2,570 Topics

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Member Avatar for jacksantho

Hi, On executing CROSS APPLY Clause using UDF: create function Reg(@pc int,@pp varchar(15)) Returns Table As Return select cr from crt where piod=@pc and cr=@pp Go select distinct a.cr from cdet AS a CROSS APPLY Reg(a.cr,a.piod) AS a where a.piod='208'** Am getting this following errors: Incorrect Syntax near '-'. Thanks.

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for stereoworld

Ahoy, I'm having a bit of trouble executing a stored procedure using PHP's SQLSRV package thing. It's pretty much just a simple select query, with the parameters being passed through a php (it's from a property search). SqlSrv is a tough nut to crack as docuemtnation is either non existent, …

Member Avatar for stereoworld
Member Avatar for pritesh2010

hi everyone , write now i have a with data which i want show the in tabular format like my query gives output like Name Location Rate AA A1 56 AA A2 27 AA A3 67 AB A1 56 AB A2 27 AB A3 67 BB A1 45 BB A2 …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for Sturdy

Hi All, How i can restrict the numbers of customer from database? I use adodb with access. I know how to retrieve customers from database but i don't know how to restrict it to spesific numbers. Best Regards. Sturdy

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Member Avatar for jdgieschen

Alright everybody! Here's a whopper for you. I've looked over this for the longest time and just can't figure it out. I want to update my database with the user's information when they save the html form. I'm guessing there's like a quotation mark or comma misplaced or something, and …

Member Avatar for joshmac
Member Avatar for james chaco

Hi, I have created the following code to get connection object to Database(MySql in my case) using a static method. I wanna know whether it is a good practice or not? Will there be any problem like concurrent access? Any information will be helpful. public static Connection connection(){ Connection conn …

Member Avatar for SRocks
Member Avatar for mitchfizz05

Hi everyone. I am making an application that you need to sign up and login to. I want to use an online SQL database to store the login information. I know how to use a local SQL database, but I want to use an online database. Please help :) BTW, …

Member Avatar for mitchfizz05
Member Avatar for cheiL

Hi there I have a few lines of code that I would like to ammend but have been unsuccessful in doing so. I have posted in a few other forums with no luck, hopefully somebody here can help me out. I have a delete statement which I have been asked …

Member Avatar for cheiL
Member Avatar for Eternal Newbie

Could you guys show me how to create a progess bar which discribes the process of a SQL procedure?

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Eternal Newbie

What I tried was using `My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile()`, and created a shared folder in the other computer to do downloading stuff. But, in fact I didn't know how to fill the path to the other computer, the error was: *"...path not supported..."* How about this: ServerName1 = cmbServerName1.Text.Trim() database = cmbDataBase1.Text If …

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Member Avatar for Mike Bishop

I am pulling three coloums of data from a SQL view into my data drid Day,TimeIn,Timeout I want to colour my datagrid rows red if timeout is null and green if both the timein, timeout have data in them. here is my code so far, but it aint working Public …

Member Avatar for Mike Bishop
Member Avatar for imolorhe

Please I am currently working on a web application project that works on both the desktop and mobile devices also. The web application is to be for all and sundry and therefore I need it to work on all forms of mobile devices (old and new). The web application uses …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Farhan_B

In my datagrid my sql statement uses a have clause to get set information and i am having countless errors My code is as shown below, were am i going wrong ` con.Open() cmd.Connection = con Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT MONTH(Head.SalesDate) AS Month, Detail.ProductID, Detail.Qty, SUM (Detail.Qty) AS TotalSold, …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for Usmaan

I am trying to learn how to make a mobile phone communicate with a server and a database. So far, I have made a web-service on my PC using this tutorial: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms733069.aspx The above tutorial makes a sortof WCF service. What would be the best Database system for me? Simplicity …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for silvertooth07

Hello, I'm having a problem using the jTable plugin. I'm fairly new to using jquery. Here is my problem: I have an database name reg and has fields (fname, lname.....avatar). What i want is to show the contents of the database using jTable. Now, I don't know how to display …

