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A/B testing is a method of comparing two versions of a web page or app to determine which one performs better. It is a powerful tool for optimizing websites and apps, as it allows businesses to make data-driven decisions about the design and functionality of their online platforms. With A/B …

Member Avatar for borobhaisab

Php Programmers, Getting to build a login page using the php's password_verify_() function. Issue is, no matter if I give correct password or incorrect, I always get message 'Incorrect user Credentials'. Why is that ? The details on Mysql Looks like this: id | domain | password 0 | gmail.com …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for olaf

This function is usefull for peoples with a link directory where the links are stored inside a (MySQL) database. The PHP script is easy to use to find out if a reciprocal link still exists on the corresponding webpage. It takes care about the trailing slash in urls and can …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for John Ramil

i have an airline ticketing project and i cant figure it out, i need to take the name and age of passengers and depending on their ages they will get a discount (2% for 13 below and vat exemption + 20% discount for 60 above) and also the prices changes …

Member Avatar for Skillz_1
Member Avatar for borobhaisab

Hi, I am trying to create a login page using the sql's mysqli_stmt_num_rows() function. Issue is, no matter if I give correct password or incorrect, I always get message 'Incorrect user Credentials'. Why is that ? The details on Mysql Looks like this: id|domain|password 0|gmail.com|373b29d2837e83b9ca5cec712a5985843df271cc Obviously, password is hashed using …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Thao_14

hi I'm new to coding, I'm have a Visual Basic project for the memory game. it basically lets the player flips over 2 cards, if those 2 cards match, they disappear, if they don't, they flip back. the game end when all the cards disappear. I have completed the code …

Programming visual-basic
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Saboor880

I developed a Java Application to run on Mac BigSur. I used Java Derby as database for this application. The Application gives an Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver The interesting fact is that When I run this application on my MacBigSur(Which I have installed on Virtual Box) then the application runs perfectly. But …

Member Avatar for Skillz_1
Member Avatar for Bien Joshua

Ever since we started broadcasting professional races internationally, we've been getting complaints about how we only display speeds in kilometers per hour. In order to accomodate our international audiences, we're going to start adding more speed units to our broadcast! Namely: miles per hour, meters per second and yards per …

Programming c
Member Avatar for Skillz_1
Member Avatar for peter.ding

How do I get the physical keys of a connected Bluetooth device and set system related functions for the keys As shown here: ![IMG_57177A6B2642-1.jpeg](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/7aa01a1f769619a4221e30317b5f9f83.jpeg) ![IMG_5E8A6E9B5D86-1.jpeg](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/bd4254b2df72e705ffcdef69b223fa6a.jpeg) ![IMG_26BB5884272B-1.jpeg](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/d7de67d43f5a4254a7ae3be5f837f7b8.jpeg)

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for nouraaaaa

Design a three-bit counter using T-FFs. The counter has one input X. The counter counts odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7) if X = 0 and counts even numbers (0, 2, 4, 6) if X = 1. If X = 1 and the current number is odd, the counter will …

Programming asp
Member Avatar for Skillz_1
Member Avatar for fouad_4

I need help with a java project as soon as possible. Please help if absolutely necessary. Please, please ![Java_Project_Fall2022_page-0002.jpg](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/e1636f48d3cb06c972c29cf47fa9f44c.jpg) ![Java_Project_Fall2022_page-0001.jpg](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/4e7d8604a518555e648b8cfe86711934.jpg)

Programming java
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Stefce

I want to insert the returned values into an array and after to display random string I have this code by it doesn't return back a random value Inside the vid1,vid2,vid3 columsn there is Video Name text that pointing to the video in my File Manager folder $sql = "SELECT …

Member Avatar for Stefce
Member Avatar for charlie_20

> Hi, this should be simple but I'm having trouble and need help, please. I just want to update the "expiry" value in the "ctltbl" and relocate depending on the value. The update doesn't happen and it goes to sysnav even when expiry is 0. "ctltbl" is 1 row. <?php …

Member Avatar for Skillz_1
Member Avatar for sankar2000

I am trying to make a simple HTTP/HTTPS service discovery in C. For this app i use `pthread` as there is no other better cross platform options for this, but i get some strange errors. **PROBLEM1 : thread_submit has do be dynamically modified at the run time. Right now it …

