2,569 Topics

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Member Avatar for CaffeineCoder

I'm trying to connect a SQL database to a Classic ASP site. I keep getting the following error message no matter what I do: ADODB.Connection error '800a0e7a' Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed. I have an ODBC entry for this database, as well as have the …

Member Avatar for CaffeineCoder
Member Avatar for b89smith

I have a table similar to the one below: Month | Item | Qty | Cost of Items purchased Jun | 1 | 10 | 50 May | 1 | 5 | 0 Apr | 1 | 5 | -18 Mar | 1 | 7 | 0 Feb | 1 …

Member Avatar for b89smith
Member Avatar for AngieS

I am trying to create a plant reference guide where the customer can grab plant description from one table (findplantsdb) and the availability from another table (plantsdb). I am new to PHP and I think I am close, but what is happening is that the plant description is coming up, …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for joshuasanders

I'm trying to formulate the proper SQL query to pull a roster up on this database I was asked to produce for my kids' HS band. Arrghh. Any help would be great. I have 3 tables. [CODE][U]student[/U] student_ID {PK} first_name last_name email family_ID {FK} [U]family[/U] family_ID {PK} family_phone [U]adult[/U] adult_ID …

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Member Avatar for y2kshane

[code]<% String UN=request.getParameter("un"); String pw=request.getParameter("pw"); String FN=request.getParameter("FN"); String LN=request.getParameter("LN"); String L1=request.getParameter("L1"); String L2=request.getParameter("L2"); String L3=request.getParameter("L3"); String ccn=request.getParameter("ccn"); Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance(); java.sql.Connection myConn; myConn = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/train_resev","root", "3866" ); PreparedStatement ps=myConn.prepareStatement("insert into user values('" + un + "','" + pw + "','" + FN + "','" + LN + "','" + L1 + …

Member Avatar for pushkar honey
Member Avatar for daz_omega

I have had a look within daniweb and done google searches on this problem so hopefully I am not wasting anybodys time with this. The problem I am facing is that currently I am getting the results from a mysql database using an associative array but i need to be …

Member Avatar for daz_omega
Member Avatar for jpknoob

Hello, i attempting to edit an online payment form to connect to MySQl, i have managed to get everyting working up until the payment page. The problem i am having is sending the cart contents via encrytion to the server. When there is one product, there are no issues. If …

Member Avatar for jpknoob
Member Avatar for arsalanghouri

what query should i write in c# with backend sql server for finding all purchases i did from george in a date range. from purchases table.

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for bhob

hi guys! i have a problem regarding the queries i coded. my first query is to display the category name, description and maxscore: SELECT c.cat_name, g.maxscore, g.description FROM grp_performance INNER JOIN category c ON g.cat_id = c.cat_id the problem is, i don't know how to delete the row in the …

Member Avatar for Anuradha Mandal
Member Avatar for arsalanghouri

please tell me c# code i want to determine largest number in a column of sql server 2000 table and store it in a variable.

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi, I'm becoming more paranoid of security issues (Not Insane anyway :)) and would like to ask you guys what do you do to prevent SQL injection apart from using parametrized query and data validation. Thanks

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for kira_

I always get this error: "Error updating joke: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '1' at line 1" There's something about this part of my code that causes that error and …

Member Avatar for faroukmuhammad
Member Avatar for dwinn

Hello, I am currently working on a stored procedure that shows the time of day as an integer value: 456, which means 4:56. I was wondering if there is a way in SQL that I can convert this int in to a datetime value. So instead of the time appearing …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for virtues

hi... I have a doubt. please clear me that what is the difference b/w sql, mysql & oracle.? please reply soon...

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for lloydsbackyard

how do retrieve the last record if its id or other fields are unknown...or simply i need to move the record pointer to the last record in a table...thanx a lot... SELECT * from stud_infos WHERE stud_id = 'HOW DO I DO IT?'