Member Avatar for Farhan_B

Hey below is a table i created ProductId ----- Qty ------- 1 ----- 2 ------- 2 ----- 2 ------- 1 ----- 2 ------- 1 ----- 2 ------- 2 ----- 2 ------- 1 ----- 2 ------- Wat i am trying to do is get my sql statement select and display my …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for sourav_kings

I have a table 'Asset' with a column 'AssetDescription'. Every row of it has some group of words/sentences, seprated by comma. row1: - flowers, full color, female, Trend row2:- baby smelling flowers, heart Now if I put a search query like:- `select * from Asset where contains(AssetDescription,'flower')` It returns nothing. …

Member Avatar for vishnukumar

Hi, I am vishnu kumar. I knew the basics of Java but this is the first time i am building a project based on java (Java Swing actually). This is my final semester project and for last two months, i am doing my project. I initially thought the database(along with …

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Member Avatar for parulparashar

what are requirements for sql server 2005 installation? how to connect it with netbeans> can we make no. of instances?how and why?

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Farhan_B

Currently i am working and using a filter function for my search however i not sure how to do it using a query the sql statement is [CODE]cmd.CommandText = select * from tblcustomer where customerName like "'& textbox1.text &'"[/CODE] I no there is some bits missing but i am not …

Member Avatar for Farhan_B
Member Avatar for mmazeemahmad

Hi i am making a stored procedure with multiple select statements when i execute them than different resultset are maken for each select statement all i need is to get one resultset from all select statements of sql quries in the stored procedure......HERE is the SP code..[CODE]SET NOCOUNT ON; Select …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

hello! i have shifted my application from mssql server 2000 to mssql server 2005 , now the prob is the command object is not returning the recordset if command text is stored procedure , here is my code please check it and guide me through errors . [ICODE] dim cmdsp …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for infinitus

Hello there i would like someone to have a peek at this code and does it solve the question correctly ?? Are there any mistakes or any improvements i could add ?? Thank you Question: 1. (a)modify the addnames.php script to read in and store two fields of data – …

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Member Avatar for AaronDickey

I'm having some issues with this code: [CODE] Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public Class loginForm Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load '--Connection string to POS database Dim loginFormConnection As New SqlConnection("SERVER = localhost\SQLExpress; DATABASE = POS; INTEGRATED SECURITY = true;") '--Check to see if Windows Point …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for infinitus

Hello there i would like someone to have a peek at this code and does it solve the question correctly ?? Are there any mistakes or any improvements i could add ?? Also i struggle in this questions as i do not get it fully(in fact i dont get what …

Member Avatar for infinitus

Hello there i would like someone to have a peek at this code and does it solve the question correctly ?? Are there any mistakes or any improvements i could add ?? Question 3. Write a script to search for the properties which match a postcode (call it search.php ). …

Member Avatar for Eternal Newbie

I have a combo box which help me select SQL servers in my local computer, but now I want it to be able to select just any connected servers (like remote servers) as possible, how could I solve it??? [CODE] Sub server(ByVal str As String) con = New SqlConnection("Data Source=" …

Member Avatar for collin_ola

Hi, I am having problems with deleting part of a record. The record has approximately 15 different fields, and I only wish to delete 3 of them using the following piece of SQL coding: DELETE [PMID 1], [PMName 1], [Price 1] FROM Subscriptions WHERE [Customer ID]="001" The code works absolutely …

Member Avatar for collin_ola
Member Avatar for shamed

Hello, I have this multiple checklist and I cannot figure out how to enter the checked values into the database. The table is called "colors" and the column name is "color" and is of type "text". add_color.php [CODE] <?php // connect to database require "mysql_connect.php"; ?> <?php // get value …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for replic

Hello everyone, assuming i want to write some values into my database of choice i found two ways to do this. [CODE] my $sql = "INSERT INTO table (foo, bar, foobar) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); foreach(sort keys %hash) { $sth->execute($_, $hash{$_}, $some_other_value); } [/CODE] as opposed …

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The End.