432 Topics

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Member Avatar for jones905

hey so i think i got this virus from downloading a game from frostwire a few weeks back. i checked it for viruses with my avg and it said there was nothing and when i opeded it nothing happen. so i did a scan immeditly and it said there was …

Member Avatar for rob247
Member Avatar for Colloquist

I downloaded a torrent and got a virus. Google links take me to bizaare places. "unauthorized changes were made to widows." My start up programs change. And most bothersome, my control panel won't open. Also, most recently, I can't print (or even create PDF's) I was reading the forums here …

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for kevrsp

Hi, I have an XP machine and it boots up to just before the Password Screen into windows and displays the blue screen. Just a blue screen, nothing else, and the machine is completly unresponsive. I have tried to enter Windows in safe mode but again, it to just opens …

Member Avatar for Themonkman
Member Avatar for plastered

Hi, I am back with a problem as I promised!! I recently reinstalled my computer and hence I was stuck with the awesomely annoying and non functional Symantec's Norton Antivirus and Internet Security. I forgot to get rid of it and install a program that works. Later last night I …

Member Avatar for plastered
Member Avatar for happygeek

Odd isn't it, how Microsoft kicked up a fuss when Google announced the Chrome plugin for Internet Explorer on the grounds that it could make the browser more insecure. Indeed, it went as far as to suggest that it doubled the potential surface area for malware and scripted attacks. Yet, …

Member Avatar for fossrules
Member Avatar for ebohhhhh

Hi- My brother gave me his old laptop, but it's really slow. I got a Hijack This report to see what could be slowing it down but I don't know much about computers. Can anyone take a look at this and help me out? ---- Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis …

Member Avatar for Petrusino

Hey.. i got some msn virus .. it sends email with link called find-reason-of-being-blocked.com.. can anyone help me?

Member Avatar for jholland1964
Member Avatar for The Mad Hatter

OK, so I get up, shower, eat, and open up my email client. Number 4 from the top is a Daniweb email telling me about the wonderful topics currently being discussed - here's the list: * Prevent programs from saving to certain folder? in Windows Vista and Windows 7 * …

Member Avatar for Evenbit
Member Avatar for ember16

My computer is completely locked up. I can't even get in Safe Mode. What can I do to bypass this, so I can delete it?

Member Avatar for R1pperZ
Member Avatar for happygeek

The European Commission has called on EU member countries to do more, and do better, in fighting spam and other online privacy threats. In a newly published [URL="http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/policy/ecomm/doc/library/ext_studies/privacy_trust_policies/spam_spyware_legal_study2009final.pdf"]study[/URL], commissioned by the EC, it was revealed that almost all EU countries have at least one spam, spyware or malware reporting site …

Member Avatar for kofi kingston
Member Avatar for khess

No, I'm not talking about a Linux vs. Microsoft or Apple vs Microsoft but rather a prediction by UN Telecommunications Agency Chief Hamadoun Toure'. Apparently, the U.S. Homeland Security and other U.S.-based paranoia groups agree since US Secretary for Homeland Security Janet Napolitano said that she received the green light …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Remember Conficker, the virulent worm which caused such havoc at the start of the year? No, well maybe news headlines such as '[URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/22716/53/"]Virus sinks Royal Navy fleet comms[/URL]' and '[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story220128.html"]Windows worm infects millions[/URL]' might help jog your memory. Well hold onto your hats people, Conficker is back. And this time …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for nickkelley

I have seen a.exe in process list and killed it but couldnt find program itself, when i try to run a scanner it kills it (avast!, hijack this, maulwarebites, MRT.exe all killed once scan started) and i have tried renaming M-bam.exe to xxxxx.exe and varations of this, i just had …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for tiger86

Facebook LLC has received a lot of publicity lately, understandably so. I unfortunately, have to say the publicity isn’t positive; in fact it is very negative. Rumors have been spreading throughout the internet about a virus called fan check supposedly infecting Facebook user’s computers with a virus. According to all …

Member Avatar for jai1210
Member Avatar for newsguy

Symantec has detected a new Trojan which targets Skype users in order to monitor and record conversations made using the Internet telephony service. Apparently the source code for this particular Trojan, called Pesky Spy, is already being touted around the usual places where the bad guys can pick up such …