Programming c
Member Avatar for Skillz_1
Member Avatar for imhim45

Hello..... Where I am wrong in this program. I am getting declaration syntax error. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> int factorial(int) int main() {clrscr(); int n,r,nr,fn,fr,fnr; int ncr; cout<<"/n Enter n and r = "; cin>>n>>r; fn=factorial(n); fr=factorial(r); nr=n-r; fnr=factorial(nr); ncr=fn/(fr*fnr); cout<<"/n nCr ="<<n<<" C "<<r<<" = "<<ncr<<endl; getch(); return 0; } Thanx

Programming c++
Member Avatar for Deathstr0k3
Member Avatar for Stefce

I have a domain that looks like this when i visit certain link `https://domain.com/model-profile/index.php?name=abbychampion` the site is written in php but i dont want to show this part `index.php?name=` because for SEO purposes and better human reading. Is this possible to hide ? so the link looks like this `https://domain.com/model-profile/abbychampion`

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Aqib_5
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Ingmar_1

When I try to install webview2 package from nuget I get this output: Retrieving package 'Microsoft.Web.WebView2 1.0.1418.22' from 'nuget.org'. Adding package 'Microsoft.Web.WebView2.1.0.1418.22' to folder 'C:\Users\pc\Desktop\VS 2015 projects\dbtest\packages' Added package 'Microsoft.Web.WebView2.1.0.1418.22' to folder 'C:\Users\pc\Desktop\VS 2015 projects\dbtest\packages' Install failed. Rolling back... Package 'Microsoft.Web.WebView2.1.0.1418.22' does not exist in project 'webview2' Removing package 'Microsoft.Web.WebView2.1.0.1418.22' …

Programming c c#
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Stefce

iI was searching the online "free/cheap" generators and i found out that they are not so cheap... They advertise the PRO plan for just $3 and when i came to the checkout page it was $1800 So is there other free tool for this job or how do i manually …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for lawalishaq204
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for codingin

I am new to Laravel. I am now able to register users, log them in. But after login, I don't want to display register and login pages. I want to display logout link. This is easy for me with core php. I want something similar like the one below. <?php …

Member Avatar for Alisha_8
Member Avatar for ivan3510

Hi! I want to convert numbers to letters, in this way: A=0, B=1, C=2... Z=25, AA=26,AB=27 etc (something like the names of columns in MS Excel). How to do that? Thanks a lot!

Member Avatar for SAbadshah
Member Avatar for sachitha_1

Create three classes the Calculation class, Conversion class and Menu Class. The Conversion class should have the following methods. double KMToMiles(double distance) double MilesToKM(double distance) double FeetToMetres(double distance) double MetresToFeet(double distance) double KgToPounds(double weight) double PoundsToKg(double weight) double CelciusToFahrenheit(double temperature) double FahrenheightToCelcius(double temperature) The Calculation class should have the following …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for riccardo.farabi

Help me! I have this number 1726.16723958045672098127. How Can I register in my db MySql. Why is the number truncated?

Member Avatar for riccardo.farabi
Member Avatar for Sania111

When trying to index the Codeingniter website on Google search console, it says "No: 'noindex' detected in 'robots' meta tag". please help resolve this issue

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Nazmus

will you kindly tell me how to make Instagram bots, Instagram bot followers? What is the step-by-step approach of it with programming? I want to make it by myself.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for charlie_20

> Hi, I'm having trouble coding the if/else statement. No matter what value the expiry has, line 17 is echoed. If it is =>1 I want to sysnav.html. <?php $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "homedb"); // Check connection if($link === false){ die("ERROR: Could not connect. " . mysqli_connect_error()); } //MySqli …

Member Avatar for wwwalker
Member Avatar for chuckc

What is best way to get one row from a mysql table (with many columns) so I can use several several fields from that row for calculations in a C program? After executing a succesful SELECT command using mysql_query, is there an alternative to using mysql_store_result?

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for cyrennex

Create three classes the Calculation class, Conversion class and Menu Class. The Conversion class should have the following methods. double KMToMiles(double distance) double MilesToKM(double distance) double FeetToMetres(double distance) double MetresToFeet(double distance) double KgToPounds(double weight) double PoundsToKg(double weight) double CelciusToFahrenheit(double temperature) double FahrenheightToCelcius(double temperature) The Calculation class should have the following …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for rjDeveloper

Hello, I have a typical login page in vb.net (Asp.net). It checks a sql table for a user/pw. If admin1 user they get directed to admin page. if not, they go to basic users page. I put this below code in my web.config page in the testlogin folder. (which I …

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The End.