5,080 Topics

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Member Avatar for Birilac

1 Win 7 unit , 1 XP unit connect via a workgruop LAN. All works fine then the Windows 7 losses access with the XP unit. (XP unit still see's Win7 unit). Win7 unit can still access the XP unit via a remote control program i.e. It can access the …

Member Avatar for AlwaysOnCall
Member Avatar for mackento

Hi guys, im currently using a dell studio 15, and i just recently upgraded myself to windows 7. All was fine till a few weeks ago where i started to get problems with my graphics card. My screen will flash black once, come back up with 'ati radeon stopped working …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for diddygirl

I getting no sound, had this computer for 3yrs with no sound. Code 10 is the message in my Device Manger. This code cannot start. Click , check for solutions . The data was send to microsoft for solution, the check for solution dose not work,with out as much as …

Member Avatar for altuin
Member Avatar for starriinites

Good morning all. So, I got the dreaded Vista Antivirus 2010, not once, but twice while trying to download a torrent (yeah I know-bad idea), anyway, I was able to remove it both times using spybot first followed by malwarebytes. However, now it appears I have a very heavy paperweight …

Member Avatar for k2k
Member Avatar for bwaterwo

I installed a software program called My World ( a GIS program from PASCO Scientific). Somehow I have ended up w/ two versions - 4.17 and 5.0 on my computer and I can not open either version. I get a Java startup error. I can not delete either program from …

Member Avatar for bwaterwo
Member Avatar for cbk

I have windows Vista on my HP laptop. The user administrator and standard accounts have always acted wierd. Here is what it does the admin account acts like a standard and the standard acts like a admin. If I click on a function on the admin side say change firewall …

Member Avatar for cbk
Member Avatar for angelananya20

i am searching one of my folders in Documents. It is visible in search results but i am not able to open it. Moreover, the folder is not visible in its mentioned path. I am using windows vista.

Member Avatar for umarazhar
Member Avatar for Mikusgrosbergs
Member Avatar for jhonnyboy

Make: HP Model: dv6500 OS: Windows Vista Hello everyone. I have a Vista computer in my hands with a funky dvd drive. It's not showing up in Vista(My computer/Device Mgr) and when I try to boot off of it from the BIOS it skips it. I'm guessing the BIOS doesn't …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for tingwe

everytime i start my pc it crashes after 2miutes no matter what i do, no error message just stops responding then i restart it, it fails to start, then i restart it again its fine ? why is this?

Member Avatar for maceman
Member Avatar for ugmo

Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit: search results window continously keeps popping for no reason, i have wiped the hdd clean and reinstalled win7 and ran trend micro house call installed symantec antivirus corp ed and did a mbr ix and i am still having the same problem. At first i …

Member Avatar for ugmo
Member Avatar for kboy00

When I turn on my HP Pavilion laptop the screen is filled with vertical colored lines, then the screen slowly turns white and then it turns black starting from the edges. After two days of this, it booted up with a recovery program and later everything looked fine. Now I'm …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for cplspls

Hi, I am unable to burn cd's and dvd's using either nero or roxio because my vista business cant format cd's and dvd. I was able to burn until yesterday when all over a sudden it stopped. I have not installed any new program except kaspersky internet security which i …

Member Avatar for cplspls
Member Avatar for cakka

Hi all, i have installed Photoshop CS4 on Vista 64 bit. But it is installed on 64 bit dan 32 bit version... How to remove it from 32bit version (Program Files X86) ? thanks

Member Avatar for eternalchildren
Member Avatar for sammer021486

I am developing an auto launch tutorial, but Windows 7 has the slightly annoying prevention of running inf files. Is there away to get around this or am I stuck with it? If there is not away would some one be able to assist me in writing a simple start …

Member Avatar for sammer021486
Member Avatar for mjhorn0

I want to set up port forwarding, so I need a static IP address. When I type ipconfig /all into the command prompt I do not get the relevant info, IP address, subnet mask, default gateway etc.. Can anyone please help? By the way, I'm no expert!!

Member Avatar for mjhorn0
Member Avatar for Grassleak

Hello. I have a dell latitude D531 series Laptop and it will not boot up at all. There is a blue screen of death with the message of 'unmountable boot volume'. When I boot into windows repair mode, the operating system is not shown. I cannot boot into safe mode. …

Member Avatar for FrancisD
Member Avatar for c.handy

Proof-of-concept exploit code for a privilege escalation vulnerability affecting all versions of Windows—including Vista—has been posted on a Russian hacker forum, forcing Microsoft to activate its emergency response process. Mike Reavey, operations manager of the Microsoft Security Response Center, confirmed that the company is “closely monitoring” the public posting, which …

Member Avatar for faneyug
Member Avatar for glenjennings

I was able to get to my task manager and deleted av.exe several times and it finally went away. My friend helped me delete some stuff in the registry but i don't know if it is gone or not. I had Kaspersky Lab AntiVirus 2009 installed and i updated again …

Member Avatar for JemB
Member Avatar for jasoncrooks71

My computer has been infected by many viruses and spyware to the point of no return and has been partitioned many times. So now I have taken my computer back from my very irresponsible roommate and want to rewrite to zeros and start over. Can someone tell me how to …

Member Avatar for JemB
Member Avatar for humblebee

I have a Gateway T-Series notebook that will play sound from the output jack through headphones but will not play from the on-board speakers. Why is this? I've tried updating drivers (SigmaTel High Definition Audio), to rolling back the system to the first system recovery backup, all to no avail. …

Member Avatar for defender777
Member Avatar for dabboo

Hello, I have three Hard disk drives on my laptop. The details: Hard disk C has a total 15 of GB space, Partition D has 268 GB space and E has 181 GB. All the work I do goes only to Hard disc C and space in Hard disc D …

Member Avatar for altuin
Member Avatar for Erick1

Hi I am using Vista Home Premium 32bit, last night I had to reformat my hard drive, I got a bad virus, that would not let me download any programs to erase it. I have two drives, 1 is a dvd rw, the other is a cdrom, the dvd says …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for mjlohob

i can use my usb moden in vista but when i plug in my usb modem to my windows7 it can't find any driver, how can i find the driver?...

Member Avatar for mjdodd
Member Avatar for umaa

it has been just 20 days since i bought my dell inspiron 14.... n when i use the touch pad.. the mouse cursor gets stuck at times... and today... when i switched on the laptop.. i had a problem with logging in... the display got stuck and the music i …

Member Avatar for mjdodd
Member Avatar for Sayyaf

Hello, Last night all of my files worked fine and I had no issues. This morning, I went to watch a video using windows media player and got an error stating that it couldnt play the video, the picture was there but it had no sound. I tried using VLC …

Member Avatar for mjdodd
Member Avatar for normanallen

When a shortcut was added to the Desktop on XP it was placed at the end of list on the screen. Now, on Windows7, when a new shortcut is added it gets put immediately below the Computer icon at top left. Is this a Vista/W7 thing? I've tried changing the …

Member Avatar for normanallen
Member Avatar for joeshrek

I cant restore my Nec versa laptop from windows 7 using my recovery disc..I dont why...maybe u guys might help me ...tnx...

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for GlockComa

I have a simple online credit application where customers put in their credit related data, i.e. Name, Address, SS #, Birthday, etc. I have to use another program to pull credit that requires me to input all that info. So currently I get my online app screen up and have …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for phaisal

Hi. I have an Acer Aspire 4920G laptop which fully supports Vista and 7. So I install Windows 7 without any problem. I can use the aero mode and all the eye candy in Windows 7. But when i play any games like CS, Battle Field, FIFA, Winning, etc. i …

Member Avatar for chrishea

The End.