Member Avatar for newsguy

So Google reckons that it can provide [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/26281/53/"]the perfect operating system[/URL] in Chrome, even to the point where according to Google's Engineering Director, Linus Upson, it will herald the end of malware. That's what he went [URL="http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/07/introducing-google-chrome-os.html"]on the record[/URL] to say, promising that Google was "completely redesigning the underlying security …

Member Avatar for von_Wanderlust
Member Avatar for happygeek

Another of those security trending reports has dropped onto my desk, this one coming from PandaLabs which is now apparently part of 'Panda Security, The Cloud Security Company.' Jeez, someone needs to give the marketing director a kick up the pants for that one. Anyway, back to the report: it …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Last weekend Twitter was apologising for accidentally suspending a number of user accounts due to human error. Now it is suspending accounts again, but this time there is no error: Twitter is getting serious about malware. In a status posting on Thursday July 9th, Twitter [URL="http://status.twitter.com/post/138789881/koobface-malware-attack"]admitted[/URL] that it had come …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

You might have seen the announcement [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8116387.stm"]yesterday[/URL] that Microsoft is going to start offering free antivirus protection to its customers. The initial reaction is no doubt going to be reasonably positive, and speaking as someone with a family member who's been hit by a computer virus fairly recently, the easier …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The FBI has confirmed reports that it was forced to shut down it's external unclassified email network "as a precautionary measure" following the discovery of a virus infection. I am led to understand that the particular virus concerned has been identified by the FBI but this information has yet to …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for happygeek

Recently Google has hit the headlines with [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4163.html"]concerns over privacy[/URL] courtesy of Street View mapping, plus [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4305.html"]allegations of trademark infringements[/URL] with the Android open source mobile phone OS. The latest headlines, though, look like returning to the heart of Google: the search engine. Google SERPs malware manipulation has hit new …

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Member Avatar for newsguy

Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr got together for a rare live performance, and according to [URL="http://www.scmagazineus.com/Paul-McCartneys-website-hacked-to-distribute-malware/article/130330/"]reports[/URL] it would seem the bad guys thought that a spot of media friendly Beatle-mania presented [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3824.html"]the ideal time to target[/URL] McCartney's website. Security specialists ScanSafe told me that its 24/7 Web security scanners first …

Member Avatar for newsguy

It all sounds a little science fiction, but according to scientists at MIT it seems that a virus powered iPhone, laptop and even car are all possibilities stemming from research they have been doing. Although the potential for building batteries from viruses was discovered a few years ago, the MIT …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

This is going to be a high-risk blog entry, I know. But I'm in the UK, it's 1 April at eight minutes past ten in the morning and so far we've had no reports of mass outbreaks of the Conficker virus. The BBC was suggesting it was all overblown in …

Member Avatar for Dortz
Member Avatar for newsguy

Adobe has yet to patch a critical zero-day vulnerability in Acrobat and Reader applications which is in the wild and being exploited by malicious types using malformed PDF files. Now, more than two weeks after the exploit was reported by The Shadowserver Foundation and before Adobe can get the patch …

Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

Early this morning, people using the Google search engine got a strange surprise. Nearly every result for every search was marked with the alert message, "This site may harm your computer." If you clicked on a search result, instead of being directed to a Web site, you were automatically taken …

Member Avatar for newsguy

According to the [URL="http://www.dcexaminer.com/local/012909-Ex-Fannie_Mae_worker_charged_with_planting_computer_virus.html"]DC Examiner[/URL] a former contract worker with Fannie Mae has been indicted, and bailed, on charges of computer intrusion. It is alleged that Rajendrasinh Makwana dropped a virus into Fannie Mae software which had the potential to cause millions of dollars worth of damage if it had …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for newsguy

Apple users opting not to grab a free 30 day demo version iWork 09, or even cough up the bucks for a full retail version, have found themselves getting more than they bargained for. It appears that something in the region of 20,000 people have downloaded a pirated version of …

Member Avatar for jonas leo
Member Avatar for newsguy

Heartland Payment Systems, one of the biggest card payment processors in the US, has been the victim of what could well be the biggest security breach of its kind. Malicious software installed onto the Heartland network could have compromised as many as 100 million transactions according to numerous emerging reports. …

Member Avatar for happygeek

If you are a Windows user and have not installed the [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS08-067.mspx"]MS08-067 patch[/URL] from last October, then perhaps you had better pull your finger out. Of course, it could well be too late, and you could well be one of the nine million or so users who have already fallen …

Member Avatar for EsoxLucius

The End.