Member Avatar for lloydsbackyard
Member Avatar for b89smith

I have a table with entries for different accounts and each account has different products listed in it with a date next to each entry. An example of the structure is below. Account | Product | Holding | Date A1 | Car1 | 2 | 2010-12-31 A1 | Car2 | …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for atfOnly

Hello people :) i'm trying to insert query result into 2 dimensional array i have tried the following way.. [CODE] $query=mysql_query("..."); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($query)){ for($i=0;$i<=$index;$i++){ if(isset($myarray[$i]['array1'])|| isset($myarray[$i]['array2'])){ array_unshift($myarray[$i]['array1'],$row['study_period']); array_unshift($myarray[$i]['array2'],$row['test']); }//endif }//endfor }//endwhile [/CODE] But, it failed i also tried.. [CODE] $query=mysql_query("..."); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($query)){ $myarray=array( array("array1"=>$row['study_period'],"array2"=>$row['test']) ); }//endwhile [/CODE] it failed too since it …

Member Avatar for atfOnly
Member Avatar for RazorRamon

Hello all, I'm trying to build a forum site. The code below works fine but I dont know how to catch it from the address bar. I'm having trouble finding tutorials to help me with this. viewtopics.php [CODE] echo "<tr bgcolor='#6698FF' ><td><a href='viewcomments.php?id=".$rows['topic']."'> ".$rows['topic']."</a></td><td>".$rows['username']."</td><td>".$rows['timestamp']."</td></tr>"; [/CODE] Address Bar [CODE] http://localhost/testsite/viewcomments.php?id=Cowboys%20Dancehall [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for RazorRamon
Member Avatar for knitex

So i have this problem with a database. Under a section Date of Birth there are about 110000 entries. There are some that just have the year, for example 1978, I'm wondering if there is a way where it can automatically put in /00/00 after the 1978? so it would …

Member Avatar for chuckc
Member Avatar for Misheki

I have a PHP shopping cart system and it's using MS SQL for the backend. Currently it's using the mssql driver. Now I want to move it to Windows Azure and I'm required to change the driver to sqlsrv 2 in order for it to work there. Can anybody tell …

Member Avatar for Misheki
Member Avatar for rolandsmokit

Imagine my surprise when I logged onto Daniweb and saw a scrolling advert for IBMs Informix database. I've been using Informix for years and it is an incredibly elegant bit of code, and the object extensions you can use are totally unique. I'd always thought of Informix as a secret …

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Member Avatar for normmy

Hi all, I am having some difficulty in finding how to make a Table Valued Function (TVF) work in C# and T-SQL. I have managed to get a Scalar Valued Function (SVF) working perfectly however I have not been able to find any adequate documentation on how to implement a …

Member Avatar for ibakir

a browse and submit button when pick the image and submit , the image name goes to my SQL table and the image it self that the customer pick it copied to my "upload" folder :( my problem is that i only see the image name , so my issue …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for RazorRamon

Ok I am stumped. I am inserting the data fine into the table and database so i know its not the config.php nor opendb.php. I used a code like this before and it work, i've only altered the $sql, the td's, and the $rows[]. Table name is hotspots (all lower …

Member Avatar for IIM
Member Avatar for MargateSteve

I have a query which generates a soccer standings table and although it works fine there I am trying to implement a couple of variations on it but everything I have tried has failed. I have searched and asked many times and for both problems and it seems as though …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for rpv_sen

Hi Friends i have some problem in update my dynamic text box value for particular id alone, i want to update only the 2 column fields into my database, i have used the below code. i am not able update the fields into my DB. Please help me to solve …

Member Avatar for rpv_sen
Member Avatar for Ssnowlin

I am not sure I am under the write forum but here is my problem: I have a pretty simple program written that works just have a lot of repeated code and am not sure how to condense it in this situation. The program reads in table names from the …

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Member Avatar for bluehangook629

Hey guys, As you can see below I am trying to add row of data to a table called tblOut. When i execute the code, it works without a single error message but the problem is I dont see any new record when i preview my table data. Can anyone …

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Member Avatar for Nitin Daphale

I have uninstalled sql server 2005 but failed to uninstall SQl Server 2005 Management Studio Express. To install Sql Server 2008 Management Studio I need to uninstall Sql Server 2005 Studio otherwise I can't proceed further! Can anybody suggest an easy and clean way to uninstall SQl Server 2005 Management …

Member Avatar for Nitin Daphale
Member Avatar for aspkiddy

Hi, I have some difficulty with my 'select' In my select/menu, I display all the options come from a table (table_db_email) in my database In this table ([B]tb_code_prmtn11_email[/B]) I have two field : [B]fld_email_id fld_name_email[/B] It works here is a code [CODE]<select name="email_adress_menu" id="email_adress_menu" class="valid" onchange="submit()"> <?php echo "<option selected=\"selected\" …


The End.