once("db.php"); session_start() if (!isset($_SESSION['cart'])) { <---T_IF error $_SESSION['cart'] = array(); … | |
I am working on a website and completely stuck on a paginator/editor... works perfect outside my framework... anyways... I decided to use Iframes I need to pass a var from main page to an iframe region on same page. When user is logged into wordpress: global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); I need … ![]() | |
Hello everone, I have a webpage that have a form in iframe now the form submit in iframe and check from database and if found the username and password it start session and when i go to another page the session is lost, now how i can maintain session in … ![]() | |
I need to make a forgotten password system, which works like this * User puts email in * Email sent to user with a link * Link goes to a one time page which allows the user to change their password I understand about php mail() but haven't got the … | |
hello friend i like to **add message box** on my web page in which i like to show inbox and outbox and message should be send and recieved by any user on my website with delete option | |
Hello Daniweb, I hae built a time/date counter for a private ticketing/support system, but I have run into a bug. After submitting a ticket it's fine, the counter starts counting, Perfect. Update the ticket to Closed/Answered/Anything else that changes the Status of the ticket, it "resets" the counter. It pulls … ![]() | |
I'm learning PHP and MySQL, and I'm trying to create a simple online pastebin website. I want to create both anonymous and logged in user pastes. I created a 'user' table with uid, name and password columns, and a 'pastes' table with pid, paste and uid columns. In a viewpaste.php … | |
Hello there, I would like to know if anyone knows a solution for excluding a group within a group in a regular expression. For example: /(name|(?:last[ ])name|(?:first[ ])name)/i I would only like the word "name" to be returned (this is just an example), but when I take match number 1 … | |
i am working on web application and i'm looking for a way to create and display reports. tried Crystal Reports but the reports are not being displayed. what other options do i have? | |
`** login form Hello Guys, am actually working on a website... I want a login on the top left corner...login..then when the user click on this ..a modal form would appear asking them for their user-name & password.. I have a already do the login form controller ?php function index() … | |
I wanted to give my admin the power to search professors by name and provide them with a corresponding checkbox for each search result returned to help them select entries that he wants to delete (like we have in phpmyadmin for example). I'm posting the prof_name from a form that … | |
I've written this code that takes two variables via POST. Some file and a checkbox to say whether the image can be downloaded. I then have this processing code to upload multiple files: <?php require_once('Connections/koding1.php'); if(isset($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'])) { // Number of uploaded files $num_files = count($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']); /** loop through the array … | |
I know apache exists, and the WAMPP, but i would like to know the handler settings for PHP on Windows 8 IIS, it would really be helpful. I was thinking it might be the same as with windows 7, but i am not getting the mapping parts. | |
I am working on a cms type project.In this project when i uses get variable to fetch data from database and display.The layout of website shifted to left.and i am unable to solve this problem.please help me. | |
I want to make multiplayer game with PHP. In the game, I tell the user to make adhoc before play multiplayer. Is the network in my game Local Area Network ? Can you help me to make the network in multiplayer game which I want ? | |
This is a very complicated problem. I have an existing web page with multiple drop-down fields-- now I want to add a keyword search text field. I have managed to create a page with the text input only, and that works fine. The trouble comes when I try to add … | |
Hello everyone, If you haven't seen my form code so far here it is: <?php $host = "xxxxxx"; $username = "xxxxxxx"; $password = "xxxxxxxx"; $database ="xxxxxxxx"; $conn = mysql_connect ($host, $username, $password) or die ("could not connect"); $db = mysql_select_db($database, $conn) or die ("could not select DB"); $id=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['id']); //This value … | |
Can anyone tell me why echo intVal($_REQUEST["CustID"]) where $_REQUEST["CustID"] value is 62013300111, produces 62013300111 on one php Server but on another it produces 2147483647. I cannot find any logical reason. regards Steve | |
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN” “http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd”> <!--[if lt IE 7 ]> <html class="no-js loading ie6 oldie" dir="ltr" lang="en-US"> <![endif]--> <!--[if IE 7 ]> <html class="no-js loading ie7 oldie" dir="ltr" lang="en-US"> <![endif]--> <!--[if IE 8 ]> <html class="no-js loading ie8 oldie" dir="ltr" lang="en-US"> <![endif]--> <!--[if (gte IE 9)|!(IE)]><!--> <html … | |
I've run this code to generate two encrypted passwords from a plaintext password echo crypt("TestingTesting123"); echo "<br />"; echo crypt("TestingTesting123"); The two strings are identical but when I run it I get this output $1$/PGpeshL$UhmiaU/jlaJTWZV8g7Ze4/ $1$MnRnzohZ$zh9VpHPOwYejI.XR76vmC/ Some people have reccomended crypt() as a good password encryptor, but how are you … | |
I hate to sound redundant,but can anyone point out step by step how to configure my localhost WAMP server installation to send e-mail.I do have a GMail a/c. It would be highly appreciated if anyone explained every step of the process.Tried to configure PEAR,PHPMailer,sendmail but with no luck. |
The End.