14,380 Topics

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Member Avatar for IDONTTELLYOU

Hi all, I have a question here which i am not sure if there is a possible solution. I have a .exe file which require minimum window xp to run. I wish to run this file in NT. Is there a " backward compactibility " . exe which i can …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Kejpa

Hey there, I'm interested in how to remove files at system startup. I have some problems deleting huge (2.5Gb) files and files in use using the delete command. I thought it might be easier to mark them for deletion and then get rid of them as Windows starts I have …

Member Avatar for tranic4
Member Avatar for wmc1956

I have an HP Pavilion a820n that I formatted and reinstalled Windows XP because it had a virus and now it keeps saying there is low disk space (about 415 MB) and when you try to run videos it keeps stopping and starting. It has a 6G hard drive and …

Member Avatar for tigerbright
Member Avatar for Element150

I had left my computer running. It went to standby, I didn't turn it back on until the next day. when I tried to adjust the volume by clicking on the icon in the system tray it said there was no device and it was going to close the program, …

Member Avatar for geoherms
Member Avatar for NoahC

Hello. My XP was getting a blue screen that said "Bad System Config" and kept the computer from booting. I first installed a new ram, and the problem still existed. Then I wiped the system and did a complete reinstall, and it worked for a day or two, but now …

Member Avatar for paulas24
Member Avatar for Phong

(This has been discussed numerous times already, so much so that I've gotten lost wading through the existing threads.) Summary: - In a home Workgroup network of mostly XP computers and one Vista, the goal is that every computer be able to see the entire contents of the other computers …

Member Avatar for techsheaven
Member Avatar for bobbylicious_z3

Hey guys! I dont know whats wrong with my laptop. Everything was fine and dandy when suddenly one day i switched on my laptop and the colour has inverted. everything was in opposite colours! From the moment i switch on until i get to my desktop, everything is in inverted …

Member Avatar for TonyPaskitti
Member Avatar for 3dward5

I downloaded a freeware prog. today called Killdisk. I then found i'd already downloaded a better version so i tried to delete the one i'd just downloaded and got this error. "Error deleting file or folder-There has been a sharing violation-The source or destination file may be in use".I turned …

Member Avatar for DanOrtega
Member Avatar for adil_bashir

hello everybody. i have formatted my desktop and after formating i couldn't get another drive, other than C drive. i think some unallocation problem.. please help me to get my D drive back as that contain my important documents. thanks..

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for abomnia

I am getting a blue screen error when I shut down my computer. I believe it is because I undocked it before it finished shutting down. This is the Error Message: Technical information: *** STOP: 0x0000000A (0x00000018, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0x804F45AA) Beginning dump of physical memory Physical memory dump complete Contact …

Member Avatar for Robart Gilbert
Member Avatar for vampke

Hi, I have a strange problem on a computer. I use a program that connects to a database that is located on the server. When I run the program, it can not always find the database and it returns an error. When I open windows explorer and go to the …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for stevelll

I’m looking for a programming language that will: 1. Automate desk top processes running under Windows XP, like clearing the recycle bin & clearing recently accessed documents-programs under ‘Customize Classic Start Menu’, & 2. Open a Corel Paintshop program, run that program’s procedures & options, like optimizing photos, save the …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for manitm16

I cannot open M S Oulook, when click the M S Outlook tab, Outlook window opens and I get the message'The connection to Microsoft Exchange is unavailable. Outlook must be online or connected to complete this action' and further on I get the message "Cannot start Microsoft Outlook. Cannot open …

Member Avatar for stuged
Member Avatar for ginG3R

Hey guys, I've searched all over the web for help but couldn't find anything, so I've decided to give up and come here. Here's my problem: I want to be able to run system restore automatically. NOT to create restore points, but to restore the computer to either the most …

Member Avatar for RTFMID10T
Member Avatar for stevo7624

Looking for a good resource to answer a few questions. If someone could point me in the right direction or if you want to give me an idea yourself I appreciate it. Mainly looking for a good free source of info though. Here are the questions I want to answer: …

Member Avatar for RTFMID10T
Member Avatar for alliswell

hi guys, My hard disk was crashed. I some how recovered my data.Now my problem is I am unable to add my mail folder into the my outlook.The file is in .ost format The error is as follows: " The file you chosen is not an outlook data file.you must …

Member Avatar for RTFMID10T
Member Avatar for MichaelCJ10

I want to create a code that will allow me to calculate bonuses based on the 10 salarys. i need if statements for this, i need to then assign the new value to my other array i have set up called total, and then i need to display that as …

Member Avatar for zeroliken
Member Avatar for chug

Hello, I am new to the hijakthis community... can you please help me with my computer? It is really slow and I think there may be a virus in it. Thank you! Here is my log: Running processes: C:\WINDOWS\System32\smss.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogon.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\services.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\lsass.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe C:\Program Files\Intel\Wireless\Bin\EvtEng.exe C:\Program Files\Intel\Wireless\Bin\S24EvMon.exe C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE C:\WINDOWS\system32\spoolsv.exe …

Member Avatar for barbrafd1982
Member Avatar for kv79

Hi all, I want to enter to my computer trough network , for example when I go to -start - run - and type [code]\\\c[/code] He ask me for the password . How can i set a password for a network . I have a username and password for my …

Member Avatar for nur alam
Member Avatar for Little Relhok

A friend has an Emachine that stopped working after a power outage. He replaced the CPU with one athat was faster, as he thought it blew. Afterwards he started it and got a message that the CPU fan was bad then it shut down as if the CPU overheated. When …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for vsj

I have Win XP and i was learning hw to operate the cacls command and I MESSED UP REAL BAD I had a folder in D drive "My Docs" which i lock by this command cacls "D:\My Docs" /d xyz or maybe instead of xyz i might have typed everyone, …

Member Avatar for PhilliePhan
Member Avatar for mrindia123

Dear all I have two hard drives on my pc Hard drive one has Windows Xp home edition Hard drive two has windows Xp professional. I want to keep windows xp professional when the computer boots up it boots up to the professional edition which is fine but i cannot …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for Ritesh_4

Hello, I've started getting this message on a XP computer whenever I logged in, and moreover it has began to restart by itself at some point in time: WINDOWS CANNOT LOAD THE USER'S PROFILE BUT HAS LOGGED ON WITH THE DEFAULT PROFILE FOR THE SYSTEM DETAIL- THE SYSTEN CANNOT FIND …

Member Avatar for Ritesh_4
Member Avatar for jmrpjb

Hi, I've just discovered torrents. After many hours of trying, I was finally successful in downloading a movie and my ultimate goal is to save it on a dvd. I've downloaded cd burning s/w but when I try to burn it, I get a message that there is no disc …

Member Avatar for PhilliePhan
Member Avatar for jmrpjb

Hello, I'm running windows xp professional and just recently I've been getting this error message when I log on: Error in C:\Windows System 32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\DLCJtime.dll\Missing entry:RunDLLEntry. It doesn't seem to affect anything but what should I do to get rid of this? Thank you for any help

Member Avatar for PhilliePhan
Member Avatar for sree_ec

Hi Guys, I have a USB disk with ext3 file system created in linux. I want to re format it to FAT16 somehow. I dont have a linux system but have only a windows xp machine. Please help me to do it. Thanks.

Member Avatar for ThomasAnderson
Member Avatar for Renn4000

Am trying ti install Windows XP but keep getting the blue screen. Can you tell me what I need to correct during my trouble shoot

Member Avatar for gurukid22
Member Avatar for Tazzy-Devil

I'm having problems running sfc. Well, I'm also having problems running msinfo32.exe and the Help & Support feature, but from what I have been able to find out on all the various forums is that if I run SFC I may be able to fix the other problems. When I …

Member Avatar for gurukid22
Member Avatar for Leo G

Hi all. I am having a pretty long delay when booting up my Dell Inspiron 9400. Had the problem once before and checkdisk/f took care of it. Not this time. The computer boots up correctly and hangs after the desktop picture is displayed but before my icons get displayed. After …

Member Avatar for Leo G
Member Avatar for adi77tjr

Hey, I have a Dell Inspiron 1525. I format my computer and install windows xp (before was installed windows 7). On windows 7 my sound card works with the driver provided by dell.com. Now, when i try to install the driver for my sound card (driver for windows xp from …

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The End.